Is it possible to run the header_checks in postfix conditionally by recipient like with smtpd_restriction_classes? - postfix-mta

I am using a postfix setup with smtpd_restriction_classes to separate domains whith different spam protection requirements. I'd like to implement header_checks to additionally filter out spam (due to all the and spamsenders) but only for a subset of the domains handled by the server.
To my understanding I cannot use the restricton classes to apply header_checks only to some of the domains, is there an alternate way to achieve this?
Thanks for reading!


Is there a way to disable Huckabuy PageSpeed product or perhaps Cloudflare workers in general via query string or HTTP header?

When working with the PageSpeed product from Huckabuy which uses Cloudflare workers to implement some page speed boosters I want to be able to bypass the behavior of the boosters without having to reconfigure the settings. Are there any ways to accomplish this that are exposed by Huckabuy or perhaps a generic way using a URL query string parameter or an HTTP header to bypass any given workers in Cloudflare?
Below is an example of what I'd like to be able to do.
If that's not possible then perhaps something specific to Cloudflare like the example below.
Or potentially the following example HTTP header.
I don't know anything about Huckabuy specifically, but there is no general way to bypass Cloudflare Workers with special request properties. Workers are often used to implement security policies, so it's important that they cannot be bypassed.
Of course, any particular Worker is free to implement its own bypass mechanism if it so chooses.

The use of asterisk in FQDN

Hi I am trying to find the duplicate objects of a Fortigate and I am seeng that we have some fqdns defined for example as * and other defined as Does the register with asterisk take into account the other fqdn?
Thanks for your attention
Finally, I solved the doubt. The one without asterisk is more restrictive so they are not the same, it wouldnt make sense to remove that object. Nevertheless, Normally when you want to enable a FQDN you would want to allow all the extensions of that fqdns; for example, if you want to allow and other services of google it would be better to allow * Despite of this, a lot of people want to have a more granularized network filtering.

Website - blocking view from none specified country locations

I am looking for as reliable and accurate / quick means possible to add in some htaccess code to block visits to a website from countries / IPs which are not in the white listed list of countries I want to allow access for. I have looked at which seems to offer a solution - for the 4 allowed countries I want to allow access - it has created a 4.1MB htaccess file! Will this mean slow access when someone attempts to view the site? I guess using a free service like this means the data is likely nowhere near comprehensive?
Does anyone have any suggestions on a good way to allow just visitors from a few countries access to a website?
It sounds like the service you used basically tried tried to brute force the blacklist. If you look into the htaccess file I'm sure you will be a long list of hard coded IP blocks.
In my opinion this is a terrible way to handle a geographic blacklist. To your original question - there is no "most reliable, most accurate, and quickest" method. Those are separate categories and you will need to preference one over the next.
For performance you could consider blacklisting at the routing level / dns server / proxy. This obviously isn't going to be the quickest way in terms of performance. There are Apache Modules that exist that allow you to use a local database to compare the incoming IP address with a list of known IP blocks from the blacklisted country. One of the main issues with this is that you need to constantly update your database to take in new IP blocks.
In my opinion the "best" method to do this is a simple redirect at the application layer using server side code. There exists several geographic API's where you can send in the IP or Hostname and get back a country of origin. An example:
$xml= new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents('{IP_or_hostname}'));
if($xml->CountryCode == "US") {
There are two ways to block a visitor in web server. One is using firewall (.htaccess etc) and another one is using server-side scripting (PHP etc).
If you are concern of the performance of the firewall option, then you can download the IP2Location LITE database from and implement the database in your local server. For every connection, you query the visitor IP address and find their country. You can redirect or block them using the PHP codes. Please find the complete steps in
There is also another option to use remote geolocation API. However, we do not suggest this method because of network latency. It will slow down all user experience due to API queries.

Whitelisting Problems?

I have a huge issue that has to do with whitelisting. I have been doing C++ for about 6 months now and I can't seem to figure out how to pinpoint my targets to limit who can open and use my application with a whitelist.
For example, if the user is not on the whitelist the program would tell them by the way it loads. I would like to see this done with ID's if specific ID matches with the whitelist then that person can use my program.
I have tried doing target drawbacks such as getting IP's, but doing this is so vulnerable if the IP is changed. Also, multiple programs could be opened up on different IDs on that IP, which I don't want.
Sorry if this is very confusing I have just been STRUGGLING with this whitelist I have less hair than I did before I started making the whitelist.
Thanks if you can help, tried to explain the best I could! :)
The general strategy is pretty simple.
First, specify what criteria a user should meet to be on the whitelist.
Second, specify how data about users on the whitelist will be stored.
Third, when the program starts, gather information about the user - when the program starts - that can be compared against the criteria on the whitelist.
Fourth, when comparing data about the user with stored whitelist data, start by assuming the user is NOT on the whitelist and only permit access if a match is found. If there are multiple criteria, you need to decide how to combine them to find a match (e.g. restrict a user to a specific IP, allow a user only if using an IP in a range - which will prevent a user starting the program from home, etc etc)
Fifth, take steps to ensure your program can access the stored whitelist data, but users cannot modify it.
There are many ways to target specific users. First, I need some extract information.. How can you identify a single user ? Your program should be a connection toward any server ? In that case, your user should provide an id and a password or it's a anonymous connection ?

Symfony dynamic firewall

On a large webapplication, I want our customers to be able to enable/configure their own sigle sign-on (SAML) identity provider. Each customer has it's own specific subdomain allowing our application to determine which firewall should be active.
However, I don't want to manually configure each new firewall and clear the cache before changes are taken into effect. Now I read about dependency injection, extensions, compilers and all that, but I just can't seem to find a way to load dynamic firewall settings from the database and apply them. Any idea how I would do this?
FYI, I am using the SamlSPBundle for SSO.
I may have figured this out just moments after setting a bounty! ;)
Symfony2 security allows specification of a request_matcher on a per-firewall basis:
Custom RequestMatchers must implement a single method that returns true or false based on the Request object. I think this could be used to activate a firewall dynamically. As long as you have a finite number of firewalls (I do), then a custom RequestMatcher could solve your problem.
