Firebase Analytics retention analysis by day - firebase

How to view Retention Analysis in Firebase Analytics by day?
I only see by weeks, I want 1 day for example 20% 2 day 10% , for each day so that the retension can be seen.

I was looking for this too and was baffled that it didn't exist "out of the box". But you can do the following:
Inside Firebase Analytics Dashboard:
Click "View more in Google Analytics" (unless you already are at the Google Analytics webpage)
Now from left-side panel press "Explore"
Click "Blank" (will create a new "Exploration")
Next to the "Free form 1"-tab there should be "+" sign, press it
Click "Cohort exploration" (1. in image)
Now change "Cohort Granularity" to Daily (from Weekly) (2. in image)
Voila! Pain but it works...
I believe this is a similar question as this: Firebase: How to see retention month by month?


In App Dynamics calculating the sum of a transaction metric

I am creating a dashboard in App Dynamics and would like to get the sum of the metric calls/minute for an endpoint of my web service.
How can I do that?
I can create the graph of calls/minute for a day.
But I would like to display the sum of these calls for a 24 hour period.
How to display the total number of calls for a Business Transaction over a 24 hour period:
(Load Dashbord in Edit Mode)
Click "Add Widget"
Click "Metric Value"
Click "Select a Metric"
Specify the Application and BT in top 2 sections
In next section click "Select a Metric"
Click "Calls per Minute" / "Select Metric"
Change "Value" to "Sum" in dropdown
Click "Save"
(optional) For time range can fix this to 24 hours by using the "Use Widget-Specific Time Range" option in the main widget edit screen (otherwise the dashboard time range will be used for the widget)
Click "Save"
(Docs for Dashboard widgets are here:

display number of users per month in google analytics

I want to create a bar chart that display the bar + number of qty of total users visited the site in google analytics so that I can export it as pdf. As it is now it only display line charts which only display the total number for each month when hovering over the chart values in the the browser. If I export it to pdf it does not show me the qty of users in the line chart. I would like to display it like in this image..
Can this be done in google analytics?
You can get it done by using Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on. You'll need to use the Add-on to pull the data from Google Analytics, to your Google Sheet in order to generate your chart.
Creating the report
Install the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on by following the steps defined here.
Once installed, create a new spreadsheet on Google Sheets.
Select "Add-ons" > "Google Analytics" > "Create new report".
On the "Create a new report" sidebar, name your report as "Monthly Users Report" and select the view where the data will be pulled.
Under Dimensions, select "Month of the year".
Under Metrics, select "Users".
Click Create Report to create the report.
You should now see a Report Configuration Sheet being created.
Configuring the report
Now you'll need to enter the date range for your data. For example purposes, lets put 2018-01-01 as the start date, and 2018-12-31 as the end date.
Now run the report to fetch the data. To do this, select "Add-ons" > "Google Analytics" > "Run reports".
Once successfully run, you should see a new Sheet being created with the name "Monthly Users Report.
Generating the chart
Create a new sheet.
Select "Insert" > "Chart". You should see the Chart editor.
Under the Data tab, enter 'Monthly Users Report'!A15:B27 as the Data range.
Under the Customize tab, select "Series" and make sure Data labels is checked.
All done! Feel free to customize the chart accordingly.
Hope that helps!

What is new "Reset on new activity" option about on Google Analytics?

Google analitycs announced today their new policy about data retention
Google Analytics Data Retention
Along with the option for choosing how long data will be stored (I chose do not delete data, obviously), there is an option "Reset on new activity".
I cannot find info about what is this option about. What they mean by 'activity'? If I don't switch it off, the option could be reset and data deleted?
It means that the counter for data retention is reset when the user visits the page again.
Image your retention period is set to 15 months.
User visits once = after 15 months the data is purged.
User visits. One month later the user visits a second time = second visit resets the counter, effectively user data is retained for 16 months in total.

Separate form submissions by campaign in analytics

I have to campaigns running in google analytics at the same time, and, in my website, i have a contact form.
Is there any way that i can see from which of the campaigns came the message that was send to me?
For example, John has clicked in the campaign-one and send me a message, and Mario has clicked in the campaign-two and send me a message. I want to know that John came from the campaign-one and Mario from the campaign-two.
I have already been mapping events in my site, but i can't figure it out how to separate if the form came from campaign-one or campaign-two.
Thanks a lot! :-)
If you've set your campaign-one and campaign-two values to the utm_campaign parameter in your campaign tagging, it will show up in the Campaign dimension in Google Analytics.
I'm assuming by "I have already been mapping events", you mean that you have implemented event tracking on your site for these form submissions.
You can either build a custom report in Google Analytics that includes the Campaign dimension and the event dimensions (Event Category, Event Action, Event Label), or you can add Campaign as a secondary dimension to an events report. For example, in the Behavior > Events > Top Events report, choose "Secondary Dimension" and then select the "Campaign" dimension. That would break up the event numbers by which campaign the session was acquired from.
Similarly, you can look at the Acquisition > Campaigns > All Campaigns report and add one of the event dimensions as a secondary dimension there, to see campaigns broken down by events that they resulted in.

Working with event stat in google analytics api

I have the website where merchants sell some stuff. Each item has stats like unique views during last 24 hours, a week and a month and a number of visitors that clicked on "show contacts" button. Uniqueness based on IP. This works, there're huge tables that collects all (IP,item_id) pairs during the last month, and there're a lot of updates.
Today I dig into google analytics api, I would like to know if it's possible to use it instead of my system.
The fact is all this stat is private, available only for merchant, so I don't need to have all stat at a time (it's not compared etc.). So it might be requested on demand for the specific item.
I created service account, connected it to analytics data and it seems export works (based on this example). Then enabled event tracking for "show contacts" button.
For example, when user click on "show contacts" where should I add item_id? Is it eventLabel or eventValue? So, for item_id=1234 it should be
ga("send","event","Contacts","show","",1234) or ga("send","event","Contacts","show",1234)?
I'm confused with eventValue column in Top Events report (it seems that eventValue keeps a sum of all eventValues and even caculates Avg.Value). Does it mean item_id should be stored in eventLabel as string?
I added second, nonInteraction event for collecting item views, ga("send","event","Data","show","1234",1,{nonInteraction:true}). It count all events, but I need only unique ones (performed by unique visitors) in specified period of time (day, week, month). Is it possible?
1) The parameters are category, action, label and value. "Value" is a metric and is expected to be an integer. Since it's a metric it will be added up. So if you do
you will increment a metric by 1234, not store an id. You do not want this (especially if you have a linked adwords account, since this will be used to calculate your "return on advertising spent").
You want to use your item_id as label, however label is a string. So what you need to do is:
i.e. wrap the value for your label in quotes.
2) Is there anything wrong with ga:uniqueEvents for your purposes ?
