WordPress cPanel / FTP - wordpress

We moved our WordPress site from GoDaddy to Google Cloud. Does anyone know how to get our cPanel and FTP credentials? Google Cloud says they cannot provide this info?
I've contacted Google Cloud and asked, but they refered me here.


Wordpress on Google cloud platform

I activated wordfence security on wordpress installation on Google cloud platform and now the site is showing server error.
Usually i use file manager to fix it,but cant find a way to do that on Google cloud platform.
Any idea how to solve this issue?

Can I host wordpress on Google site?

I made a wordpress for client and I want to shifted it to their hosting. He told me that his existing website is on google site as he has a paid Gsuite and if it possible to host thw wordpress website there.
Is that possible? I found some information that I can host it through google cloud but I am not sure if this is right.
No, it is impossible to host Wordpress on Google Sites.
Google Cloud is a completely different service and yes, you can fire up a cloud instance and host anything you want, including Wordpress, but GSuite services do not include this and it will cost additional money for your client.

Google Cloud Storage - Restrict access to files to a specific domain

I am using Google Cloud Storage for my WordPress website and I would like to know if there is a way to restrict access to my files so that only my domain will be able to access them. I tried Google Search but I couldn't find anything. Could you please tell me if I can do that and how?
From your question it is not clear for which purpose you wish to use Cloud Storage for your website.
You can look at this article with respect to Cloud Storage access control. I would recommend looking at IAM since I believe your want to allow domain access to all the files in Cloud Storage.
In general, if you want to host your WordPress website on Google Cloud, several options are available:
WordPress Single Instance using Cloud Launcher
WordPress on Kubernetes Engine
WordPress on App Engine
If you want to integrate WordPress with Google Cloud products, like Cloud Storage, there are plugins available from the Google Cloud Platform GitHub repository.

Running Wordpress on a subdomain of a URL used for Google App Engine (GAE)

I currently have a Google App Engine application, myapp, to which I have assigned a custom domain, mycustomdomain.com. mycustomdomain.com is currently registered through Google Domains. I set up the custom domain as instructed by Google's docs and it is all working as expected.
Now, I would like to create a subdomain, blog.mycustomdomain.com and point it to my hosting company (i.e. not direct it to my GAE app), where I have a self-hosted Wordpress installation.
I have tried doing this through an NS entry for the subdomain blog through Google Domains, but this does not work.
Could someone direct me if they know how to do this? Thanks.

Wordpress Connect with facebook and other social media

I am running My Wordpress Powered Website on a free hosted platform and the provider blocked PHP curl extension. I want to let visitors login with facebook and other social platforms. I tried with some wordpress plugins (e.g: nextend facebook connect, social connect etc.) But, those plugins requires curl extension to work. Is there any alternatives to activate facebook, twitter connect in my wordpress website for login?
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I found this, but it might be outdated, you can check if it works for you
