What is the difference between cephfs and cephfs volumes? - volume

What scenarios are cephfs volume and subvolume mainly used for, and what is the difference between it and cephfs?
My current understanding is that cephfs volumes and subvolumes can provide a way of sharing between docker and OpenStack Manila. Moreover, I saw that the official website mentioned that it is recommended to use volume to create multiple file systems. But I feel that these cephfs can do the same, so I don't quite understand what is the essential difference between cephfs and cephfs volume?
Below are some of the information I have checked, any reply is very grateful~


Typical resource request required for an nginx file explorer deployed on kubernetes

I have 2 nfs mounts of 100TB each i.e. 200TB in total. I have mounted these 2 on Kubernetes container. My file server is a typical log server that holds a mix of data types like JSON, HTML, images, logs and text files, etc. The size of files also varies a lot. I am kind of guessing what should be the ideal resource request for this kubernetes container? My assumption,
As this is file reads its i/o intensive operation, CPU should be high
Since we may have a large file size transferred over, Memory should also be high.
Just wanted to check if my assumptions are right?
Posting this community wiki answer to set a baseline and to show one possible set of actions that should led to solution.
Feel free to edit and expand.
As I stated previously, this setup will heavily depend on case to case basis and giving the approximate could be misleading. In my opinion the best course of actions to take would be:
Install monitoring tools
Deploy the application for testing
Simulate the load
Install monitoring tools
There are a lot of monitoring tools that can retrieve the data about the CPU and Memory usage of your Pods. You will need to choose the one that suits your workloads and infrastructure best.
Some of them are:
Deploy the application for testing
This can also be a quite wide topic considering the fact that the exact requirements and the infrastructure is not known. One of many questions is if the Deployment should have a steady replica amount or should use some kind of Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (basing on CPU and/or Memory). The access modes on the storage shouldn't matter as NFS supports RWX.
The basic implementation of the Deployment that could be used can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Workloads: Controllers: Deployment: Creating a deployment
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Storage: Volumes: NFS
Simulate the load
The simulation part could go either as a real life usage or by using a tool to simulate the load. You would need in this part to choose the option/tool that suits your requirements the most. This part will show you the approximate resources that should be allocated to your nginx file explorer.
A side note!
In my testing I've used ab to check if the load was divided equally by X amount of replicas.
Additional resources
I do recommend to check the official guide on official Kubernetes documentation regarding managing resources:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Configuration: Manage resources containers
I also think that the VPA could help you in the whole process as:
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) frees the users from necessity of setting up-to-date resource limits and requests for the containers in their pods. When configured, it will set the requests automatically based on usage and thus allow proper scheduling onto nodes so that appropriate resource amount is available for each pod. It will also maintain ratios between limits and requests that were specified in initial containers configuration.
It can both down-scale pods that are over-requesting resources, and also up-scale pods that are under-requesting resources based on their usage over time.
-- Github.com: Kubernetes: Autoscaler: Vertical Pod Autoscaler
I'd reckon you could also look on this answer:
Stackoverflow.com: Answers: PromQL query to find CPU and memory used for the last week

getting more data from nginx prometheus exporter

I'm using nginx Prometheus exporter, but the amount of data that its metrics are very little, I want to get information of access.log and error.log too, like how much 200, 404,...
what is your suggestion?
The richier metrics are only available with NGINX Plus which comes at a premium. Unless you want to modify the source code, additional metrics are only available through the log file.
If you are already aggregating logs, say with an elasticsearch, you can use the related exporter to extract metrics.
If not, there are solutions either from dedicated project such as the nginxlog-exporter or generic solutions such as mtail where you can write your own rules.
Finally, there is an intermediary solution which is the official one on Prometheus site: extracting metrics with lua. This is maybe the more robust solution but it comes at the cost of the setup.
It is hard to make a suggestion. It all comes to your time/skill/money budget and the usage you are making of nginx. It you are using it as a proxy, envoy is gaining traction.
In fact, your question is a bit broad but worth an answer because the basic monitoring available is really poor for the widespread usage nginx enjoy (IMNSHO)

