OpenVX read NV21 image raw data into vx_image type - openvx

I am learning programming using openVX API's and was trying to create a simple application as follows
read nv21 raw data from disk --> use openVX color convert node to convert from nv21 to rgb --> read back rgb and dump.
Consider following sample code
unsigned char * inputNV21 = (unsigned char*)malloc(((imgW*imgH*3)>>1)*sizeof(unsigned char));
FILE *fp = fopen("lena.yuv", "rb");
fread(inputNV21, ((imgW*imgH*3)>>1), 1, fp));
vx_context contextVX = vxCreateContext();
vx_image imageVXNV21 = vxCreateImage(contextVX, imgW, imgH, VX_DF_IMAGE_NV21);
now I am not able to figure out how to put the raw data I have in inputNV21 into imageVXNV21
I have read various openVX sample codes and writing to a rgb vx_image is clear but I am not able to figure out how to deal with the VU channel of NV21 image.


Failed conversion of a QImage image to a CV image

I am new to both opencv and opencv. What I am doing is to convert a QImage image to an opencv Mat image, and then display both of them. Here is my code for this conversion:
i = new QImage("lena.png");
QImage lena = i->scaled(labW,labH,Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio);
QImage lenaRGB = lena.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888);
//method 1
Mat lena_cv, out;
QImage lena2 = lenaRGB.rgbSwapped();
QImage swapped = lena2;
swapped = swapped.rgbSwapped();
lena_cv = Mat(swapped.width(),swapped.height(),CV_8UC3, swapped.bits(),swapped.bytesPerLine()).clone();
namedWindow("CV Image");
imshow("CV Image", lena_cv);
//method 2
Mat out2,out3;
int width = lena2.width();
int height = lena2.height();
memcpy(, lena2.bits(), sizeof(char)*width*height*3);
namedWindow("CV Image2");
imshow("CV Image2",out3);
Both of the above two conversions cannot yield desired images, as shown below:
It is also noted that the conversion cannot proceed without using rgbSwapped, i.e.,:
lena_cv = Mat(lenaRGB.width(),lenaRGB.height(),CV_8UC3, lenaRGB.bits(),lenaRGB.bytesPerLine());
The resulting image lena_cv cannot be displayed. If an additional step to convert lena_cv to BGR format using cvtColor before image display:
Exception at 0x7ffdff394008, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x1
(execution cannot be continued) (first chance) at c:\opencv-3.2.0
This indicates the post conversion to BGR fails. I am not sure RGB to BGR conversion (of QImage) is necessary or not for converting QImage to CV image.
Can anyone help identify the issue with the above codes. Thanks :)
The "skew" in the third image is almost likely a result of assuming that each scan line occupies exactly width*3 bytes. There's typically a "stride" (or "steps") factor with each row in many image formats image such that the number of bytes per row is on some 4-byte or 16-byte boundary. Fortunately, QImage has a helper method called bytesPerLine that tells you how long each source row is.
So instead of this:
memcpy(, lena2.bits(), sizeof(char)*width*height*3);
Do this:
unsigned char* src = lena2.bits();
unsigned char* dst =;
int stride = lena2.bytesPerLine();
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
memcpy(dst + width*3*row, src+row*stride, width*3); // copy a single row, accounting for stride bytes
All of this assume it's the QImage that has the stride bytes and not the target Mat image you are transforming the bits too. If I have this backwards, then adjust the code to account for the steps member of Mat. (I don't see you using this, so I'm willing to be the above code is what you need).
The "blue" image is mostly likely just the RGB color bytes needing to be swapped for every pixel. Not sure why you are calling rgbSwapped unless that was the effect you were going for. Oh wait, you're probably referring to that noise effect at the bottom of the image. I'm willing to bet you need to think about "stride" bytes as well here too.

How to convert the image format to ARG1555 in QT?

I'm new at qt, would like to write a new program with it that will be first. I want to change the image format and size after a image was loaded. However I can not find the ARGB1555 format in the supported formats. How can I convert its format to ARGB1555 ? I want this format, because will use it on hmi project that based on bare metal mcu, so will need the less memory.
It is possible to access the raw pixeldata of a QImage
const uchar * QImage::bits() const
Cast this to int ( 4bytes = pixel ) and use this function for conversion.
unsigned short ARGB8888toARGB1555(unsigned int c)
return (unsigned short)(((c>>16)&0x8000 | (c>>9)&0x7C00 | (c>>6)&0x03E0 | (c>>3)&0x1F));

Create movie file using binary files

I want to create a movie file from binary files. I am able to read binary files using following code
QFile myfile;
int fnum,
if(! return;
QDataStream data(&myfile);
QVector<qint16> result;
while(!data.atEnd()) { qint16 x; data >> x; result.append(x);
here fnum is the number of frames and represents a binary file... can anyone share an idea for how to create a movie file from these data.. at the moment I am able read a frame and plot an intensity plot using qwtspectrogram. but I also want to save the complete movie.

