Woocommerce Product Vendors and ACF - woocommerce

I am using ACF with Woocomerce Product Vendors, i have added an additional field group to the Edit Vendor page and the form is working fine, but when i use the same form, from the Vendor/Vendor Admin settings, the data is not fetching in the form and also the form is not updating any data to the frontend and backend. I have looked around in most of the documentations but with little or no luck. Any help would be very nice. Thanks


CPT instead of WooCommerce "Product"

I have a problem that hopefully you will help me solve.
I'm am pretty new with this job and don't know pretty much anything about coding yet. I built some websites using Elementor but never touched WooCommerce before and now I am working on a real estate website with lots of houses uplouded as a Custom Post Type (which I will call "ANN").
My problem is: my client wants to have a live catalogue of the selling houses for ADS and stuff.
Searching the Web I figured out that WooCommerce is the best way to do it even if I don't need the shopping cart (if you have other ideas are welcome) but as far as I understand WC have ITS OWN CPT "Product" and I wonder how canI set it to use my ANN instead of PRODUCT to the listing?
Is that possible?
The main problem is that there are lots of real estate ads already uplouded so change them is a no go.
I'm using JetEngine plugin for the CPT, Filters, etc.. if this can help somehow.
Thank you for you time!
You could achieve that with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, but you're gonna need elementor pro.
You can create all the additional fields for the information you need to be displayed in that post type using ACF.
See this link for more information: Creating a Field Group
Make sure your custom post type supports custom fields, if you created it with the CPT UI plugin, you can check that by editing your custom post type and scrolling all the way down. You should see a section with a list of things supported by your custom post type, check custom fields and save.
Then create a template for the custom post type using Elementor's theme builder: How to Create a WordPress Single-Post Template in Elementor
Add the custom fields to the template using the ACF integration with Elementor: Elementor Integration With ACF
Lastly, create a custom loop for your custom post type archive using the Elementor custom skin plugin, so yiu can display the custom fields also in the archive if you need to:
How to display posts in Elementor Pro with your own Design (Elementor Custom Loop)

How to set multiple currency and geo location with algolia search in woocommerce?

We're using algolia for our website with woocommerce. We've used currency switcher plugin on which works with geolocation but on search and category pages where data comes from algolia it doesn't change the price there and show base currency.
So, how can we enable geolocation with algolia and set multi currency based on Geo location?
I've tested most of the plugins. they work but just not on the algolia result page. so looking for a solution which can also work on algolia result page.
Unfortunately the Algolia plugin doesn't support any multi-currency plugin. If you want to make it work you will have to edit Algolia's plugin.
The solution would really depend on how the multi-currency plugin works:
if the plugin is able to figure out the conversion in the browser, then chances are you can work something out quickly by editing the template file.
If everything happens in the backend, you would need to figure out how to get all currencies and push them along every product record.
In general, I think it's easier to index the price in each currency and display it without calculation in the template.

Wordpress form builder for user submiting post

I need to create form for users for submiting posts and I need add custom fields to form. I already have bought http://wpdemo.web-dorado.com/ plugin, but now I see that this plugin can't show in frontend users submitted posts.. Maybe you can say what plugin or which file I need to edit?
If you are looking for a plugin specific for posts creation via front end, then you can use https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-frontend/ plugin. Its PRO version is also available with more features.
There are many other form builder plugins available for posts creation from front end. Gravity Forms plugin is a good example for it.
Halo , you can use User Submiter Post , you can get it here : https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-submitted-posts/
I have used it for long time and never get problem, here is the sample i have made :
With this plugin you also can modify the form , text tools etc. cool plugin. Hope its can help you

How To Add Custom Field In woo commerce product listing admin page in Wordpress

I am very much new to wordpress and need help. Well I need to add a custom field to woocommerce product listing page in admin and make it work.
So where do I have to make changes in code or in admin section.I need some suggestions on how to make it work.
Thanks in advance
if I'm understanding you right you want to add new fields to your woocommerce products, and you want those fields to show up in the admin panel. I am working on this right now myself and I have found a few good resources.
First of all, although I can't find any documentation on them yet directly in the woocommerce API docs, there are two hooks for extending the admin panel.
woocommerce_product_write_panel_tabs - this allows you to insert a new tab within the admin panel. from browsing the source of various free woocommerce plugins that do this it appears that the tab format should be <li>Tab Name</li>.
woocommerce_product_write_panel - this is where the insertion of your custom panel contents would go, placed within a <div id="#tab_name"></div>
These are the two hooks that I have had a great deal of difficulty locating. They allow you to hook into the actual woocommerce admin area, otherwise custom fields you might add will end up in a separate panel.
For all the details on actually adding the custom fields themselves and hooking them up to the front-end, I suggest this tutorial here, which covers the basic concepts involved in adding a new meta-data field and hooking it into the product display (in this case the single-product detail view, it sounds like you want to modify them in the list view but this will show you the basic principles).
Note: that tutorial doesn't use the woocommerce admin panel but creates its own panel, the instructions I gave above, plus this tutorial, should get you just about anywhere you need to go.

Advanced custom fields for wordpress

Advanced custom fields for wordpress... Plugin
source: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com/discussion/2784/image-fields-on-custom-post-type-values-have-all-gone
I updated my advanced custom fields and all image field values have disapeared.
I checked in the database and i still see the information but they're not linking up correct.
God.. any ideas? :(
You'd better check out the depreciated bits of code. I found this same issue with the_repeater_field (http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/docs/functions/the_repeater_field/) it got depreciated and I had to update my code to the right functions.
Check this page out to see if any of these relate to your problem: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/docs/functions/
Checkout Bonzer Custom Fields Creator:
It creates wide array of input fields at various places inside the wordpress admin panel.
Places in the wordpress admin panel where custom fields are applicable includes:
All Post Types
All Taxonomies
Dashboard (Home)
Users (Your Profile)
Settings (All Pages)
Give it a try, I am sure you will love it.
