exporting query result in Kusto to a storage account - azure-data-explorer

I get below error on running my kusto query(which i am still learning) in Azure Data Explorer. and the reason is result is more than 64 mb.. Now when I read the MS doc they mentioned we have something called Export which we can use to export the query result in a storage blob.. However I couldnt find any example as how we can do it? Did someone tried it? Can they provide a sample as how we can export to a storage account when my resulted set is more than 64 mb?
Here is what I have for now, I have data in an external table which I would like to query. so for example if my external table name is TestKubeLogs and I am quyering
| where category == 'xyz'
and then I get error as
The Kusto DataEngine has failed to execute a query: 'Query result set has exceeded the internal data size limit 67108864 (E_QUERY_RESULT_SET_TOO_LARGE).'
so now I am trying to export this data. How should I do it. I started writing this but how do I specify the category and table name.
async compressed
to json (

You are not in the right direction.
Regardless the source of your data, whether you're querying an external table or managed table, it does not make sense to pull large data volume to your client.
What would you do with millions of records presented on your screen?
This is something that is true to all data systems.
Please read the relevant documentation:


comparing two BLOB statements in SQLite using SQLiteStudio

I am currently working on a warehouse management system operated on a Raspberry Pi. Scanning a QR code should open the correct line of the database.
I read the text file/CSV file containing the QR code into my Table QR database via:
insert into QR values(readfile("C:\...\IDNumberfromQR.csv"));
this works, because the ID number appears in the database in the correct table. However, the content of the text file is read in the file type "Blob".
If I now make a table comparison via
SELECT * from warehouse management table
where PulverID=( select code from QR);
nothing appears.
However, if I enter the ID number on the computer in the table QR.code and do not have the ID read in via my file, the line I am looking for appears. So it is obviously a Data format problem.
What I already tried:
I have already set both to blob in the settings. This still did not work. The functions found in the SQLiteStudio tutorial like import(file,format,table) don't work either.
Does anyone have any idea how i can solve this problem?
Is it possible to read a CSV file as double?

How can i query a large result set in Kusto explorer?

I am trying to return more than 1 million records from Kusto database in Kusto explorer but I am getting this error below
Query result set has exceeded the internal record count limit 500000 (E_QUERY_RESULT_SET_TOO_LARGE; see http://aka.ms/kustoquerylimits)
I think the limit is 5000000. Any ideas how can I achieve this? thanks
set notruncation;
It's strongly recommended that, in this case, some form of limitation
is still put in place.
set truncationmaxsize=YOUR_LIMIT;
set truncationmaxrecords=YOUR_LIMIT;
Reference : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/concepts/querylimits#limit-on-result-set-size-result-truncation
For large data exports - please use server-export options described here:
Service-side export (push): The methods above are somewhat limited since the query results have to be streamed through a single network connection between the producer doing the query and the consumer writing its results. For scalable data export, Kusto provides a "push" export model in which the service running the query also writes its results in an optimized manner. This model is exposed through a set of .export control commands, supporting exporting query results to an external table, a SQL table, or an external Blob storage.
Additional option is to use Kusto Explorer "run query into csv" button, this will add the set notruncation; for you and will save the results directly to disk, so that you can easily open the results in other tools such as Excel.

Insert data into kusto table using flow

Can we insert data into kusto table using flow?
I tried to insert data into kusto table using .ingest inline command but it throws a bad request error shown below:
Bad request: Control commands (starting with a dot '.') cannot be served from the query endpoint unless they are .show control commands.\r\nPlease provide the following information when contacting the Kusto.
So can we insert data into kusto table using flow?
it is possible, you just need to choose the Run control command... action instead of the Run query ... option (as .ingest, like any other command that starts with a dot (.) is a control command, and not a query)
that said, using direct ingestion is not necessarily recommended for large scale - you can read more about why here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/management/data-ingestion/
Inline ingestion (push): A control command (.ingest inline) is sent to the engine, with the data to be ingested being a part of the command text itself. This method is primarily intended for ad-hoc testing purposes, and should not be used for production purposes.
#Yoni L
Thank you it worked but we need to choose Chart Type as Html Table

