Dynamic collection cell size as per backend response URL image size in Horizontal Collectionview - uicollectionviewcell

I have created tableview with multiple custom tableviewcell and each tableviewcell embedded with collectionview. There is one custom tableview cell with horizontal collectionview in which as per backend response download image from URL and set image in collection cell, every collection cell width and height should be change as per image size. I have implemented that using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout method,
Step to achieve this
Get the size of image from URL.
Because image size is larger so decrease image size and set in collection cell using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
But when scroll tableview it is not scrolling smoothly it gets stuck for few miliseconds when this view will display in tableview. And same custom tableview cell view is used multiple times as per backend api response.
Can i achieve this layout in collectionview using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout? Or do i have to use 'sizeForItemAt indexPath' UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout method for this.
I found some solutions in stackoverflow but it is for vertical collectionview but not for horizontal collectionview.
Result should be like horizontal collectionview collection cell size should be dynamic as per backend image size.
Here is below code of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
private func ProductCellLayout() -> UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout{
return UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { (index: Int,_) -> NSCollectionLayoutSection in
let itemSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1.0), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(1.0))
let layoutItem = NSCollectionLayoutItem(layoutSize: itemSize)
var width = 0.4
var height = 1.0
if self.viewData != nil{
if let url = URL(string: self.viewData?[index].displayImage ?? ""){
let size = self.sizeOfImageAt(url: url)
let imageWidth = size?.width ?? 1000
let imageHeight = size?.height ?? 1000
width = (imageWidth / 1000) + 0.05
height = imageHeight / 1000
let layoutGroupSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(width), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(1.0))
let layoutGroup = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.horizontal(layoutSize: layoutGroupSize, subitems: [layoutItem])
layoutGroup.contentInsets.trailing = 4
layoutGroup.contentInsets.leading = 4
let layoutSection = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: layoutGroup)
layoutSection.orthogonalScrollingBehavior = .continuousGroupLeadingBoundary
return layoutSection


JavaFX synchronize Scroll pane content changes and its Vvalue

I have a Scrollpane containing 5 Titledpanes(Categories) each containing 2 images. Height of each TitledPane is 200 in expanded state and 25 in collapsed state.
Here is the image :
I have a text field in which I can enter the number of the Image to be selected.
For example, If I enter "4", the scroll pane scrolls to the Image-4 in Category-2 as shown below.
I am able to achieve this by calculating the Vvalue of the scroll pane based on the height to be scrolled and total height of the content inside the scrollpane.
Here is the issue
In the above example, if Category-2 is collapsed, I have to "Expand" it and then move to Image-4.
I am doing this by using the following code algorithm :
// Let the height of the scroll pane content with TitledPane-2 in collapsed state be (ht_ScrollPaneBefore = 825) and ScrollPane view port height be (ht_Viewport = 180). Let the ht of the scrollpane after expansion of TitledPane-2 be ht_ScrollPaneAfter which is calculated in step 3 in the following algorithm.
1. Expand TitledPane-2
2. Call applyCss() and layout() on the TitledPane to make the Expansion effective.(As addressed in the other query : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26152642/get-the-height-of-a-node-in-javafx-generate-a-layout-pass)
3. Get the height of the total Content(ht_TotalContent) of the scroll pane with the expanded TitledPane-2.(ht_ScrollPaneAfter = 1000)
4. ****** Calculate the Vvalue based on (ht_TotalContent).(let it be Vvalue = 0.56) *****
5. Set the Vvalue to the scrollpane.
Since the expansion of the Titledpane is not yet applied "Visually" on the view, the Vvalue(0.52) is getting applied relative to ht_ScrollpaneBefore(800) which is leading to an incorrect scrolling ht as shown in the "Actual output" below.
Actual Output:
Note: The ht of the scrollpane after the expansion of the TitledPane-2 is obtained successfully using the procedure described in the link: Get the height of a node in JavaFX (generate a layout pass). The Vvalue has been calculated based on ht_ScrollPaneAfter only not on ht_ScrollPaneBefore. The only problem here is the application of Vvalue is going wrong as the scroll pane view is not yet updated with the expanded TitledPane-2.
Code Sample :
private void scrollToImage() {
int imageNum = Integer.parseInt(textField.getText()); // Number entered in text field
int categoryNum = imageNum / 2 + imageNum % 2; // Which category the image number belongs to.
Bounds scrollViewBounds = mscr.localToScene(mscr.getBoundsInLocal()); // viewport bounds.
Platform.runLater(() -> {
System.out.println("Before: " + mvbx.getHeight());
titledPaneList[categoryNum - 1].setExpanded(true);
double scrollHt[] = {0.0};
//ht of the categories before selected image category.
for (int idx = 0; idx < (categoryNum - 1); idx++) {
scrollHt[0] += titledPaneList[idx].getHeight();
// check if the image is first/second image in the category.
int imageIdxInCategory = (imageNum % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
// If the selected image is second image in the category,
// add the titlebar and first image ht to the scroll ht.
if (imageIdxInCategory > 0) {
scrollHt[0] += 25 //Title bar ht.
+ titledPaneList[categoryNum - 1].getInsets().getTop() // titled pane top insets
+ ((VBox) titledPaneList[categoryNum - 1].getContent()).getChildren().get(0).getBoundsInLocal().getHeight(); // ht of the first image
// Note: Since, my titledpane contains a vbox which contains the
// image number label and imageview,
// I am calculating the ht of the first vbox her in the above code.
Platform.runLater(() -> {
System.out.println("After: " + mvbx.getHeight());
double d_ScrollHtPerPix = 1
/ (mvbx.getHeight()
- (scrollViewBounds.getHeight() - mscr.getInsets().getTop() - mscr.getInsets().getBottom()));
mscr.setVvalue(scrollHt[0] * d_ScrollHtPerPix);
Output :
When the category of the selected image is collapsed,
Before : 825
After : 825
As u see, the height of the scrollpane content is same even after expanding the collapsed category.

