How to clean the inline keyboard in aiogram Telegram? - telegram

My goal is to create as many buttons as amounts of users with their names (SQL) , but problem is i don't know the name of the function that cleans keyboard every time I call it
async def set_kb():
# here should be function
for i in db_show_players():
in_group_kb_players.add(InlineKeyboardButton(text=str(i[0]), callback_data=i[1]))
I tried .clean() but it didn't work

I solved that.
solution was simple damn..
there is no function that clears the keyboard so the variable should be local. in my case i imported that into other module which created this bug.

await message.answer(content["Text"], reply_markup=types.ReplyKeyboardRemove())


firebase ios gooffline remove observers

Simple question:
Will all obersvers automatically removed when I use goOffline (disconnect to firebase) ?
If not, is there another way to do it, because removeAllOberserves doesn't seem to work or must I keep an array of single handles?
I answer myself.
removeAllOberserves works well, if you call it with the reference you used to set the observer!
Firebase *userThreadRef;
userThreadRef = [userRef appendPathComponent: ThreadsPath];
[userThreadRef observeEventType: FEventTypeChildAdded withBlock: ^(FDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
[userThreadRef removeAllObservers];
Do not use a new reference like this:
Firebase *newUserThreadRef = [userRef appendPathComponent: ThreadsPath];
[newUserThreadRef removeAllObservers];
Will all observers automatically removed when I use goOffline (disconnect to firebase) ?
No. Calling goOffline() will not automatically remove observers/listeners.
is there another way to do it, because removeAllOberserves doesn't seem to work or must I keep an array of single handles?
It's hard to say without seeing your code, but likely your expectations are just wrong.
You'll need to call removeAllObservers() on each reference. The All in the method name is for the fact that it removes the observers for all event types, not for all references.

Angular-like client side data binding and reactivity with Meteor?

I'm trying to wrap my head around Meteor's way of dealing with reactivity and I want to make sure I've got some concepts right.
Take the follow reactivity example:
A user types something into a form field. The thing that he is typing is instantly displayed somewhere else on the page, as the user is typing, letter by letter. An instantaneous duplication.
From what I know about Angular, this is a very common example of reactivity. Angular binds the input directly to the output on the client side. There's nothing in between.
Correct me since I could be wrong, but Meteor can do this, but the input would first need to be captured and stored into a Mongo + MiniMongo DB (perhaps only as a collection in local storage), there would need to be a subscribe step, and those values would then be read and displayed on the page.
Is there a way to directly bind an event on the front end to another thing on the front end like Angular does?
Is this right? For Meteor to have the front-end-only reactivity of Angular it must first go through the intermediary of a collection, meaning extra code would be necessary to accomplish this compared to Angular?
The example in the Meteor Docs:
Deps.autorun(function () {
Meteor.subscribe("messages", Session.get("currentRoomId"));
So here, when the data of currentRoomId changes, the function is reactive to that data change and the function runs (in this case Meteor subscribes to messages).
Using Session variables is the only way I see of possibly binding two parts of a view together directly. Are there other ways?
Meteor's client-side reactivity system (Deps) is not coupled with its live MongoDB syncing. You can use it with any reactive data source which implements the right interface, including data sources which are entirely client-side. For example, you can use the built-in Session object. This is just a client-side key-value store with support for Meteor's reactivity, and you don't have to do any publish or subscribe to use it.
This standard way to do this sort of thing looks something like this:
<input id="field" value="{{fieldValue}}">
Template.form.fieldValue = function () {
return Session.get("fieldValue");
"input #field": function (evt) {
Session.set("fieldValue", $(evt.currentTarget).val());
Now the Session variable fieldValue is synced up to the form field. You can call Session.get("fieldValue") in some helper and that template will re-render when the user types in the form field. And if you call Session.set("fieldValue", "blah") then the form field will update itself.
As for your edit: You can make your own reactive data sources using Deps.Dependency, or you could meteor add reactive-dict although that's not documented. There may be packages on Atmosphere.

Is there a way to tell meteor a collection is static (will never change)?

