Opening absolute urls in RedwoodJS - SSR - server-side-rendering

I have a RedwoodJS App with several routes.
It's very basic for now and I start the development server with yarn rw dev.
Now I have created some routes:
/ -> HomePage
/sign-in -> SignInPage
/register -> RegisterPage
I can call the routes internally via navigate which works fine. But I cannot call these routes via localhost:8910/register for example. I get a 404 error.
What do I have to do to make (almost) all routes callable directly with their absolute urls?

A late response to your question, but all the routes are managed in the Routes.tsx-file. In my example, I have a route to access the BikesPage-component (located in .../pages/Bike/BikesPage hence the naming BikeBikesPage).
So to ask your question, to make them callable by their absolute name, the name must be the same as the path. Hope that helped you or anyone coming here afterwards!


Invalid Dynamic Link on accessing (no query params)

Here is my Firebase Dynamic Links page:
On running this command: npx uri-scheme open "" --android - notice there is no query params in the link, a web page is opened on Android as expected, but with the following content:
It is working find when I add /c8Ci or /bbb at the end, but it throws me the error above when the link is clear (without any query params)
To be short:
Android: - success (app launched) - success (app launched) - fail
iOS - success (app launched) - success (app launched) - success (app launched)
Can you please help me to figure out what's wrong with my Dynamic Linking.
Thank you mates in advance!
It is an expected behavior when you try to open the "" directly, as its purpose is solely for Dynamic Links domain only. Note that Firebase provides a default '' subdomain for your Dynamic Links for free, this is because you can't use the same domain for both Dynamic Links and regular hosting. The domain is not configured to behave as a regular Hosting domain.
This is why configuring a short link URL allows you to redirect your users to you app. And visiting the domain directly returns an invalid page.
As for iOS, I can only assume it was cached that’s why it worked.
I guess it is best reaching out directly to Firebase support regarding this as there could be any other underlying reasons that could cause this.

How to fix "Callback URL mismatch" NextJs Auth0 App

I am using Auth0 NextJs SDK for authentication in my NextJS App. I am following this tutorial In my local machine, everything works fine.
The configuration for Auth0 in my local server:
In the Auth0 Dashboard, I added the following URLs :
Allowed Callback URLs: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback
Allowed Logout URLs: http://localhost:3000/
My local app works locally fine.
I uploaded the app on Vercel. And changed the
In Auth0 Dashboard, updated the following information:
Allowed Callback URLs:
Allowed Logout URLs:
I am getting the following error:
Oops!, something went wrong
Callback URL mismatch.
The provided redirect_uri is not in the list of allowed callback URLs.
Please go to the Application Settings page and make sure you are sending a valid callback url from your application
What changes I should make it works from Vercel as well?
You can try to check if vercel isn't changing the url when redirecting to auth0. Your configurations seems good to me. The error is very explicit though. I think a good option should be to verify that the redirect (if handled by vercel) is doing with the same url as auth0 expects.
And don't forget to add the url you're currently on when performing the callback. Are you in when the callback is executed? (call auth0).
you have to change your base url in the env.local file
you can also make two more env files namely env.development and env.production and set different base urls for different cases so that the correct base url is automatically loaded depending on how ur web app is running.
You need to add handleLogin under api/auth/[...auth0].js and that will solve it:
import { handleAuth, handleLogin } from '#auth0/nextjs-auth0';
export default handleAuth({
async login(request, response) {
await handleLogin(request, response, {
returnTo: '/profile',
Don't forget to also add allowed callback url in [Auth0 Dashboard]: for your hosted app for both local and hosted instance:
http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback, https://*

Stuck with woocommerce_rest_authentication_error: Invalid signature - provided signature does not match

