Section divider using CSS - css

There are techniques to make section divider. For example I want to divide two divs.
I can cut shapes from the first div and second div and pull the second div's element closer to first div with negative margin.
I have learned some techniques from freecodecamp article.
I can place a new svg element on the first div by converting it into data:svg using this website and somehow it will do the work. But I don't understand how it works exactly I am not getting the negative margin.
Now my other question is —
How is it possible to have content in the divider which is present in the first div ?
Below are some images for better understanding
In the above image I have showed the divider (red color border) and inside the divider there is content present in the second div. I don't fully understand how this technique works and there is no div with its own elements.


WordPress - Overlay a white block containing text, on the left of a photo

For the needs of an internship project in WordPress, I decided to slightly superimpose a white block containing text, on the left of a photo.
These two elements are in a container.
This is my-figma-example.
I already tried to play with the z-index and the position, only it works on the text contained in the block and not on the block itself...
I also failed to paste the image on the right edge of the screen without the white block being stuck to the left edge.
Do you know how I can do this?
I have done the same with negative padding and z-index, remember to apply a lower z-index to the second column and not to the general horizontal block.

CSS nav bar: extend spacer div to fill remaining width without overflow:hidden trick

strong textSeems like a common problem, but in my case it's complicated by a few extra requirements, so what I found on SO and MDN didn't lead me to a full solution.
Simple premise:
Horizontal nav bar, full width of the page, semi-transparent background, variable number of tabs (extra space filled with same background as tabs).
Easy, right? Give the container element rgba background, set nav items display:inline or float them left and you're golden.
Complication 1: Active tab has to have a triangular cutout (see pic).
Ok, I can have a cutout by setting background-image to a png with transparent bit. The background of the parent element would get in the way - so set background to individual elements instead of parent.
What about the variable width "empty space" past the tabs (see pic)? Ok, put an empty element with a larger than life width, and cut it off with overflow:hidden on the parent.
Complication 2:
Buttons need tooltips on hover.
Ah, the thrill! The suspense! overflow:hidden won't do unless I put tooltips outside of nav div altogether (which would probably work - but seems smelly).
So, here are a few things I tried:
Old implementation which doesn't have the "filler" element width problem but clips off half a tooltip (with overflow:hidden):
Messing with display:table seems to give little control over how display:table-cell div width is decided, also needs content to display the div in the first place. Content can be moved away, but still no good (didn't even add a tooltip here):
Messing with floats (tooltip sorta where I'd want it to be more or less), but clueless how to make the last "filler" element fit remaining width:
So the question - how could I make a div to fill the remaining width with CSS only? Or perhaps I'm asking the wrong question altogether, in which case what ideas would I use to implement it cleanly?

Blocks overlapping floats but content wraps

I have a layering issue with a site that I can't seem to figure out how to get around.
Essentially, I have a float:right div that contains some linked images and a bunch of block divs on the same page (in the same wrapper). The text (content) all wraps as expected, but the block elements overlap the floated elements making the image links non-clickable. It becomes quite obvious when viewed using chrome/firebug/whatever that the blocks are getting in the way of the floats but nothing I have tried as yet has floated them to the top.
example from:
What I need is a way of allowing the links on the images in the float to be clickable. The float can have a set width but not height, and the rest of the content needs to be free flowing and wrap under the float if/when required, so no forced padding or margins, e.g.:
Any ideas on how this could be achieved would be appreciated.
Usually columns like this are built using floats.
The left content column would be float: left with a set width.
The right content would be float: right with a smaller width.
Otherwise you can set the z-index of the anchors around the images to higher than the other content,

Vertical alignment to top AND bottom of a parent div

I am attempting to implement the following layout without using javascript and without using tables:
There are a LOT of rows on a page. Each row is filled by four content elements, the tallest of which determines the height of the row. Each content element has two other elements, in this case, an image and a caption. The image is aligned to the top of the row while the caption is aligned to the bottom.
In the HTML structure, the image and caption must stay together in the content element.
Some solutions I've tried:
Splitting each row into two: a row of images and a row of captions, separates the images from the captions.
Using the famous equal height column div structure results in an ugly absolutely-positioned Matryoshka Doll arrangement of divs.
The issue with tables is that the page will be made MUCH more dynamic in the future (rearrangable content, fluid layout, dynamic searching, content of varying width), and tables will be extremely annoying to do this with.
If I'm imagining your markup correctly, perhaps this will work for you:
I absolutely positioned the .caption to the bottom of .row. I made it a point to position .caption to .row instead of the immediate parent .content because of the varying heights of .content. The image remains in the flow of the document. I Added some additional padding to the bottom of .row to account for the text and put in a simple clear fix (I suggest using a better option in your production code)
Hope this helps solve your problem or possibly ignites an idea or two!

css positioning question

I'm trying for the life of me to figure out what should be an excruciatingly simple CSS task: aligning a block of text to the right of an image and vertically positioning the block so it aligns with the bottom of the image; and I'd prefer to not have to declare a height for the containing element as this is for a lengthy image listing and the dimensions will vary (but all with a certain max width/height). I've attempted to define a parent element with "position:relative" containing two left-floated divs, one with the image and the other with the text block, positioned "absolute" and "bottom:0" and I can't seem to get the text block to align with the bottom of the image...
any assistance here may very well help me stave off a fit of insanity ;)
If the text go to the right of the image, just use an element with display:inline-block after the image, and enclose everything in a block (like div). See it here