Twitter bootstrap carousel with pictures that are not uniform

Let me start with i am sorry for the long post.
I'm attempting to use the bootstrap carousel and unfortunately the pictures i have been given are NOT uniform. for example some are 100x200, doe are 150x100, etc. The aspect ratios are different, letter vs landscape. Ive attempted a number of things, including the using the following helper function on load of each of my images in the Carousel:
function ScaleImage(srcwidth, srcheight, targetwidth, targetheight, fLetterBox) {
var result = { width: 0, height: 0, fScaleToTargetWidth: true };
if ((srcwidth <= 0) || (srcheight <= 0) || (targetwidth <= 0) || (targetheight <= 0)) {
return result;
// scale to the target width
var scaleX1 = targetwidth;
var scaleY1 = (srcheight * targetwidth) / srcwidth;
// scale to the target height
var scaleX2 = (srcwidth * targetheight) / srcheight;
var scaleY2 = targetheight;
// now figure out which one we should use
var fScaleOnWidth = (scaleX2 > targetwidth);
if (fScaleOnWidth) {
fScaleOnWidth = fLetterBox;
else {
fScaleOnWidth = !fLetterBox;
if (fScaleOnWidth) {
result.width = Math.floor(scaleX1);
result.height = Math.floor(scaleY1);
result.fScaleToTargetWidth = true;
else {
result.width = Math.floor(scaleX2);
result.height = Math.floor(scaleY2);
result.fScaleToTargetWidth = false;
result.targetleft = Math.floor((targetwidth - result.width) / 2);
result.targettop = Math.floor((targetheight - result.height) / 2);
return result;
function OnImageLoad(evt) {
var img = evt.currentTarget;
// what's the size of this image and it's parent
var w = $(img).prop('naturalWidth');
var h = $(img).prop('naturalHeight');
//var tw = $(img).parent().width();
//var th = $(img).parent().height();
var tw = $(img).parent().parent().parent().parent().width();
var th = $(img).parent().parent().parent().parent().height();
// compute the new size and offsets
var result = ScaleImage(w, h, tw, th, true);
// adjust the image coordinates and size
img.width = result.width;
img.height = result.height;
$(img).css("left", result.targetleft);
$(img).css("top", result.targettop);
and using the following for each of my images for the carousel
<img src="~/Images/Img1_Tall.jpg" alt="Tall" id="firstImage" onload="OnImageLoad(event);" />
and for the FIRST image in the carousel it works great, but each one after that they seem to just end up their natural size and are horizontally centered but are just against the top boarder of the carousel.
I've even changed the "onload" to pass the values of the length and width of the image but that didn't work either, in debug it seems only the first image kicks off the "onload" event.
the effect i am going for is if the ratio of the container is 3:4 and the ratio of the image is 1:2, the image stretch to meet the left and right edges and would center vertically and have letter box above and below, but the container does not change so that the navigation buttons of the carousel do not move. if the image is 2:1, the image would stretch to meet the top and bottom centered horizontally with letterboxes on the right and left, again keeping the navigation buttons unmoved.
any help would be appreciated... including:
what you are trying to do is crazy
do you want to do something like http://jsbin.com/zotelasa/1 . With that code I can get the active items w,h or any other variables you used in your code to run scale image. Because of parent.parent codes it applies to carousels main divs but you can set your own container.
The quick and dirty solution would be to resize the images using an image editor, and save the properly-sized images to a folder named eg carousel_images. Then whenever you get new content you simply run the image through your editor. With a carousel you're most likely dealing with a number of images in the several to dozens range and not hundreds or thousands.
