Wordpress on Google cloud platform - wordpress

I activated wordfence security on wordpress installation on Google cloud platform and now the site is showing server error.
Usually i use file manager to fix it,but cant find a way to do that on Google cloud platform.
Any idea how to solve this issue?


WordPress cPanel / FTP

We moved our WordPress site from GoDaddy to Google Cloud. Does anyone know how to get our cPanel and FTP credentials? Google Cloud says they cannot provide this info?
I've contacted Google Cloud and asked, but they refered me here.

Website as well as Snapshots show "technical difficulties"

Without me being on the website, it suddenly shows the message: "The site is experiencing technical difficulties." I noticed this at the beginning of the month. Yet the Analytics account indicates it must have started at 31.05.
I am using Google Cloud Compute Engine, Wordpress "click to deploy platform" from "virtual machines".
Even reinstalling Snapshots from before this started does not bring me a working website again. It always shows the same error.
Please help me. Does anyone have any ideas? Or do I have to set up everything again from the beginning?
Thank you!
This answer applies if you have Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights installed.
The problem is caused by one of the latest releases. Their release did not include the file lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php.
The solution is to connect to your instance via SSH. Then go to the WordPress Plugin directory /wp-content/plugins and rename the directory google-analytics-for-wordpress. This disables the plugin. You should be able to login to WordPress. Go to plugins and update Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights.
I forgot to mention to check the Apache logs. Check the logfile apache2/logs/error_log. Use tail and look at the last couple of errors. This will help you figure out what is going wrong.

How webmails work with Google cloud hosting? Also how can I setup newsletter solution with MailWizz WordPress plugin in GCH?

I have been building a WordPress website and I am using Google Cloud Hosting as my hosting solution. I am very new in using the Google cloud hosting and I found it's not easy to understand things as I'm even not anyone with IT skill but previously worked with Cpanel hosting several times.
I am trying to establish similarities between GCloud and CPanel hosting but still failing. Researching a lot and I have a way to setup GCloud in CPanel but not sure if it will work and I am not doing that.
However, I want to create and access webmails (eg. yourname#domainname.com) for my personal and business uses. I am aware that I can create them with Zoho or any other mail servers with some costs but I am looking for a single tap solution keeping everything in one place. Hence, I am preferring Google cloud itself.
I am going to use MailWizz for Newsletters which will be also hosted in my own storage/server. It's just that MailChimp gives us email server but we need our own for email list/templates and data. But how can do all these? Can I create and access all these in Google cloud hosting?
If there is anyone to give me a solution regarding all these considering the preferences (I am not likely to use any other email hosting) this will be awesome and help me to make a decision for my upcoming websites. Thanks in advance.
R. K. Mahin
GCP by default does not allow outbound connections for the port 25. 1
However there other approaches to achieve this too:
You got SendGrid, MailGun and Google Apps. They provide solutions which doesn't require SMTP access from a GCE instance.
There is also an alpha feature you can try to request called Cloud Mail. You can request to get your project whitelisted through Google Cloud Support.
If you can configure MailWizz to use other port than 25, you wont get into any trouble. You can create your own instance groups with a MailWizz server and a Load Balancer. GCP even got a Marketplace where you can find a lot of solutions to work with Wordpress and automatically create your own environment.

How to upload themes to wordpress hosted on heroku

Google recently pulled the plug from Cloud SQL free quota and i am now looking for options other that Amazon EC2 as i don't have a credit yet.
I followed the project https://github.com/mhoofman/wordpress-heroku and i was able to
to get wordpress hosted on heroku for free http://calm-wave-7249.herokuapp.com/
The next thing that is bugging me is the ability to add new themes from sites like themeforest.com.
As heroku doesn't support file I/O i was wondering how to commit and push a theme enabled wordpress instance to my heroku repo.
Any help is this regard would be appreciated.

drupal linkedin integration module

I am trying to get the drupal linkedin integration module working. My configuration is:
Drupal 6.19
OAuth 6.x-2.02
linkedin module 6.x-1.x-dev
I have created my app on the linkedin developer network
I have added the correct keys to my linkedin module on my website
I have checked that all my URL's are correct
I have checked my permissions are correct
When I click on my account, edit linkedin, nothing happens. Nothing is logged either.
I did the same with the twitter module and it worked fine.
I have uninstalled the linkedin and oauth modules numerous times to fix and it made no difference.
Anyone offer any pointers where to try next?
fixed by reinstalling modules and prerequisites
