In App Dynamics calculating the sum of a transaction metric - appdynamics

I am creating a dashboard in App Dynamics and would like to get the sum of the metric calls/minute for an endpoint of my web service.
How can I do that?
I can create the graph of calls/minute for a day.
But I would like to display the sum of these calls for a 24 hour period.

How to display the total number of calls for a Business Transaction over a 24 hour period:
(Load Dashbord in Edit Mode)
Click "Add Widget"
Click "Metric Value"
Click "Select a Metric"
Specify the Application and BT in top 2 sections
In next section click "Select a Metric"
Click "Calls per Minute" / "Select Metric"
Change "Value" to "Sum" in dropdown
Click "Save"
(optional) For time range can fix this to 24 hours by using the "Use Widget-Specific Time Range" option in the main widget edit screen (otherwise the dashboard time range will be used for the widget)
Click "Save"
(Docs for Dashboard widgets are here:


How can I see an event's parameters values across time in Google Analytics?

How can I obtain this data for time ranges other then "last 30 minutes" ?
More generally, how can I obtain more informations on an event ? I went here (in the "Reports" tab) :
then clicked on my event. But there is very few informations about it, and none concern the actual parameters of the event.
I created a Dimension for 'isUserLoggedIn', but it is greyed out when I try to use it.

Firebase Analytics retention analysis by day

How to view Retention Analysis in Firebase Analytics by day?
I only see by weeks, I want 1 day for example 20% 2 day 10% , for each day so that the retension can be seen.
I was looking for this too and was baffled that it didn't exist "out of the box". But you can do the following:
Inside Firebase Analytics Dashboard:
Click "View more in Google Analytics" (unless you already are at the Google Analytics webpage)
Now from left-side panel press "Explore"
Click "Blank" (will create a new "Exploration")
Next to the "Free form 1"-tab there should be "+" sign, press it
Click "Cohort exploration" (1. in image)
Now change "Cohort Granularity" to Daily (from Weekly) (2. in image)
Voila! Pain but it works...
I believe this is a similar question as this: Firebase: How to see retention month by month?

How to measure the Firestore read and write counts on Stackdriver

I need to monitor real time reads/writes counts of my Firestore database.
I've already created the dashboard with the metrics and the image attached shows the current configuration.
However, this displays a rate (per second). How do I calculate the actual counts? Or is there a different aggregation aligner?
If you would like to add ‘count’ into your existing chart, here are the steps:
on the Dashboards page, click the 3 dots on the top-right of your chart, select ‘Edit’ from the pop-up menu;
On the ‘Edit Chart’ page, under ‘METRIC’ tab, click ‘+ ADD METRIC’, select the ‘Resource type’ you desire and the Metric such as ‘Document Reads’ or ‘Document Writes’, then select ‘count’ in the dropdown list of ‘Aggregator’ and save the change.

What happens when pushing variable to dataLayer multiple times

Lets say for instance I have a web game on a page and the code is set so that every time the player completes a level it pushes the current level to the dataLayer:
dataLayer.push({'level': currentLevelNumber});
Does this then mean I will be able to create segment in GA to see how many people made it to each level? i.e. segment1(level = 1), segment2(level = 2) etc..
Also, what are limits of this? GA has a 500 event limit per session. Is pushing a variable part of this limit or does it have its own limit?
I tried to find this information in documentation but couldn't see it.
Essentially, you're trying to report on the levels that your users are on for a particular game.
To do this, you will need to create a user-scoped custom dimension within GA.
Then you would want to push to the datalayer whenever the user moves to another level something like:
'level': currentLevelNumber,
'event': 'user-lvl-update',
Then in GTM, create datalayer variable to capture "level" and create a custom event trigger for the "user-lvl-update" event.
Then in GTM, create a GA tag for the event "Level Update" and configure it normally, but this time, check the "Enable overriding settings" checkbox, under "More settings > Custom Dimensions" click on "Add custom dimension", enter in the index number of the custom dimension you created earlier and for dimension value, put in the variable where you captured level. Trigger this tag using the "user-lvl-update" trigger.
There is a limit of 500 hits per session. A hit is a pageview, event, etc. whenever you're sending data to GA. Pushing to the datalayer doesn't count towards that

How to create a trigger in SQL Server that execute on a specific time and only once

I want a trigger (or something like that) that when is a specific date, for example 01-01 (every year) to execute only once and add to every column +20.
Table: Id#, Number
I am building an ASP.NET Core MVC project and I want to be able to do this operation for my database.
Expand the SQL Server Agent node and right click the Jobs node in SQL Server Agent and select 'New Job'
In the 'New Job' window enter the name of the job and a description on the 'General' tab.
Select 'Steps' on the left hand side of the window and click 'New' at the bottom.
In the 'Steps' window enter a step name and select the database you want the query to run against.
Paste in the T-SQL command you want to run into the Command window and click 'OK'.
Click on the 'Schedule' menu on the left of the New Job window and enter the schedule information (e.g. daily and a time).
Click 'OK' - and that should be it.
(There are of course other options you can add - but I would say that is the bare minimum you need to get a job set up and scheduled) scheduler can be helpful for the purpose.
ISimpleTrigger trigger = (ISimpleTrigger) TriggerBuilder.Create() .WithIdentity("trigger1", "group1") .StartAt(myStartTime) // some Date .ForJob("job1", "group1") // identify job with name, group strings .Build();