A more complicated solution is explain to your image provider that you need everything one size. The images aren't going to look right if you're stretching and skewing them on the fly, and you can show them an image with the aspect ratios wrong to explain what you mean.
Finally, as a technical solution, I would try to find out why your image resizer is only being run on the first image. From the sound of it, other images just aren't being run through your function. I think that the technical solution should be a last resort in this case because, like I said, the end results are just not going to be as good. You should at a minimum, if possible, handle each image by hand to make sure the result is adequate.
...And the answer is a little long too...
• I assume that the width’s image’s parent is a constant, and while you don’t change the width’s viewport that must remain.
A-. Get the width’s image’s parent…
(Because the id attribute I took the grand parent’s parameter, that is (must be) the same than the parent’s one).
B-. With the below value deduce the height’s image’s parent, including the preferred ratio (in this case 16x9…
C-. … And with this, set the images’ parents height collection (all the elements with class=”item”).
D-. In order to conserve your carousel’s responsive characteristic, you must add the $F_getAdjustImagesParents function to the window resize event.
E-. Set the slide’s images position to absolute (Note: That must be via JQuery because if you do it in Css the bootstrap carousel will not display correctly. I did it with a new class for the images ('myCarouselImgs').
• Bootstrap carousel’s event 'slide.bs.carousel' and 'slid.bs.carousel'.
As you know, after the ‘click’ event, the slide.bs.carousel event is one of the firsts events that imply the change from the present slide to the next one; while the 'slid.bs.carousel' one is the end of the process.
F-. In the first one (slide.bs.carousel event), using the ‘relatedTarget’ variable of the Bootstrap’s plugin, the item’s id attribute and a item’s data attribute, get the number of the next item (ensure that these last ones -id attribute and data attribute- be present).
G-. In the second one, 'slid.bs.carousel', get the image’s size. For that you need to identify the implied image. I gave an id to each one. With this and the value obtained in previus step, it can do it.
H-. Well, now you already have the four values required for the ScaleImage function. You can call it…
I-. … And apply the result with some effect
var $parentImgW = ' '
var $parentImgH = ' ';
var $myCarousel = $('#myCarousel')
var $carouseItems = $('.item');
function $F_getAdjustImagesParents(){
$parentImgW = $myCarousel.width(); // A
$parentImgH = ($parentImgW*9)/16; // B
$carouseItems.height($parentImgH+'px').css('max-height',$parentImgH+'px'); //C
console.log('$parentImgW ====> '+$parentImgW);
console.log('$parentImgH ====> '+$parentImgH)
$(window).on('resize',function(){ // D
$('.myCarouselImgs').css('position','absolute'); // E
$myCarousel.on('slide.bs.carousel', function(event) {// The slide’s change process starts
var $slideNum = $("#"+event.relatedTarget.id).data('slide_num'); // F
console.log('$lideNum ====> '+$slideNum)
$myCarousel.on('slid.bs.carousel', function(event) {//The slide’s change process ends
var $imgW = $('#myCarouselSlideImage'+$slideNum).width(); //G
var $imgH = $('#myCarouselSlideImage'+$slideNum).height(); //G
console.log('$imgW ====> '+$imgW);
console.log('$imgH ====> '+$imgH);
var $result = '';
$result = ScaleImage($imgW, $imgH, $parentImgW, $parentImgH, true); //H
console.log('$result.width ====> '+$result.width);
console.log('$result.height ====> '+$result.height);
console.log('$result.targetleft ====> '+$result.targetleft);
console.log('$result.targettop ====> '+$result.targettop);
$('#myCarouselSlideImage'+$slideNum).animate({ // I
top:$result.targettop+'px' },
See it runnig at https://jsfiddle.net/nd90r1ht/57/ or at https://jsfiddle.net/omarlin25/nd90r1ht/59/

