Change accepted payment icons after each payment method - wordpress

I'm trying to add an image after the Stripe payment method inside woocommercein a similar fashion to paypal.
I've found a possible duplicate question - Change payment card icons for WooCommerce Stripe in checkout
But this question appears out of date as it suggests there are some card icons available & they just need re-ordering.
I have tried the code in this question but it has no effect.
I've read that Stripe have removed the icons & replaced it with a single icon which appears as you begin to enter your card details, which seems to be true:
Can anyone please advise how to add a similar graphic after Credit Card (Stripe)?


Move T&C above payments methods in woocommerce

I am trying to move the Terms and Conditions above the payment methods options. I tried couple of snippets I found here, but no luck, as most of them moves the payment methods above the order summry, but what am trying to achieve is:
Also I remove the current and then add a manual text one, as my website is running multilanguage and I can not register the simple text in WPML to translate it.
Order Summary.
Terms and Condition box.
Payment Methods
Submit button.
Any help is appreciated.

How can I modify the "Paid" booking status label in WooCommerce Bookings

Using WooCommerce Bookings - I am trying to modify the booking status label which appears on customer-facing front-end views and in customer emails. When a reservation is booked, in the booking summary it displays a status label of "Paid", but since I am using this to book free reservations I don't want it to say "Paid" anywhere because that will confuse customers. I'm trying to get it to say "Booked" instead. Literally all I care about is the text that appears, I'm not trying to modify any status in the actual booking or order.
I would hide the element with CSS, but that same html element is used to display a "Cancelled" label if the customer cancel the booking, and I don't want that hidden. Also hiding it in CSS would not prevent "Paid" from appearing in the customer booking confirmation emails.
In /order/booking-display.php I located this code where the status is being displayed:
echo esc_html( wc_bookings_get_status_label( $booking->get_status() ) );
I assume this is relevant, but I'm a designer & marketer, not a developer, so this is over my head. I have been searching everywhere for a way to do this, but can't figure this out. Thanks in advance for your help!
WooCommerce normally doesn't allow you to change the core order statuses which are Paid, Cancelled, On Hold. However, if you are looking for a paid solution, there's an extension provided by WooCommerce which allows you to do so. You may wanna check this out:
Hope this helps you.
Right after I posted this question I realized... why don't I just use conditional statements to check the booking status and display different markup depending on the status? So I did that and it worked like a charm. I'll update this answer with the code in the morning.

WooCommerce Variable Product issue after updating prices

This just started happening yesterday. I changed my price and now when a customer selects a color item, this pops up underneath the item.
It doesn't prevent the customer from ordering, but it looks horrible right underneath the product when they are about to proceed to the checkout.
Any information would be helpful.
Here is a link to the product / image. Choose Either black, or white and you will see this code above pop up underneath the product.
Live website link to a product: (iphone-66s)
This is a hack.
.woocommerce-variation.single_variation div{display:none;}
But it'll work.
Your theme template is out of date with the newest version of WooCommerce. Or the component in X isn't working correctly. Update your theme first, and if it doesn't work, contact Themeco. Otherwise, your best bet is the quick CSS hack offered by Jaime

Change WooCommerce Stripe Gateway description text

I have a site that's using WooCommerce & the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin to handle payments through Stripe.
Currently when Stripe is selected at the checkout stage a message shows saying "Pay with your credit card via Stripe", is there a way of changing this message? I basically want it to say "Pay with your debit or credit card via Stripe" so it's clear it's not just credit card payments that are taken.
The best way I've come up with is to add an if statement into the /checkout/payment-method.php file that will output $gateway->payment_fields(); for all payment methods except Stripe & hard code the output for Stripe instead.
Is there anyway of just altering the output of $gateway->payment_fields(); instead? As that would be a 'cleaner' way of doing it. I've tried storing $gateway->payment_fields(); to a variable then outputting it using a str_replace() but it appears $gateway->payment_fields(); just echos out its contents rather than returns it.
It's an admin setting. WooCommerce>Settings>Checkout>Stripe

Set value of PayPal Buy Now Button

I am setting up a simple shopping cart type system, and i was wondering how i set the value of a paypal button? Whats the best way to do this?
PayPal has rather extensive documentation on their buttons. I suggest you visit PayPal's website for their full documentation.
When you create a Buy It Now button using the PayPal interface, it asks you to enter the price. If you are creating one programmatically, then the documentation provides details on setting a wide range of the values including the price, currency, etc.
You can find all of this information by logging into PayPal and then Choosing the "Merchant Services" tab. Start with the "Buy Now" link in the Create button section.
PayPal will generate the code for you.