Import CSV to SQL using schema.ini as validator

I'm using schema.ini to validate the data types/columns in my CSV file before loading into SQL. If there is a datatype mismatch in a row, it will still import the row but leaves that particular mismatch cell blank. Is there a way in which I can stop user from importing the CSV file if there is any issues and/or provide a error report (i.e. which row has problems).
The best approach is to check the file for any mismatch; but in the case of a large file, then this is not feasible.
You might need to load it first the check the loaded data in the table for the mismatch. This is much faster than checking the file (You can use a simple T-SQL script to check for nulls in the table).
IF mismatches are found, the user can then be notified and the table can then be cleared.
have a look at he FileHelpers library: http://www.filehelpers.com/
This is a very powerful library to do all kinds of imports, including csv and they also have a pretty neat error handling part
Using the Differents Error Modes The FileHelpers library has support
for 3 kinds of error handling.
In the standard mode you can catch the exceptions when something fail.
This approach not is bad but you lose some info about the current
record and you can't use the records array because is not asigned.
A more intelligent way is usign the ErrorMode.SaveAndContinue of the
Using the engine like this you have the good records in the records
array and in the ErrorManager you have te records with errors and can
do wherever you want.
Another option is to ignore the errors and continue how is showed in
this example
1 engine.ErrorManager.ErrorMode = ErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue; 2
3 records = engine.ReadFile(... Copy to Clipboard | View Plain |
Print | ? engine.ErrorManager.ErrorMode =
records = engine.ReadFile(... In the records array you only have the
good records.

Filemaker repeating fields and ODBC

So I'm transferring an old filemaker database to MySQL and some repeating fields are causing me some problems. I've read that the ODBC standard support those fields, only when their types is "Text" and that each repetition is concatenated with a certain delimiter (see page 47 (PDF)). However, I just can't reproduce this. All I get is the first repetition.
If I export the database to the .csv format, the fields are correctly concatenated, so I'm not completely stuck, but if possible, I'd like to be able to obtain the same result with the ODBC connection. Thanks!
With JDBC and Filemaker 12 I can access the repeating field using brackets as it was table beginning with index 1.
It should be the same in ODBC.
Of course I recommend to normalize but it can help to know there is other options.
In my experience the documentation about repeating fields is a lie. :)
If you can get it to work, please, please post an answer. But I imagine you'll have to do the workaround using the csv export.
My recommendation regarding this would be to normalize the repeating fields to a separate table within FileMaker and then perform the transfer of the data. You can create a related table in FileMaker and then use a script to populate the table with the repeating field values. Let me know if you need assistance writing such a script.
I want to provide details about #Signix answer above. I was able to fetch repeating fields from JDBC but it's tricky. At page 30 of FileMaker "ODBC and JDBC Guide", it states:
Note FileMaker repeating fields are supported like arrays.
INSERT INTO mytable(repField[3]) VALUES (‘this is rep 3’)
SELECT repField[1], repField[2] FROM mytable
This is the only documentation! So in theory you could use this query:
ResultSet resultSet = fmStatement.executeQuery("SELECT id, repField[1], repField[2] FROM mytable");
But the tricky part is getting the results. The only way seems to use the column index.
System.out.println(resultSet.getString("repField[1]")); // fails, throws FMSQLException
System.out.println(resultSet.getString("repField[2]")); // fails, throws FMSQLException
System.out.println(resultSet.getString("repField")); // returns repField[1]
System.out.println(resultSet.getString(2)); // returns repField[1]
System.out.println(resultSet.getString(3)); // returns repField[2]
I think the reason is because fields are being named without their bracket parts.
System.out.println(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(1)); // returns "id"
System.out.println(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(2)); // returns "repField"
System.out.println(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(3)); // returns "repField"
So when using resultSet.getString("repField") it returns the first column value with that name. It's stupid but it works.
