How to see branch name next to Project directory in GoLand - goland

Is it possible to include the branch name next to the project in GoLand?
I see it by default with Pycharm:
In GoLand, I don't see it although the project come from a git repository:

GitToolBox plugin adds branch names to Project View so that you can install it in GoLand as PyCharm.


Creating a git repo for an existing R project - "fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master" error

I want to finally start using version control for my R projects. I started following this guide, created an empty repo, but the problem started when I got to the command line part.
First I did:
git remote add origin
But after I type:
git pull origin master
I get this error:
fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master
Now, if I try the following:
git remote -v
I get:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
So something is working. I am new to git and not sure about where the problem is.
As an attempt to fix the problem, I added one file for the repository (file.R) but apart from that, the repository is empty. I get the same error as before.
And if I try git branch -r on the terminal I don't get anything in return.
If you started by creating an empty repo in GitHub, then the default branch is no longer master. The default branch is now main.
If you started by creating a new repo locally using git init, then check what your default branch is using git branch. This should show you either a main or master branch.
It may be easier to create the repo in GitHub with a simple and .gitignore, then clone that repo to another folder. Move your code into that repo, add and commit everything, then push your code to GitHub.

Unable to add the git url to connect project in Rstudio with git repository

Im trying to connect an existing project in R studio with an external git repository. I have installed it and verified that there is communication between this and rstudio. Then I
Execute the Project Options command (from the Project menu)
Choose Version Control options
Change the version control system from (None) to Git
Confirm that you wish to initialize a new Git repository
but I cannot put inside the git url as the relative input (Origin) cannot be clicked. Anybody has the same issue? I am following this tutorial.

Installing Papyros QML Material plugin in Qt Linux

I'm trying to install qml-material plugin from papyros in my Qt. I have completed these steps so far
Cloned qml-material repo from here
opened "" file in repository's root directory in Qt Creator
Built the project in release. It created "" and similar files in the build directory.
In the build directory executed "make install"
After this step I don't know what to do. Please correct me if I have done something wrong and guide me what do I do next in order to use this plugin in a project.

How to run the meteor project which git cloned from the Github in different OS

I've created a meteor project in my Windows system,then it be pushed to my Git repository.
Now I need to git clone to my Mac system and run it, but when I CD into the project folder and use "meteor" order in terminal line, It shows: "you need to creat APP ...", why? what should I do to run the project in my Mac system?
Many thanks~~~
Have you tried following the tutorial?
I think meteor create is what you need.

Qt 5: Debug\release and Release\debug directories

I use Qt 5.0.1 with Windows SDK 7.1. If I create a new application, the Kits page of the New app wizard offers to create Debug and Release directories:
Debug: C:\Projects\MyProject-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MSVC2010_32bit-Debug
Release: C:\Projects\MyProject-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MSVC2010_32bit-Release
1) If I compile the app in Debug mode, Qt Creator creates two directories:
The executable will be created in the former, C:\...-Debug\debug.
2) If I compile the app in Release mode, I will get another pair of directories:
In this case, the executable will be placed in the latter, C:\...-Release\release.
What is the logic behind this nested directory structure? When does the IDE use the directories C:\...-Debug\release and C:\...-Release\debug?
#phyatt pointed out that turning off shadow building in project settings eliminates the problem. The debug and release directories will be generated inside the project's source directory:
Unfortunately, this doesn't answer the above question. Moreover, now the project settings page displays a warning:
An incomplete build exists in C:\Projects\MyProject, which will be
If you are only using a single compiler, I would go into the Projects tab > Build > General > Shadow Build, and uncheck Shadow Build.
This will simplify the configuration and folder structure, and may fix the bug for you.
Maybe go in and do a build clean for good measure.
Hope that helps.
