Issue opening geomorph package - r

Currently having issue opening geomorph in R. I recently updated R to the newest version. I also updated the packages "RRPP" and "rgl" after finding a thread from 2020 (Geomorph not functioning after update) where someone also had issues opening geomorph. I also recently went ahead and updated all old packages (not just the ones based off of the thread).
Computer info: I am using macOS Catalina version 10.15.7. Can't upgrade to the newest version for space reasons, but haven't had any issues using other packages in R (or running code in MATLAB).
R Version info:
RStudio 2022.02.0+443 "Prairie Trillium"
Mostly need geomorph for a GPA (procrustes analysis), but am open to other alternatives if I can't get geomorph to run. Currently it runs a never ending loop and then R terminates.
Appreciate any thoughts on what to do next or advice if you've run into this issue!
Update: there is a particular version of R on macs where it wouldn't run geomorph (after they updated). They waited to fix this with the next release of R, so there is a small gap in the geomorph package in which it won't run on a specific version of R for macs. I ended up uninstalling R and re-installing the latest version. This is a mac specific issue and if others come across this, updating to the newest version of R solved my issue.


R not loading packages on some MAC versions

I am using the regular R console on a MAC Air with Monterrey as the OS and I'm still having issues loading packages. It is iffy, as to whether a package is loaded and ready to use. Sometimes packages will load and sometimes not. Also, it would not call up data sets that as a default are included in the R packages I'm trying to use. the weird thing is it would recognize the example dataset that is included because when I first tied to call them up, it would let me autocomplete the name. Then it stopped doing that. Then it started telling me that the file doesn't exist. I know I haven't used R in a while but this just seems buggy! any help would be appreciated.
The R version that I have installed is : R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22) -- "Vigorous Calisthenics" and it was installed just last week.
It seems R was not properly installed on your machine.
Several persons reported that using the package manager in RStudio actually did the trick of updating the packages.

R/Rstudio stop working after loading Rcmdr package

I got this problem after installing the new version of Rstudio/R , I had R version 3.6 and Rstudio 1.2.xx and after update I got this .T hen I tried doing a clean install , and reinstalling the packages I had , the installation went fine but I got this problem. Anyone has an idea? I tried looking on the net but didn't find a solution.
Note that It's the same either for Rstudio or Rgui , I end up with either this message error or gui closes (Rgui case).
Are you on Windows? If so this is a known issue and why R 4.0.1 will be replaced by R 4.0.2 on Monday (i.e. in three days).
There should also be a R 4.0.1.patched binary at CRAN which would help you now too. You can try this page with its '4.0.2 release candidate'.

Is R Studio compatible with R 3.4.x?

I have R 3.4.3 installed on my computer. When I point R Studio to this version of R, the program loads a white screen.
Is R Studio compatible with R 3.4.x? What is the highest version of compatibility?
It actually would depend on the version of Rstudio. For the latest ones - yes it is. If your Rstudio is outdated (version 0.*.*) it might have problems with the newest versions of R.
The first step would be to check your R installation. Start R without Rstudio and see if it works. If it doesn't you need to re-install R. If R works fine, then reinstalling Rstudio might be the easiest solution.

updating both Rprofile and R to the same version

Is there any idea, how I can find the version of my Rscript?
The issue is, once I am running R in mac terminal, the version is 3.2.2 but running via Rscript the version is changed to 3.0.2. I would like to know how to update my Rscript's version!
I cannot comment, because I have less than 50 rep, so I'm writing here.
Are you under macOS Sierra?
When I upgraded R to version 3.4.0 after upgrading my Mac to macOS 10.12 (Sierra) I had some problems with rJava. While I searched for a solution, I also noticed that the R version numbers displayed in the GUI and the terminal differed. I am not quite sure what that problem was, but part of my solution was to completely uninstall R (note the comments about using which R !).

Install old version of R on Windows 10

How do I install an old version of R on a window 10 64 PC.
I am currently running R 3.2.3 with RStudio without any problems. However a package I want to use (GSIF) only works on R2.15. I have found that it is possible to easily get RStudio to work with different R versions and I have found and downloaded the old version of R I want ( R-2.15.1-w.tar.gz) from the CRAN archives. My problems is cannot work out how to install the R-2.15.1-w.tar.gz package on a windows machine or in fact even if it is the right package for windows. All the instruction I can find seem to relate to Linux.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
You can hold down the Control key during the launch of RStudio you can cause the R version selection dialog to display at startup.