Below issue was posted by me on but since this may not be related at all to WooCommerce.Net but on a lowerlevel to Apache/Word/WooCommerc itself I am posting the same question here
I am really stuck with the famous error:
WebException: {"code":"woocommerce_rest_authentication_error","message":"Invalid signature - provided signature does not match.","data":{"status":401}}
I have two wordpress instance running. One on my local machine and one on a remote server. The remote server is, as my local machine, in our company's LAN
I am running WAMP on both machines to run Apache and host Wordpress on port 80
The error ONLY occurs when trying to call the Rest api on the remote server. Connecting to the local rest api, the Rest Api/WooCommerceNet is working like a charm :-)
From my local browser I can login to the remote WooCommerce instance without any problem
On the remote server I have defined WP_SITEURL as 'http://[ip address]/webshop/ and WP_HOME as 'http://[ip address]/webshopin wp-config.php
Calling the api url (http://[ip address]/webshop/wp-json/wc/v3/) from my local browser works OK. I get the normal JSON response
Authentication is done through the WooCommerce.Net wrapper which only requires a consumer key, consumer secret and the api url. I am sure I am using the right consumer key and secret and the proper api url http://[ip address]/webshop/wp-json/wc/v3/ (see previous bullet)
I already played around with the authorizedHeader variable (true/false) when instantiating a WooCommerce RestApi but this has no effect
Is there anybody that can point me into the direction of a solution?
Your help will be much appreciated!
In my case, the problem was in my url adress. The URL Adress had two // begin wp-json
Url Before the solution: http://localhost:8080/wordpress//wp-json/wc/v3/
URL Now, and works ok: http://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-json/wc/v3/
I use with this sentence.
RestAPI rest = new RestAPI(cUrlApi, Funciones.CK, Funciones.CS,false);
WCObject wc = new WCObject(rest);
var lstWooCategorias = await wc.Category.GetAll();
I hope my answer helps you.
Had the same issue. My fault was to define my url incorrect: http:// instead of https://.

Relative paths for assets in Play Framework

I'm running two Play 2.3.x applications behind nginx. In nginx, application A is configured to be accessed at "/". Application B is configured to be accessed at "/appB/".
I'm having some problems resolving assets for application B when using the built in routes/assets functionality (<script src=""someScriptfile.js")") type="text/javascript"></script>. The problem here is that the URL will be absolute, for example /assets/file.png. This will result in that the proxy forwards the request to application A.
I want to use relatives path instead. That would allow me to run the application B both with and without the proxy. I want the asset url to be assets/file.png.
What are my options? I know I can solve it by using content rewrite in the proxy, but we would returns a Call, which is converted to a String implicitly in Scala. The String it produces is just the URL the reverse router resolves to. If all you want to do is remove the leading slash, you can drop the first character."someScriptfile.js")").drop(1)
Or to be super sure that what's removed is only a leading slash, you could use stripPrefix."someScriptfile.js")").stripPrefix("/")
Try something like this:
For your Application B use absolute URLs but prepend them with the "/appB/"
package misc;
import controllers.routes;
public class BAssets {
public static String at(String path) {
return "/appB" +;
Then every time you want to serve some asset for application B, you will write it like this:
<script src=""javascripts/hello.js")"></script>
If you want, you can even include more logic in the method which calculates the path to the asset - for example based on if your application is in dev mode or in prod. Or even based on the proxy configuration (you can decide to change the path to appC tomorrow).
I just found a solution that works.
Edit application.conf and add the following: application.context="/appB/".
This will translate <script src=""someScriptfile.js")" type="text/javascript"></script> to url /appB/assets/someScriptfile.js
I just created a PR to have relative paths added to Play. Looks like it will be released with 2.6.7

Creating a url in controller in mvc 4

I am trying to send activation mail to the currently registered user.In mail body,I need to send a link like, for debugging on local machine, I manually write it as localhost:30995/account/activation?username=d&email=g. But, when my port number changes, I need to rewrite it.
I tried another question
on this website,but, compiler gives error like url.action doesnot exist.
Please give me fresh solution as I am confused with that solution.
Use a Url.Action overload that takes a protocol parameter to generate your URLs:
Url.Action("Activation", "Account", new { username = "d", email = "g" }, "http")
This generates an absolute URL rather than a relative one. The protocol can be either "http" or "https". So this will return http://localhost:XXXXX/account/activation?username=d&email=g on your local machine, and on production.
In short, this will stick whatever domain you're hosting your app on in front of your URL; you can then change your hostname/port number/domain name as many times as you want. Your links will always point to the host they originated from. That should solve the problem you're facing.
Try using IIS / IIS-Express instead of Casinni web server that comes with visual studio.
You could add bindings to have the right URL (with host entries of course).
This will avoid the port numbers in your links.
