I am using Gatsby and the build fails at Gatsby cloud. Locally everything works, but the build fails in the Gatsby cloud.
I import the icon
import { AiOutlineCheckSquare } from "react-icons/Ai"
I receive error in the Gatsby cloud:
Can't resolve react-icons/Ai in /usr/src/app/www/src/components
If you're trying to use a package make sure that react-icons/Ai is installed. If you're trying to use a local file make sure that the path is correct.
Is there a way to solve this error?
This is the error I am getting on browser when trying to run my NextJS app which was running fine until I installed sanity.io using npm. There was a new folder created for sanity in my nextjs app which had its own node_modules, I tried going back to when my app was working fine by deleting this sanity folder from my nextjs app. I also tried deleting the node_module folder which originally was present in my next js folder and then ran npm install, however, that does not seem to solve the problem.
Also getting this error in terminal:
I'm trying to npm run deploy on my project where I'm storing the minified font-awesome css file and I'm getting the following error:
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.
ParserError: Syntax Error at line: 1, column 30
The app works fine on development sever.
The error shows whether I'm importing the css to the main css file or the main js file.
I only found some related old posts with potential solutions for a next.js project and yarn like in this link: https://github.com/vercel/next-plugins/issues/310
This is a react project and I'm using npm.
Any suggestions?
Can't comment on this unless there's more information regarding module-bundler and what is the configuration for the same. As it's treated differently according to module-bundler.
I would suggest you to use official package of fontawesome for react #fortawesome/react-fontawesome
PS. Module Bundler configuration should not be changed without proper knowledge as it can make whole application crash.
I want to deploy my react app on vercel but while building is happening it shows this error:
I tried to capitalize app.css to App.css but nothing changed
This is an old question, but I experienced this issue with a new project I deployed today on Vercel.
Too resolve it, you just need to change your 'app.css' file (if you have one) to 'App.css' and then re-run your build. Redeploying to Vercel should then go through fine.
I'm trying to deploy an app build with nextjs on cpanel file manager,I'm using next export command so that I can take the index.html file and put it in the file manager directory on cpanel dashboard, but when I run that command (next export) I got an error says
Error: i18n support is not compatible with next export. See here for more info on deploying: https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment.
when I followed the link but it didn't have any useful info regarding i18next.
SO is there a way to deploy my nextjs app on cpanel without next export?, or should I remove i18next package at all and search for an alternative?
Everything worked perfectly well until I made the changes that were stated while learning Collections. I also had a few updates done for Meteor through the command prompt. I don't seem to know where the problem resides.
The error says - can't find npm module "meteor/Mongo"
You've capitalised meteor/Mongo in the path in your import statement - it should be import { Mongo } from "meteor/mongo"