Graphite rpms EPEL 8? - graphite

I have an old Graphite setup running on RHEL6 and it looks like it was created via Yum and EPEL 6. My organization would like to continue using the rpm install so we automatically receive updates for Graphite.
It looks like there were some packages created for EPEL7, but has graphiteapp said if it will offer a Yum package for RHEL8?


JFrog not showing any 'Debian Info' for package built on Ubuntu Jammy

I am trying to build a custom debian package of the Cassandra C++ Driver on Jammy (22.04) [0].
It builds fine, but when I manually 'Deploy' the packages to our private JFrog repo no information is shown in the 'Debian Info' section, and the packages are not picked up when I do sudo apt update locally.
Locally doing a dpkg-deb -I <package.deb> shows all the expected information. Also, installing the local package with sudo dpkg -i <package.deb> works fine.
All seems fine when I perform the same actions on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04)
There's nothing in the JFrog UI that indicates any issue with the package.
How can I figure out what's going wrong?
cd to 'packaging' and run
Hello I came across the same issue and found out the problem, since ubuntu 21.10 the default package compression method has changed to zstd but artifactory had no support of this until recently: RTFAC-19541.
So you can either update your artifactory instance to at least version 7.38.0 or use another compression method in your debian package generation process, see the this answer.
Too bad that artifactory didn't print any error for this.

Updating R to 3.5+ on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm looking to update R on our ubuntu 18.04 server to 3.5 or higher but I'm experiencing some difficulties.
Installing it via install r-base results in version 3.4.x, we need 3.5 or higher to run some specific scripts. I've also consulted this website:, and attempted add the repository listed (sudo add-apt-repository but this results in the following errors:
Cannot add PPA: ''.
ERROR: '' user or team does not exist.
At this point, I'm at a loss. I'm wondering if it's potentially a firewall issue? or is there a setting I need to change.
What about downloading .deb(s) from and installing them with dpkg / apt?

chocolatey: meteor v0.0.2 is the latest version available based on your source(s)

I follow the instructions to install meteor 1.6 on Windows(10) as stated on (choco install meteor) and it's installed a meteor v0.0.2 ?
When I try to run any meteor command I get: bash: meteor: command not found
and when I try choco upgrade meteor I get:
$ choco upgrade meteor
Chocolatey v0.10.8
Upgrading the following packages:
By upgrading you accept licenses for the packages.
meteor v0.0.2 is the latest version available based on your source(s).
Chocolatey upgraded 0/1 packages.
See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).
I tried choco uninstall meteor and then reinstall choco instlal meteor but same issue. Searching around online a little I found this page:
I do have meteor installed and running on version on Window 10's Ubuntu bash which was installed via curl | sh
Following on from above post by Gary Ewan Park. The below comment on clarifies the Chocolately/Meteor versioning
The current version of Meteor is 1.6;
is this the version in the 0.0.2 Chocolatey package?
[Garrie Powers • 2 months ago]
The version number of the Chocolatey package is the version of the installer.
Meteor is unique in the way it works in that all versions
are capable of springboarding to other versions.
Therefore, in the same way as the Unix installer installs the latest version,
the Chocolatey installer will always install the latest version.
So at this exact moment, the answer to your question is "yes"!
[Jesse Rosenberger Garrie Powers • 2 months ago]
The best advice would be to reach out to the maintainers of that package of This can be done by clicking on the "Contact Maintainers" link of this page:
It would seem that the creators of the application, also own the Chocolatey package, so hopefully they will get back to you.
From the official installer github:
The version of this Meteor installer is not to be confused with Meteor itself. Meteor, once installed, will always "springboard" to (download, install and run) the correct version of Meteor necessary for the application being executed.
When necessary, specific versions of Meteor can be installed using
Chocoloatey's --params argument which will download that specific
version from Meteor's installation server. For example, to install
C:> choco install meteor --params="'/RELEASE:'"
Note: Prior to
Meteor 1.6, 64-bit versions were not available. Therefore, in order to
install versions prior to Meteor 1.6, you'll also need to pass
Chocolatey's --x86 option when running choco install on 64-bit Windows
platforms. For example:
C:> choco install meteor --x86 --params="'/RELEASE:'"

how to upgrade rhel version from 7.2 to 7.3

Apart from doing yum update all, is there any way to update RHEL 7.2 to RHEL 7.2. AM looking for system packages alone to be updated and leave the application level to be in their current version.
I assume by system packages you mean the ones supplied from official RHEL repos, and by application level you mean third-party software installed on top of the RHEL system. If that's the case, then disable the third-party repos for the upgrading process. I.e. something like:
yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms update
Alternatively, you can exclude specific packages from the upgrade. For that, you can use the versionlock yum plugin (available from the yum-plugin-versionlock package). Use it as follows:
yum versionlock <package>-*
This locks all packages whose names start with <package>- to their current versions.
Yet another method is to use the --exclude option of yum, or--to make it permanent--specify which packages to exclude in the yum.conf file. See How do I exclude kernel or other packages from getting updated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux while updating system via yum? for instructions on how to use those options.

installing a previous version of Cloudera

When I try to install a previous version of Cloudera with all packages(Cloudera Manager, CDH with all applications and so forth) through install manager binary always installs the lastest version of Cloudera (now 5.8) even if the manager installer bin was found in the Cloudera 5.4 directory in the repository. I want to install Cloudera 5.4. For that, I have found Cloudera 5.4 RPMs in the repository to install manually in RHEL but when I install them, yum finds dependency errors with the database and daemon packages perhaps because of a previous failure in the installation. Because of this I think this is not the best manner of install Cloudera 5.4. Anyone that knows how to install a previous version of Cloudera or have installed or have experience in that or can give me some advise on how to install it? Thanks!
While, I'm not clear on why you would want an older version of CM, you can adjust your cloudera-manager.repo file to point to the specific version you want. Something like this:
name = Cloudera Manager, Version 5.4.10
baseurl =
gpgkey =
gpgcheck = 1
