Account Link Error when Using Device Access Console - nest-device-access

I have a Nest Hub Max device and trying to control via API. I have a GCP account with associated OAUTH Client ID and a project ID from the Device Access Console.
I am attempting to link the GCP OAUTH ID and the Device Access Console project but reach screen with message:
"No access to partner - Information could not be retrieved. Please contact NestHubMax to verify that your account has been properly set up. You may need to add the developer email address as a home member in the Google Home app settings."

Have you added your email address to the test users list in the GCP OAuth Consent Screen settings?


Google Analytics API Service User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile

I am using Google Analytics 4. I have created the json file for the service account, and got the email address. This email was added to my users as Admin in the Account Access Management, yet I am still getting the error that I do not have sufficient permissions for this profile.
Any idea what am I doing wrong please?

"Something went wrong" message trying to authorize with Partner Connections Manager

When I load the Partner Connections Manager authorization URL in the browser, I get the following error message:
Something Went Wrong
What can I do to troubleshoot this?
Make sure that the OAuth Client ID matches between your Device Access project and the Partner Connections Manager (PCM) URL, and that you're using the correct Project ID in the URL.
Go to the Project Info page for your project in the Device Access Console. Note the Project ID and OAuth Client ID assigned to your project. Make sure these values match what you're using in the PCM URL.
For example, if the Project ID for your project is 32c4c3bc-fe0d-461b-b51c-f3885afff2f0 and the OAuth Client ID is, then your PCM URL should look like:
For more information, see Create a Project and Authorize an Account on the Device Access site.

How to find my OpenId of Wechat personal account which is following a Wechat Service Account

OpenId is an id of a Wechat personal account when it is following a Wechat Service Account. And the OpenIds are different for the same Wechat personal account in different Wechat Service Accounts.
So I want to find out OpenId of single account only and not the list of all the OpenIds which are following that WeChat service account.
Does anyone know how to get it?
I have to use it to send a message in
You can get the user info via their UnionID first,( and then use the OpenID relevant to the current Official Account to send the Templated Message.
This way, your applications just need to track the UnionID, and get the user info on the fly, when needed (can be cached to avoid too many API calls etc).
1.Registing your service account with your email.
2.Getting your appid and appsecret.The appsecret must be saved after gained.
3.Setting the white doname in wechat service account managesites.When you are setting the doname, wechat will make you download a file and put it in your remote server where the doname sets.It will ensure the setting is from you and you can Scan code with your wxchat client.
4.Editing the miniprogram code. Use the method "wx.login()".you can get the jscode in the callback of "wx.login()" send it to your remote server.
5.Editing the remote server code.Send "get" request to get openid with your appid ,appsecret,the jscode from client.

WeChat admin can't login

I have built a chat bot for WeChat and connected it to a WeChat official page on
However, I can no longer login to the admin website. It gives invalid user/password, but I know they are correct. When I use the same user/password to check the account status it says the account is active.
Also if I try to reset the password it gives me the error "Server Busy", the same all week. It was working a few weeks ago.
I also tried login on but I think you need a China account to connect to it?
Can anyone with an official WeChat account check if they can sign in?
This is a login page which works for me right now:
It is for sandbox mode only, if you have official WeChat account, and wish to run your bot in production with full capabiities ensbled, you need to login differently.
You don't need a Chinese account to login to weixin sandbox.

How do enable access to Google Analytics API for an Installed Application?

I am writing a small program to retrieve and display Google Analytics information. I keep getting a 403 Forbidden error because of insufficient permissions.
I read on other posts that you have to add the email address associated with the client id you are using to access analytics in User Management.
The client id I am using however is associated with an installed application and doesn't have an email address, it only lists a client id, client secret, and redirect Urls as credentials in the developer's console.
How can I allow access for this client id when there is no associated email address listed in the developer's console to grant permissions to on the User Management page in Google Analytics?
Simply follow Google's OAuth 2.0 guide for installed applications.
Create a URL for authorization like you would for a web app. Only set redirect_uri to urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.
Point your user to this URL and let him authorize your app. Then the user will receive a code.
Prompt the user to enter this code in your app and use it to retrieve a refresh token from Google.
Store the refresh token and use it to get a fresh access token whenever you need one.
