[object Object].zopim { display: none !important }
This is the code which is come under unpassable data GSC error under invalid item. Please any help me out to fix this code.
enter image description here
Look at my picture.
I have an issue like this.
I cant find out my way to show my error tooltip over my row in my table.
Someone have met this trouble before.
Any suggest for me?
I have try to set overflow property is auto in every single html tag inner my table row but nothing happen.
I still try to set z-index of this tooltip but still got nothing.
This is my example about this:
[1]: https://codesandbox.io/s/errormessage-not-overflow-in-table-row-4y6m2b?file=/index.js
I edit your style.css file :
#import "rsuite/dist/rsuite.css";
#root {
padding: 10px;
.rs-table-cell ,
.rs-table-cell-content {
overflow: unset !important;
My Netbeans IDE show me error when I'm using css variables.
For example, this lines of code will return an error:
:root {
--main-bg-color: #dad66f;
.title {
color: var(--main-bg-color);
I found this solution online:
But I don't know how to install this patch.
Anyone have idea how I can stop showing this code as an error?
Thanks :)
I've just checked and in the current latest Netbeans IDE version(11.3) CSS variables are working fine.
I've been working on implementing Parsley.js into a Rails app that is using Bootstrap for CSS and JS classes. I have everything working, except some CSS that is giving me a headache. For some reason, if there are any validation error the addon's height gets resized to occupy the whole space. I tried using the max-height property without any luck, and I think is something that can be fixed with a clearfix. Can someone please help me? An example of my error can be found here: http://plnkr.co/edit/6i6yqSvNXQLCDNvvK5el?p=preview . Thanks is advanced.
Edit: Here is a mockup of my desired output:
I have try to solve this with js but unfortunately not getting the js so I have added position: absolute to the error messages.
I have added following styles
here is the updated code
hope this will hep you.
I tried to insert the following line of code in an external CSS stylesheet, but my Error Console told me there was an error parsing value for property 'cursor':
cursor: url(JC_puzzle_piece.cur) !important;
Is this not the proper syntax? If so, then what is?
You need to provide a fallback preset value in case the cursor file isn't found. See a list of presets here.
cursor: url(JC_puzzle_piece.cur), default !important;
I am getting the following error in Firebug (console -> show css errors)
Expected ',' or '{' but found '0.2'.
This is on a page with jCarousel.
Is there a way to get more information about this error in Firebug, I can't find it in the code.
Found this:
ul, ol {
margin-left 0;
on this example page:
i.e. margin-left is not followed by a colon.