Qt - Get audio amplitude from QBytearray

I'm trying to create a program, using Qt (c++), which can record audio from my microphone using QAudioinput and QIODevice. I made a research and I came up with an example located on the this page. This example does what I need.
Now, I am trying to create an audio waveform of the recorded sound. I want to extract audio amplitudes and save them on a QList. To do that I use the following code:
//Check the number of samples in input buffer
qint64 len = m_audioInput->bytesReady();
//Limit sample size
if(len > 4096)
len = 4096;
//Read sound samples from input device to buffer
qint64 l = m_input->read(, len);
if(l > 0)
//Assign sound samples to short array
short* resultingData = (short*);
for ( i=0; i < len; i++ )
btlist.append( resultingData[ i ]);
m_audioInput is QAudioinput | m_buffer is QBytearray | m_input is QIODevice | btlist is QList
I use the following QAudioFormat:
m_format.setFrequency(44100); //set frequency to 44100
m_format.setSampleRate(44100); //set sample rate to 44100
m_format.setChannels(1); //set channels to mono
m_format.setSampleSize(16); //set sample sze to 16 bit
m_format.setSampleType(QAudioFormat::SignedInt ); //signed integer sample
m_format.setByteOrder(QAudioFormat::LittleEndian); //Byte order
m_format.setCodec("audio/pcm"); //set codec as simple audio/pcm
When I print my QList, using qWarning() <<, I get some positive and negative numbers which represents my audio amplitudes. I used Microsoft Excel to plot the data and compare it with the actual sound waveform.
I am drawing the waveform using QPainter in Qt like this
for(int i = 1; i < btlist.size(); i++){
double x1 = (i-(i/1.25))-0.2;
double y1 =;
double x2 = i-(i/1.25);
double y2 =;
painter.drawLine(x1,y1,x2, y2);
The problem is that I also get lots of zeros (0) in my QList between the amplitude data like this, which if I draw as a waveform they are a straight line, which is not normal because it causes corruption to my waveform.
My question is why is that happening? What these zeros (0) represent? Am I doing something wrong? Also, is there a better way to extract audio amplitudes from QBytearray?
Thank you.
The drawline method you are using take integer values. Which means most of the time both of your x indexes will be the same. By simplifiyng your formula the x value at a given i is (i/5.0). By itself it is not an issue because the lines will be superposed, and it is a perfect way of drawing (just to make sure that's what you want to do).
The zero you see can be perfectly valid. They represent silence.
The real issue is that the range of your 16 bits PCM values is [-32767 , 32768]. I doubt that the paint device you are using cover this range. You need to normalize your y-axis. Moreover, it seems taht the qt coordinated system doesn't have negative values (edit: Nevermind the negatives, its says logical coordinates are converted).
For instance, convert your pcm values using :
(( / MAX_AMPLITUDE + 1.0) / 2) * paintDevice.height();
Btw, you are not using l, which is the real amount of data you read. If it is inferior to len, you will read invalid values at the end of your buffer, possibly read garbage\ read zeros\crash.
And your buffer is a byte buffer. And you iterate using a short pointer. So whether you use l or len the maximum size need to be divided by two. This is probably the cause of the ling line of zero in your picture.
for ( i=0; i < l/2; i++ )
btlist.append( resultingData[ i ]);

how to print a uint16 monochrome image in Qt?

I'm trying to print a image from a Dicom file. I pass the raw data to a convertToFormat_RGB888 function. As far as I know, Qt can't handle monochrome 16 bits images.
Here's the original image (converted to jpg here):
bool convertToFormat_RGB888(gdcm::Image const & gimage, char *buffer, QImage* &imageQt)
Inside this function, I get inside this...
else if (gimage.GetPixelFormat() == gdcm::PixelFormat::UINT16)
short *buffer16 = (short*)buffer;
unsigned char *ubuffer = new unsigned char[dimX*dimY*3];
unsigned char *pubuffer = ubuffer;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimX*dimY; i++)
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
imageQt = new QImage(ubuffer, dimX, dimY, QImage::Format_RGB888);
This code is a little adaptation from here:
But the original one I got a execution error. Using mine at least I get an image, but it's not the same.
Here is the new image (converted to jpg here):
What am I doing wrong?
Try to get values of pixels from buffer manually and pass it to QImage::setPixel. It can be simplier.
You are assigning 16-bit integer to 8-bit variables here:
*pubuffer++ = *buffer16;
The result is undefined and most compilers just move the lower 8 bits to the destination. You want the upper 8 bits
*pubuffer++ = (*buffer16) >> 8;
The other issue is endianness. Depending to the endianness of the source data, you may need to call one of the QtEndian functions.
Lastly, you don't really need to use any of the 32 or 24-bit Qt image formats. Use 8-bit QImage::Format_Indexed8 and set the color table to grays.