On my meteor project users can post events and they have to choose (via an autocomplete) in which city it will take place. I have a full list of french cities and it will never be updated.
I want to use a collection and publish-subscribes based on the input of the autocomplete because I don't want the client to download the full database (5MB). Is there a way, for performance, to tell meteor that this collection is "static"? Or does it make no difference?
Could anyone suggest a different approach?
When you "want to tell the server that a collection is static", I am aware of two potential optimizations:
Don't observe the database using a live query because the data will never change
Don't store the results of this query in the merge box because it doesn't need to be tracked and compared with other data (saving memory and CPU)
(1) is something you can do rather easily by constructing your own publish cursor. However, if any client is observing the same query, I believe Meteor will (at least in the future) optimize for that so it's still just one live query for any number of clients. As for (2), I am not aware of any straightforward way to do this because it could potentially mess up the data merging over multiple publications and subscriptions.
To avoid using a live query, you can manually add data to the publish function instead of returning a cursor, which causes the .observe() function to be called to hook up data to the subscription. Here's a simple example:
Meteor.publish(function() {
var sub = this;
var args = {}; // what you're find()ing
Foo.find(args).forEach(function(document) {
sub.added("client_collection_name", document._id, document);
This will cause the data to be added to client_collection_name on the client side, which could have the same name as the collection referenced by Foo, or something different. Be aware that you can do many other things with publications (also, see the link above.)
UPDATE: To resolve issues from (2), which can be potentially very problematic depending on the size of the collection, it's necessary to bypass Meteor altogether. See for one way to do it. Another way is to just return the collection fetch()ed as a method call, although this doesn't have the benefits of compression.
From Meteor doc :
"Any change to the collection that changes the documents in a cursor will trigger a recomputation. To disable this behavior, pass {reactive: false} as an option to find."
I think this simple option is the best answer
You don't need to publish your whole collection.
1.Show autocomplete options only after user has inputted first 3 letters - this will narrow your search significantly.
2.Provide no more than 5-10 cities as options - this will keep your recordset really small - thus no need to push 5mb of data to each user.
Your publication should look like this:
Meteor.publish('pub-name', function(userInput){
var firstLetters = new RegExp('^' + userInput);
return Cities.find({name:firstLetters},{limit:10,sort:{name:1}});

How can I make a reactive array from a Meteor collection?