GtkToolButton with custom icon but of stock icon size

I've a GtkToolBar which has say 3 GtkToolButtons with each of these having a stock icon value, and hence they all appear in the same size; now I added a 4th GtkToolButton with a custom image (.png), which was of an arbitrary dimension and only this button ended up looking huge (since the image was of higher resolution). What do I do to scale this GtkToolButton to match the other 3 buttons?
Here's the code which does what I briefed about:
GtkWidget *custom_icon = gtk_image_new_from_file(path);
GtkToolItem *toolbar_item = gtk_toggle_tool_button_new();
gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(toolbar_item), custom_icon);
gtk_tool_button_set_label(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(toolbar_item), "Custom Item");
gtk_toolbar_insert(toolbar, toolbar_item, -1);
Here is another solution.
GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_file_path, NULL);
int width, height;
gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info (icon_file_path, &width, &height);
gtk_icon_theme_add_builtin_icon ("custom_icon", width, pixbuf);
g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf));
GtkToolItem *toolbar_item = gtk_toggle_tool_button_new();
gtk_tool_button_set_icon_name (GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(toolbar_item), "custom_icon");
If you have the image in different sizes, you can add them all and let Gtk choose the one of the correct size (or resize if not found): Just repeat the first five lines for each of the image files.
You can use your icon anywhere else and its size will also be adjusted automatically.
For example, to use it for your main window:
gtk_window_set_icon_name(GTK_WINDOW(main_window), "custom_icon");
Found it out myself! Here's the trick so that it helps someone like me. Query the icon size from the stock menu item, which is a enum (standard values like GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON, GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, etc.). Now get the pixel size using gtk_icon_size_lookup. Create a pixbuf from the custom icon/image file with the right dimensions. Create a GtkImage from that and set it to the new menu item and you're done!
GtkToolItem *stock_menu_item = gtk_toggle_tool_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_NEW);
GtkIconSize toolbar_icon_size = gtk_tool_item_get_icon_size(stock_menu_item);
gint width = 0, height = 0;
gtk_icon_size_lookup(toolbar_icon_size, &width, &height);
GdkPixbuf *app_icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(icon_file_path, width, height, NULL);
GtkImage *tray_icon = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(app_icon);
app_icon = NULL;
GtkToolItem *toolbar_item = gtk_toggle_tool_button_new();
gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget(GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(toolbar_item), tray_icon);