Kubernetes statefulsets in a GCE multiple zone deployment

I'm working on a project to run a Kubernetes cluster on GCE. My goal is to run a cluster containing a WordPress site in multiple zones. I've been reading a lot of documentation, but I can't seem to find anything that is direct and to the point on persistent volumes and statefulsets in a multiple zone scenario. Is this not a supported configuration? I can get the cluster up and the statefulsets deployed, but I'm not getting the state replicated throughout the cluster. Any suggestions?
Reading the docs, I see that the recommended configuration would be to create a MySQL cluster with replication: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/run-replicated-stateful-application/. This way, you would have the data properly replicated between the instances of your cluster (if you are in a multi-zone deployment you may have to create an external endpoint).
Regarding the Wordpress data, my advice would be to go for an immutable deployment: https://engineering.bitnami.com/articles/why-your-next-web-service-should-be-immutable.html . This way, if you need to add a plugin or perform upgrades, you would create a new container image and re-deploy it. Regarding the media library assets and immutability, I think the best option would be to use an external storage service like S3 https://wordpress.org/plugins/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/
So, to answer the original question: I think that statefulset synchronization is not available in K8s (at the moment). Maybe using a volume provider that allows ReadWriteMany access mode could fit your needs (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#access-modes), though I am quite unsure about the stability of it.

A good setup for distributed monitoring and tracking latency/drops in a network

I want to preface this by saying that I've never taken a networking class but I'm learning on the job. Things like TCP/IP networking I have a pretty basic grasp of and if you think this will hinder my attempt at this let me know.
The task I have at hand is thus: I have an Open Stack network with a bunch of nodes that can communicate with each other, all running CentOS virtual machines (just for simplicity's sake) with applications running on top of them. The task is basically to find a way to monitor the ping of every node and report whenever some kind of message (probably through http) that reports what happened. The logic of checking for the actual latency problems isn't what I'm struggling with, its the best structure to complete this task.
I'm thinking of using Nagios and setting up a distributed monitoring system. Basically my plan is to instal nagios on each node after writing my plugin (unless its already offered or exists) and it would simply ping everything else in the network once its setup and the other nodes ping it once the fact that it has joined the network is detected. I'm not sure exactly how scalable this is because if the number of nodes increase a lot would having every node pinging every other node actually be a good thing? Could it actually end up being a lot of stress on the network?
Is this a bad idea? I know a more efficient solution would be something where as long as every node is being checked (not necessarily have to have every node connected to by every other node) is more efficient. Visualizing it as a graph with a couple of points, it would be a bidirectional graph with just one path connecting each point rather than every possible point having edges between each other. But I don't know if this is the level I should be thinking about it or not.
In short, what I'm asking is: How would one go about setting up a ping monitoring system between a bunch of Open Stack nodes?
Let me know if this question makes sense. Thanks.
Still not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish with this setup, but the Nagios setup you're describing sounds messy and likely won't cover what you need. I'd look at building packetbeat into the provisioning of each of your hosts, and then shipping that data off to Elasticsearch. That way you can watch your actual application-level traffic and response times. https://www.elastic.co/products/beats/packetbeat

Testing the performance of NICs in Amazon EC2

Is there any way to know any information about the Network Interface Cards (NIC) of servers in EC2?
I've tried a lot of commands that typically work in Linux, but seems it's all abstracted out when you try them on EC2 VMs.
Alternately, is there any way to characterize the performance of a NIC on a physical server that is hosting my VM (eg, to measure max throughput)? I was thinking there should be some tools for testing such things on a single server but I couldn't find any! (tools like iperf measure the bandwidth between two machines).
I'm not entirely sure testing the throughput of a nic would do much good since it seems to be variable. There is no official documentation on the subject. If you are service static content, S3 is your best bet. Otherwise use some sort of caching with varnish or something similar that you can scale out incase you are running into bandwidth issues.
