Cameras No Longer Reporting Events - nest-device-access

Up until today at about noon EST all my cameras were reporting motion, person, etc.
Since then I have received zero events, not even a doorbell chime when I ring the doorbell. I haven't changed any settings.
Thermostat events are still being received.
If anyone at Google is reading this... help would be appreciated.

This issue has been resolved.


Google Analytics Traffic Source issue

I'm having an issue with Traffic sources. Sometimes when i'm receiving traffic it doesn't identify the sources and when i click on it displays false data. It could last for an hour and then it does fix itself.Here are the samples:
It shows "?????" on the Traffic source
When i click on it i see false numbers which are 100% incorrect
Here's how it should be on a regular day
Can anyone please advise what is wrong? How do i fix it?
Thank you in advance!
There is no a real solution however it is a false problem.
It's probably a real-time bug, here you can find here other users who have had the same problem:
The support does not seem to say anything about it, however it will resolve itself and does not compromise the data actually acquired.

firebase dashboard doesn't show admob revenue

I know stackoverflow is not helpdesk for google products, but google helpdesk itself is not helpful so maybe someone else here shared the same problem and can help me to solve.
I've an app published on google play for the past 3 months
all the app stuff is properly connected, firebase->admob->google play console->adsense... everything was done during the previous 3 months
but last week, without any reason, without any update in the app or any settings change in these tools, firebase dashboard stopped showing the admob revenue
as you can see at this graph, it considers from 16th to 22th nov my app just made 0.17 revenue on admob
but on admob itself i've
the blue bars are admob revenue while the green is in-app purchases, so it keeps registering, the admob graph doesn't show the sum of admob revenue but doesn't need to be a genius to see its something around 70.00 way more than 0.17
I've checked in firebase->events tab and all events like ad_click ad_reward ad_impression are still being counted
does anyone have any idea about what might be?
i asked for support on firebase but the guy just pointed me a couple of guides which i had already followed and didn't solve my problem.
After 22 days I finally got google to admit what i knew since the begining:
the link he sent is:
Again his is incoherent, if it is an error between admob->firebase data exchange what kind of sdk release will fix it? and why should i have an eye on it?
this interface is invisible an inacessible to all devs... as should be any fix on it
Anyway, if anyone else is having a similar problem that is the final answer from google

Google Analytics Goals and Tag Manager Events

I set Event tags in my Tag manager, and when I go to G-Analytics, I'm able to track those events in real-time, but the Goals associated to them never register.
I really don't know what I may be doing wrong...
Thank you for your help !
TL;DR : Literally wait 24 hours for data to come in.
Thank you #nyuen for your help. I think I've found what wasn't working. I was simply impatient due to leaving for vacation and wanting it to work before I went. I had started testing yesterday afternoon and I didn't think that the "24 hours" wait before data appeared was so literal. Conversions from yesterday are just coming in now.
Sorry for panicking and thanks again !

Is it possible to send date of transaction (not today) using Google Measurement Protocol?

I build application which pull sales data from Amazon and push it to Google Analytics.
I'm "hitting" transaction to Analytics and it's all works fine, the problem is that in Amazon the sales data updated after 48 hours (maximum) so I need to pull the report two days later.
Does anyone know if there's a way to send the date of the transaction? Can't find it in the Measurement Protocol API.
Thank you all, Peace and love :)
Not really. You have the queue time parameter (offset between current time and time the data was tracked), but as it says in the documentation:
Values greater than four hours may lead to hits not being processed.
"May" indicates that this is not a completely fixed limit but I'm pretty sure that 48 hours are not covered (Philipp Walton, a Google engineer who frequents SO once mentioned that the queue time limit is somehow related to timezones and rollover between days, so I'd guess that two days are way to long).
Apart from that there is as of yet no way to set a date for a hit.
You can try posting a Custom Dimension for each event you send, where the dimension is formatted to the date-time:-
&t=event&cd1=20170423081321&cm1=24 etc
Only problem is: when you generate a GA custom report, the values are accumulated per day. If anyone knows how to get round that, would love to hear it!

Google Analytics API recommends running queries on dates that are at least 48 hours in the past for consistent results

It means I can't see traffic i got today. Also is it only specific to API or Overall Analytics System?
The reason Google recommends this is because for most of the data, there is about a 24 hour delay before you see it in reports or have it available for pulling with the API. The extra 24 hours on top of that is a buffer for insurance.
So if you look at a report or pull data with the API from like 12 hours ago, and then wait an hour or whatever and pull the data with same ranges/metrics/etc... the numbers won't match up, because by then, more data will have become available. But it's data that was already there (people didn't take a time machine into the past and visit your site, obviously) was just not yet processed and available for looking at through the report/API.
A delay in data for reports (or through an API) is not unique to GA. Different reporting tools have different "lags" in data availability, depending on how their databases are setup, how they process the data, how much you are paying for the services, etc... for instance (these are the 4 major tools I've used):
Yahoo Web Analytics data is more or less real-time
Adobe/Omniture SiteCatalyst is..they say real-time but in practice I've seen it take anywhere from instant to an hour
WebTrends has a 24 hour delay
GA has a 24 hour delay
But this isn't as big a deal as you might think. Most companies look at reports by the week, month, quarter, year, so really the delay isn't a problem for the people that matter. The only people that really feel it are the code implementers who have to sit there and wait to see data come in when they are trying to QA an implementation or debug when there is a potential problem.
But even then there are a lot of tools out there that let you see in real-time what is physically being sent to the tool (like firebug, charles proxy, etc...), which greatly helps in QAing. It doesn't really help as far as QAing stuff that requires settings/alterations within the tool's interface, but still, it's a big help.
