Use WooCommerce only for the registration part? - woocommerce

I'm using a fairly famous wordpress theme: MyListing.
This theme uses WooCommerce to manage some features such as user registration and login, the dashboard with statistics and the ability to purchase subscription packages for registration.
I don't want to load all woocommerce, in my case I only need it for user login / registration.
Is it possible to upload only the registration / login part of woocommerce without having all the ecommerce features?


Woocomerce Dashboard to user

Is there a way for the user to have a dashboard to able to add/edit products, view reports and orders of his store without access to WordPress admin?
i don't need to let him access to WordPress panel or admin panel to do that. so am checking if there is a customized dashboard for that
Check this, your issue will be solved, WordPress User Role and Capabilities and WooCommerce Shop Manager role and capabilities
Just create another user and restrict it's access permission from your admin.
He will just manage the products with a customized dashboard only what you'll allow.

Wordpress query regarding creating admin login

I have a question regarding creating a WordPress site:
* Is it possible to create admin login and user login from WordPress? (and when I mean admin login, I don't mean the backend of the site.)
I need admin login to the website where only the admin can enter posts via a form and a submit button and user login can view those posts and comment on them. SO basically I need a different UI for the admin to add and edit posts.
Any suggestions for easy ways?
Easy: mark those posts / pages as PRIVATE.

Selling product and coupon in wordpress website, is there any direction / tutorial / plugin?

I know how to develop a website using php and html but I am a newer in wordpress and I bought a wordpress theme for my blogger which only show article for visitors view and no membership system in there. Now, I want to add a big new function but don't know should I buy a plugin or develop myself, so in here I want to get a direction / tutorial / plugin.
Big new function:
1. membership can using fb login or email
2. selling product, after payment send email to user (user can choose login / anonymous to buy it, if login which will using their information to buy)
3. selling product, after payment send coupon to user (user can choose login / anonymous to buy it, if login which will using their information to buy and coupon code will automatically generate which can be unique / same code for one product)
4. user can use unique coupon code (qrcode / barcode) to go to a shop to get a service / product
5. the shop shopkeeper will scan the code using my website cms
6. shopkeeper / admin can view the cms which contain that shop payment and how many people have already use the coupon
7. free coupon for user which can using it in physical store
Thanks for help!!!!

How to have two registration forms in WooCommerce? one for regular customer and two for membership

As per subject line, I want to have two forms in my WordPress website that has a WooCommerce store integrated. I want one of the form(billing form) as a default and two for membership. I am using YITH WooCommerce Subscription plugin for subscription.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
You can build your own regular form either in a page template and add create user processing code logic in there or using Gravity Form plugin with its User Registration add-on.
For subscriptions, you can set up the subscript products and when users go to the checkout place, WooCommerce Subscription plugin has the option in the backend to create users on buying products. I think it's checked by default. If not, go to the checkout tab of the WooCommerce settings.

Prevent automatic login when register in woocommerce

I am making an ecommerce website using wordpress and woocommerce. When a customer create an account from checkout page he get logged in automatically. I don't want this option. I want the user will login by himself not automatically. After searching on google i found an option to use wp approve user plugin and an action hook.
But i don't want to use this plugin as i don't want to keep any option to approve user. There's no need to approve user. I just want don't login the user automatically after creating the account.
Thank you all.
