Fixed Sidebar / iFrame targetings - css

I will start by saying that I'm not a programmer but a tweaker of code and for the most part that has served me well. On this project:, I have created one long page that is actually made up by several pages that are pulled into one using widgets in this WordPress theme:
I'm happy with the page but I need a navigational sidebar like was used for previous years: and that has me stuck.
I tried making a new page with a sidebar and pulling in the main page as an iframe: but that doesn't work at all. I'm trying to get something like from last year (I did not create that or I wouldn't need to ask lol).
So maybe there's just some tweaks to the code I need but I'm also open to a plugin or any easy solution to integrate. If it needs to be custom programmed then please let me know so I'm not wasting time.


Finding source of logo slider

I seen this logo slider on a lot of websites and i need help to either locate where to get it or any ideas to make it.
I tried to look through the sourcecode and can't how it is made.
I guess it is some sort of plugin or theme but not sure?
Example of one of the websites:

Link blocks to composer in Concrete5

I'm just playing about with an offline copy of Concrete5 and was wondering if there is any way to link blocks to the composer system to make them work? I made a page template hoping I could just click 'new page' and select my template to add it to the right area of my test site, but it won't show up. I then tried to edit a preset page template from my theme, and that worked fine... except it still populates the new page with the original blocks.
It seems like a total nightmare to do anything in this system. Should I be using a different one if I can't even do this?
I am not sure I fully understand your question but have you had a look at this tutorial? It might help

Installing a new, custom theme has "broke" current Wordpress installation

I've just finished creating a new custom theme based on the underscores framework, and It's ended up breaking my current wordpress installation after applying it.
Although everything is running fine on the front end, the back end is running really weird.
The following issues have presented themselves:
Trying to add a new post (either regular, or one of the new custom post types I've defined) just results in a blank page. Although the post has been created, the admin section gets stuck on the wp-admin/post.php page.
My media library no longer shows up in the media browser. Although all 6,000+ images are still there, none show up.
When logged in, it takes ages for the page to load in the Wordpress admin bar, as it appears it can no longer display the site stats (it just shows the broken image icon after it's finally finished loading in, when the new theme is selected).
I've tried to refresh the permalinks, but this hasn't worked.
Any ideas? I was hoping to re-launch my website today, but it looks like I might have to put it on hold...
Get ahold of the devs for your framework. Your experience is not an uncommon one. It has happened to my sites several times. Unless you want to tweak the php yourself, they will have to help you.
Managed to sort this out. Turns out a function I had written to add a custom field to menu items broke the entire back end. Thanks for the help everyone!

Making A slideshow appear on more than first page

I am using the premium responsive theme in Drupal 7 to create a site. In the theme the front page has a slideshow on it. Is it possible to make the slideshow appear on the top of every page?
So I was messing around with this a little more and I tried bringing the code into page.tpl.php so that it would appear on all pages, but nothing happened. I then tried doing it on the maintenance.tpl.php page, and still nothing happened. Any ideas out there?
It seems like we're working on a similar problem, but since you helped answer my question I thought I'd help you out. In the templates folder you have to create a new page--front.tpl.php (which I'm sure you have), and put it the code from this website:
Go Here
This will make your front-page unique, and you can copy the similar code to your page.tpl to make changes to the remaining nodes.

Wordpress slideshow plugin with scrollbar, autoplay and lightbox

I have been asked to build a portfolio website for a photographer. The main page contains a slideshow of the photographer's best work, I have used an autoplaying NextGEN SmoothGallery with Lytebox. After some customization of the plugin, this works.
However, the client has requested a category selection above the main slideshow and a scrollbar below the image. They also want part of the previous and next images to be visible, not just the image in focus. The image here illustrates what I mean.
I have searched and searched, but cannot find a plugin that would do this. Can anybody help, please?
The trouble is, I doubt there is a plugin around that would do this, and it's really not going to be a case of "here's the code to do that, just drop it in and you're flying".
If it were me, I'd probably write the whole thing myself, because if I'm honest, I've never used the NextGEN SmoothGallery plugin, and wouldn't want to root around all the code when I've got a simple idea myself;
A bit of PHP that outputs the list of categories, and then an unordered list of the X most recent items, one list for each category.
Then I'd use jQuery (and probably the jCarousel plugin) to create the slideshow for a single list, and add click handlers to the category links which simply 'swap in' the correct list into the current carousel.
Finish the whole thing off with some CSS.
Does any of that sound like something you'd be familiar with?