FlashBuilder 4.5 :: Render Text without lifecycle for upsampling

I need to find a way to "upsample" text from 72dpi (screen) to 300dpi (print) for rendered client generated text. This is a true WYSIWYG application and we're expecting a ton of traffic so client side rendering is a requirement. Our application has several fonts, font sizes, colors, alignments the user can modify in a textarea. The question is how to convert 72dpi to 300dpi. We have the editior complete, we just need to make 300dpi versions of the textarea.
1) Get textarea and increase the height, width, and font size by 300/72. (if ints are needed on font size I may need to increase the font then down-sample to the height/width)
2) use BitmapUtil.getSnapshot on the textarea to get a rendered version of the text
How can I render text inside of a textarea without the component lifecycle? Imagine:
var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
textArea.text = "This is a test";
var bmd:BitmapData = textArea.render();
Like Flextras said, width/height has nothing to do with DPI, unless you actually zoom into the application by 4.16X. If your application all has vector based graphics, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, the concept of DPI is lost in any web application until you're trying to save/print a bitmap.
It's definitely possible, but you'll have to figure it on your own.
To ask a question another way, it is possible to create a TextArea in
memory which I can use the BitmapUtil.getSnapshot() function to
generate a BitmapData object
Technically, all components are in memory. What you want to do, I believe, is render a component without adding it to a container.
We do exactly this for the watermark on Flextras components. Conceptually we created a method to render the instance; like this:
public function render(argInheritingStyles : Object):void{
this.inheritingStyles = argInheritingStyles;
this.height = this.measuredHeight;
this.width = this.measuredWidth;
The method must be explicitly called. Then you can use the 'standard' procedure for turning the component into a bitmap. I think we use a Label; but the same approach should work on any given component.
Here is the final method I used to solve the problem of creating a printable version of the text and style of a Spark TextArea component. I ended up placing the custom component TextAreaRenderer (see below) in the MXML and setting the visibility to false. Then using the reference to this component to process any text field (renderObject) and get back a BitmapData object.
public class TextAreaRenderer extends TextArea implements IAssetRenderer
public function render(renderObject:Object, dpi:int = 300):BitmapData{
var userTextArea:TextArea = TextArea(renderObject);
var scale:Number = dpi / 72;
this.text = userTextArea.text; // the actual text
this.height = Math.floor(userTextArea.height * scale); // scaled height
this.width = Math.floor(userTextArea.width * scale); // scaled width
// - the user's format = userTextAreaLayoutFormat
// - the hidden format = thisLayoutFormat
var editableLayoutProperties:Array = ['fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textAlign', 'textDecoration', 'color']
var userTextAreaLayoutFormat:TextLayoutFormat = userTextArea.getFormatOfRange();
var thisLayoutFormat:TextLayoutFormat = this.getFormatOfRange();
for each(var prop:String in editableLayoutProperties){
thisLayoutFormat[prop] = userTextAreaLayoutFormat[prop];
thisLayoutFormat.fontSize = thisLayoutFormat.fontSize * scale;
return BitmapUtil.getSnapshot(this);
Then calling the TextAreaRenderer after the text area is changed to get a scaled up bitmap.
var renderableComponent:IAssetRenderer = view.offScreenTextArea;
return renderableComponent.render(userTextArea, 300);
Thanks to the advice from www.Flextras.com for working through the issue with me.

Resizing Image from a decoded ByteArray

I am trying to display a bytearray as a resized image. The Image is displaying correctly, but the sizing is off. Let me explain.
First I have the image data encoded so I need to decode the image data
// Instantiate decoder
var decoder:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
// Decode image data
// Export data as a byteArray
var byteArray:ByteArray = decoder.toByteArray();
// Display image
var img:Image = new Image();
This works. The image is displayed correctly. However, if I hardcode the image (img) height the resized image is shown correctly, but within a box with the original image's dimensions.
For example, if the original image has a height of 300px and a width of 200px and the img.height property is set to 75; the resized image with height of 75 is shown correctly. But the resized image is shown in the upper left corner of the img container that is still set to a height of 300px and a width of 200px. Why does it do that? And what is the fix?
The best way to illustrate the problem is by placing the image inside a VBox and show the borders of the VBox. From the code block above, if I change the image height and set the image to maintain aspect ratio (which by default is set to true but I add it here for completeness). the problem becomes clear.
// Display image
var img:Image = new Image();
img.height = 75; // Hardcode image height (thumbnail)
img.maintainAspectRatio = true;
// Encapsulate the image inside a VBox to illustrate the problem
var vb:VBox = new VBox();
vb.setStyle('borderStyle', 'solid');
vb.setStyle('borderColor', 'red');
vb.setStyle('borderThickness', 2);
I have been working on this problem for days and cannot come up with a solution. Any ideas? What am I missing?
The workaround I used is as follows:
I created an event listener for the img display object. Then after the img has loaded, I manually set the height and width of the image. I know what I want the height (preHeight) to be so that is hardcoded. I then calculate the width and set that as the image width. For some reason I had to use the explicitHeight and explicitWidth properties to finally get the sizing right.
I hope this helps someone.
img.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
private function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent) : void
img.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoadComplete);
private function onImageLoadComplete(event:Event) : void
var image:Image = event.currentTarget as Image;
var preHeight:Number = 0;
var h:uint = Bitmap(image.content).bitmapData.height;
var w:uint = Bitmap(image.content).bitmapData.width;
// Check height
preHeight = h > 170 ? 170 : h;
// Set the width
img.explicitWidth = (preHeight * w)/h;
img.explicitHeight = preHeight;
