I can't remove .Trash-1000 in external disk - directory

I have almost 20 GiB on the trash in my external disk and I want to remove it, I've tried manually and with the sudo privileges with sudo rm -rf /path/to/folder/.Trash-1000 but gets the error cannot remove '/run/media/d7/PC-User/.Trash-1000/files/Emilia.md': Input/output error.
I'm on Arch Linux and this happened I think after using FreeFileSync because I have some problems with other files too.
Any command that removes or clear the trash directory?


Trying to add image in Git add but keep getting the following message? I tried restarting/reloading git and closing VS Code but nothing worked

That is:
hashanp#DESKTOP-9E00J4S: ~/cats-cakes$ git add .
error: open("img/cake.jpg"): Permission denied
error: unable to index file img/cake.jpg
fatal: adding files failed
Trying to add image in Git add but keep getting the following message? I tried restarting/reloading git and closing VS Code but nothing worked.
That looks like a git bash session on Windows, or a WSL session.
If you can not easily identify the process which keeps an handle to that file, preventing another program (like git) to access it, I would:
restart my git bash or WSL2 session
try to add img/cake.jpg before opening any IDE.
Since it is an Ubuntu session, I would also try, for tesdting:
sudo chmod -R 755 img
That way, the folder img will be accessible.

How to free up disk space, when deleting files from Jupyter notebook

When I am removing files from Jupyter notebook environment, the disk space does not free up. I removed for about 40GB files and files disappeared from list, even from ls -a, however df -h shows that nothing happened. Also I killed all the processes using these files and even rebooted the system.
When I remove files using rm everything is fine. How can I free up space, or restore thos files to delete them using rm?
I also encountered the same issue, but later found out that files deleted in jupyter notebook are automatically moved to the trash, which is not permanently deleted instantly.
This function was added very early ago: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/pull/1968
Thus, to free up space, you need to go to your computer's trash folder to completely delete those files. In Linux, you can do rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/Trash/files to empty trash.
In Windows or MacOS, you just need to "Empty Trash" in the desktop folder
To restore those files, try to access them in your Trash folder, which is located in the .local folder in your home directory (in my system.).
This worked for me. I'm using jupyter lab with Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
recycle bin in linux:
I freed up the space and solved the issue when I was working with workbench(Google Cloud Vertex AI). Applicable to AI platform too. Open terminal from workbench File>New>Terminal
df -h -T /home/jupyter
Above code helps to know the free size
Then this code below will delete the trash to free up the size
sudo rm -rf /home/jupyter/.local/share/Trash/*
After deleting the trash

Repository packages-microsoft-com-prod is listed more than once in the configuration

Whenever I run any yum command I am getting the below error -
Repository packages-microsoft-com-prod is listed more than once in the configuration
Any ideas to resolve the issue ?
Repository packages-microsoft-com-prod is listed more than once in the configuration
HDP-2.6 | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
HDP-UTILS- | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
Updates-ambari- | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
https://packages.microsoft.com/rhel/7/mssql-server/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#60 - "Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user."
Trying other mirror.
In the folder /ect/yum.repos.d you have two or more files.repo with the same repository name [packages-microsoft-com-prod]. I had the same problem and I have to delete one of the files, which was irrelevant to my os. And then I understood that that was a not good idea.
Find the packages that are related to another, in this case, files that relate to Microsoft and open them in your favorite editor. The file is probably named different, but the contents will be the same.
If this is the case, then it is safe to delete one of them. But if they are different, I wouldn't touch them. You could probably rename one of them, but I'm not sure if that would break something important.
First of all, the specific repository is not the problem, meaning that normally with third party repos the general message should look like this:
Repository XXX is listed more than once in the configuration
If that happens, the problem solves just by deleting the files related to that repository in the location etc/yum.repos.d/
You are able to delete such files by typing:
sudo rm -rf XXX.repos
in the terminal, in that location. You also got to type:
yum clean all
dnf clean all
depending on which command is triggering the problem.
Also, the repository or the app is not usually the problem. This is due to a bug according to the official site of RedHat.
Finally if you want to uninstall the app, you gotta run the same command to delete files on the locations:
sudo rm -rf XXX
rm is the command to remove files using the terminal, while rmdir is for deleting directories.
by using rf you are forcing the deletion, even when the files chosen are protected or the directories filled with protected and/or unprotected files, for which you might want to be careful with such command.
NOTE: Just for THIRD-PARTY repos.

Meteor.js installation failed

I wanted to install Meteor via
curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
like it's said in the documentation.
Every time I try this (also as sudo), I get this error:
**rmdir: /Users/christophz/.meteor-install-tmp: Directory not empty
Installation failed.**
The directory, of course, is empty before installation. After aborting the installation in my home folder there IS .meteor and still .meteor-install-tmp. But trying to create a new meteor app fails. My command line says it doesn't know this command.
I didn't find anything via Google. Can u help me and give me some hint?
Did you try rm -rf? With or without sudo:
rm -rf ~/.meteor-install-tmp
rm -rf ~/.meteor
Try deleting the directory. I think this happened to me once.

Completely remove openstack from system after installation from devstack script

I am installing OpenStack on my local machine via this link. But I am having trouble in completely removing installed components from my local machine. I ran following command:-
$ sudo ./unstack.sh
tgtadm: can't send the request to the tgt daemon, Transport endpoint is not connected
tgtd seems to be in a bad state, restarting...
stop: Unknown instance:
tgt start/running, process 14629
tgt stop/waiting
Volume group "stack-volumes" not found
Skipping volume group stack-volumes
And file are still present in /opt/stack and /usr/local/bin/. But manually removing these file will not be a good option.
The unstack.sh script only stops the services without removing them.
Devstack's folder contains a clean.sh script that removes openstack and dependencies so you can run something like this:
cd path/to/devstack
# There's no need to call unstack.sh explicitly
# clean.sh invokes that script itself.
Follow the following 3 steps:
rm -rf /opt/stack
rm -rf /usr/local/bin (careful, this will remove everything installed to your local bin folder, which might include previously installed applications).
For more info of all the impacted files and directories this link.
unstack doesn't clean out /opt/stack. or purge all dependency packages. or clean all eggs out of python.
I recommend running devstack in a VM. It's easy enough to simply remove the VM and rebuild from scratch.
Example shell script for creating a devstack VM for kvm:
/usr/bin/vmbuilder kvm ubuntu -v --suite=oneiric --libvirt=qemu:///system --flavour=server --arch=amd64 --cpus=2 --mem=4096 --swapsize=2048 --rootsize=30480 --ip= --hostname=devstack --user=stack --name=stack --pass=stack --addpkg=git --addpkg=screen --addpkg=vim --addpkg=strace --addpkg=lsof --addpkg=nmap --addpkg=subversion --addpkg=acpid --addpkg=tcpdump --addpkg=python-pip --addpkg=wget --addpkg=htop --mirror=http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu --components='main,universe' --addpkg=openssh-server --dns= --dest=/virts/devstack
