updating both Rprofile and R to the same version - r

Is there any idea, how I can find the version of my Rscript?
The issue is, once I am running R in mac terminal, the version is 3.2.2 but running via Rscript the version is changed to 3.0.2. I would like to know how to update my Rscript's version!

I cannot comment, because I have less than 50 rep, so I'm writing here.
Are you under macOS Sierra?
When I upgraded R to version 3.4.0 after upgrading my Mac to macOS 10.12 (Sierra) I had some problems with rJava. While I searched for a solution, I also noticed that the R version numbers displayed in the GUI and the terminal differed. I am not quite sure what that problem was, but part of my solution was to completely uninstall R (note the comments about using which R !).


Issue opening geomorph package

Currently having issue opening geomorph in R. I recently updated R to the newest version. I also updated the packages "RRPP" and "rgl" after finding a thread from 2020 (Geomorph not functioning after update) where someone also had issues opening geomorph. I also recently went ahead and updated all old packages (not just the ones based off of the thread).
Computer info: I am using macOS Catalina version 10.15.7. Can't upgrade to the newest version for space reasons, but haven't had any issues using other packages in R (or running code in MATLAB).
R Version info:
RStudio 2022.02.0+443 "Prairie Trillium"
Mostly need geomorph for a GPA (procrustes analysis), but am open to other alternatives if I can't get geomorph to run. Currently it runs a never ending loop and then R terminates.
Appreciate any thoughts on what to do next or advice if you've run into this issue!
Update: there is a particular version of R on macs where it wouldn't run geomorph (after they updated). They waited to fix this with the next release of R, so there is a small gap in the geomorph package in which it won't run on a specific version of R for macs. I ended up uninstalling R and re-installing the latest version. This is a mac specific issue and if others come across this, updating to the newest version of R solved my issue.

Character encoding of plots is broken in rstudio 1.2.5001 and in R console 3.6.1

The problem is very simple and general. I just updated rstudio to the latest version and when I run a simple plot(1) I get the following plot. Note that this happens also on a normal console.
PS: I run on ubuntu 18.04 and R is installed with linuxbrew.
I had the same problem on Archlinux, it had to do with the pango package, which updated from version 1.43 to version 1.44. This new version removes the support for bitmap fonts, and somehow breaks some things.
A temporary fix that worked for me: downgrade pango to version 1.43.

Is there a way to install R version 3.3.0 on ubuntu?

I need version 3.3.0 of R for a project but up until now I have not succeeded. I want it to work for my Rstudio, but I have not found anyway to install this older version and then override the R version that my Rstudio is using now. How can I get all this done?
I used the 3.3.0 version from https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-3/, it is installed but Rstudio does not use it. After executing 'make' it doesn't give any errors, but it doesn't seem to work since Rstudio remains on version 3.4.4.
I expected it to run easily, but I cannot figure out how to stop version 3.4.4 from showing up and instead use 3.3.0

Is R Studio compatible with R 3.4.x?

I have R 3.4.3 installed on my computer. When I point R Studio to this version of R, the program loads a white screen.
Is R Studio compatible with R 3.4.x? What is the highest version of compatibility?
It actually would depend on the version of Rstudio. For the latest ones - yes it is. If your Rstudio is outdated (version 0.*.*) it might have problems with the newest versions of R.
The first step would be to check your R installation. Start R without Rstudio and see if it works. If it doesn't you need to re-install R. If R works fine, then reinstalling Rstudio might be the easiest solution.

R version doesn't support quartz graphic device - RStudio won't plot

I'm running Mac OS Maverick.
In my previous setup, the plots would correctly display on the plot tab on RStudio.
I reinstalled R with homebrew and, when I use RStudio, it gives me the following warning
WARNING: The version of R you are running against does not support the
quartz graphics device (which is required by RStudio for graphics).
The Plots tab will be disabled until a version of R that supports
quartz is installed.
When I plot something, it opens up the XQuartz app on my mac. It does display the graphs (sometimes with weird colors though), but I'd really like it to plot in RStudio itself.
Is it that homebrew has a version of R that doesn't support the quartz graphics device or have I messed up something elsewhere?
As always, any help will be very much appreciated.
Some details of my setup:
R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) -- "Pumpkin Helmet"
RStudio Version 0.98.1091
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit). Mac OS 10.9.5
I installed R with homebrew the following way
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install r
Previously I had installed tcl/tk the following way
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install tcl-tk --with-tk
I run into the same issue.
According to the R brew formula history the last bottled version (i.e. precompiled version, which is what is installed by default) isn't run against aqua due to some bug so the installation of R has no aqua capabilities, which is what RStudio graphics device requires.
After trying to understand the formula logic I figured that if built from source:
brew install r --build-from-source
it would compile with clang (check brew --env) and therefore correctly build against aqua. It takes a little longer to install but it worked for me. To check, from the terminal open R and see capabilities() aqua should be TRUE for RStudio's graphics device to work.
I'm using homebrewed R and Rstudio on Yosemite. I ran into the same problem, probably after I had updated R from ver. 3.1.2 to ver. 3.1.2_1.
My ad-hoc solution is
to brew uninstall R, and
to install R from CRAN.
RStudio display graphs inside its window when I use CRAN version of R. However, this is not the best solution to me, because I love to manage all unix packages using homebrew to avoid possible conflicts.
I ran into this problem too. I previously had homebrewed R installation with a working quartz graphic device, which comports with others in this thread who suggest that an update to homebrew's R script caused the problem.
I can confirm that daniel's answer works. I tried brew install r --build-from-source and quartz() has stopped throwing errors.