I want to take a list of item names from a collection as a simple array to use for things like autocompleting user input and checking for duplicates. I would like this list to be reactive so that changes in the data will be reflected in the array. I have tried the following based on the Meteor documentation:
setReactiveArray = (objName, Collection, field) ->
update = ->
context = new Meteor.deps.Context()
context.on_invalidate update ->
list = Collection.find({},{field: 1}).fetch()
myapp[objName] = _(list).pluck field
Meteor.startup ->
if not app.items?
setReactiveArray('items', Items, 'name')
#set autocomplete using the array
Template.myForm.set_typeahead = ->
Meteor.defer ->
$('[name="item"]').typeahead {source: app.items}
This code seems to work, but it kills my app's load time (takes 5-10 seconds to load on dev/localhost vs. ~1 second without this code). Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to accomplish this?
You should be able to use Items.find({},{name: 1}).fetch(), which will return an array of items and is reactive, so it will re-run its enclosing function whenever the query results change, as long as it's called in a reactive context.
For the Template.myForm.set_typeahead helper, you might want to call that query inside the helper itself, store the result in a local variable, and then call Meteor.defer with a function that references that variable. Otherwise I'm not sure that the query will be inside a reactive context when it's called.
Edit: I have updated the code below both because it was fragile, and to put it in context so it's easier to test. I have also added a caution - in most cases, you will want to use #zorlak's or #englandpost's methods (see below).
First of all, kudos to #zorlak for digging up my old question that nobody answered. I have since solved this with a couple of insights gleaned from #David Wihl and will post my own solution. I will hold off on selecting the correct answer until others have a chance to weigh in.
#zorlak's answer solves the autocomplete issue for a single field, but as stated in the question, I was looking for an array that would update reactively, and the autocomplete was just one example of what it would be used for. The advantage of having this array is that it can be used anywhere (not just in template helpers) and that it can be used multiple times in the code without having to re-execute the query (and the _.pluck() that reduces the query to an array). In my case, this array ends up in multiple autocomplete fields as well as validation and other places. It's possible that the advantages I'm putting forth are not significant in most Meteor apps (please leave comments), but this seems like an advantage to me.
To make the array reactive, simply build it inside a Meteor.autorun() callback - it will re-execute any time the target collection changes (but only then, avoiding repetitive queries). This was the key insight I was looking for. Also, using the Template.rendered() callback is cleaner and less of a hack than the set_typeahead template helper I used in the question. The code below uses underscore.js's _.pluck() to extract the array from the collection and uses Twitter bootstrap's $.typeahead() to create the autocomplete.
Updated code: I have edited the code so you can try this with a stock meteor created test environment. Your html will need a line <input id="typeahead" /> in the 'hello' template. #Items has the # sign to make Items available as a global on the console (Meteor 0.6.0 added file-level variable scoping). That way you can enter new items in the console, such as Items.insert({name: "joe"}), but the # is not necessary for the code to work. The other necessary change for standalone use is that the typeahead function now sets the source to a function (->) so that it will query items when activated instead of being set at rendering, which allows it to take advantage of changes to items.
#Items = new Meteor.Collection("items")
items = {}
if Meteor.isClient
Meteor.startup ->
Meteor.autorun ->
items = _(Items.find().fetch()).pluck "name"
console.log items #first result will be empty - see caution below
Template.hello.rendered = ->
$('#typeahead').typeahead {source: -> _(Items.find().fetch()).pluck "name"}
Caution! The array we created is not itself a reactive data source. The reason that the typeahead source: needed to be set to a function -> that returned items is that when Meteor first starts, the code runs before Minimongo has gotten its data from the server, and items is set to an empty array. Minimongo then receives its data, and items is updated You can see this process if you run the above code with the console open: console.log items will log twice if you have any data stored.
Template.x.rendered() calls don't don't set a reactivity context and so won't retrigger due to changes in reactive elements (to check this, pause your code in the debugger and examine Deps.currentComputation -- if it's null, you are not in a reactive context and changes to reactive elements will be ignored). But you might be surprised to learn that your templates and helpers will also not react to items changing -- a template using #each to iterate over items will render empty and never rerender. You could make it act as a reactive source (the simplest way being to store the result with Session.set(), or you can do it yourself), but unless you are doing a very expensive calculation that should be run as seldom as possible, you are better off using #zorlak's or #englandpost's methods. It may seem expensive to have your app querying the database repetitively, but Minimongo is caching the data locally, avoiding the network, so it will be quite fast. Thus in most situations, it's better just to use
Template.hello.rendered = ->
$('#typeahead').typeahead {source: -> _(Items.find().fetch()).pluck "name"}
unless you find that your app is really bogging down.
here is my quick solution for bootstrap typeahead
On client side:
Template.items.rendered = ->
source: (query, process) ->
subscription = Meteor.subscribe "autocompleteItems", query, ->
process _(Items.find().fetch()).pluck("name")
subscription.stop() # here may be a bit different logic,
# such as keeping all opened subsriptions until autocomplete
# will be successfully completed and so on
items: 5
On server side:
Meteor.publish "autocompleteItems", (query) ->
name: new RegExp(query, "i"),
fields: { name: 1 },
limit: 5
I actually ended up approaching the autocompletion problem completely differently, using client-side code instead of querying servers. I think this is superior because Meteor's data model allows for fast multi-rule searching with custom rendered lists.
Autocompleting users with #, where online users are shown in green:
In the same line, autocompleting something else with metadata and bootstrap icons:
Please fork, pull, and improve!

When I want one object out of an firebaselistobservable using rxjs, should I still use subscribe?

I am kind of confused about which methods belong with and when to use them.
Right now, I am using subscribe for basically everything and it is not working for me when I want a quick static value out of Firebase. Can you explain when I should use subscribe vs other methods other than for a strict observable?
When working with async values you have a few options: promises, rxjs, callbacks. Every option has its own drawbacks.
When you want to retrieve a single async value it is tempting to use promises for their simplicity (.then(myVal => {})). But this does not give you access to things like timeouts/throttling/retry behaviour etc. Rx streams, even for single values do give you these options.
So my recommendation would be, even if you want to have a single value, to use Observables. There is no async option for 'a quick static value out of a remote database'.
If you do not want to use the .subscribe() method there are other options which let you activate your subscription like .toPromise() which might be easier for retrieving a single value using Rx.
const getMyObjPromise = $firebase.get(myObjId)
getMyObjPromise.then(obj => console.log('got my object'));
My guess is, that you have a subscribe method that contains a bunch of logic like it was a ’.then’ and you save the result to some local variable.
First: try to avoid any logic inside the subscription-method -> use stream-operators before that and then subscribe just to retrieve the data.
You much more flexible with that and it is much easier to unit-test those single parts of your stream than to test a whole component in itself.
Second: try to avoid using a manual subscriptions at all - in angular controllers they are prone to cause memory leaks if not unsubscribed.
Use the async-pipe instead in your template and let angular manage the subscription itself.
