'Building' has encountered a problem. An internal error occurred during. "Building" - robotframework

I tried to create a Robot project , but I am getting this error : An internal error occurred during: "Building".
Unable to communicate with XML-RPC server
I tried some solution , but didn't work , and now when I press OK , I can't access to the libraries and the files inside the projects...enter image description here
My installation is:
Eclipse 2021-06 (4.20.0)
RED - Robot Editor
Robot Framework 5.0 (Python 3.10.4 )

You need to check comparability of RED Editor and the Robot Framework. I think, RED doesn't support latest RF version. Check more: http://nokia.github.io/RED/help/whats_new/0_9_5.html
Also, check the URL that eclipse trying to communicate inside Help>>Available Software to update/install new software.

you need to downgrade the Robotframework to version 3 and lower, you can do that using that command
pip install robotframework==3.1.1 <version>


how to resolve Appium bad parameters error

I am stuck at the error when the appium server shows error
[MJSONWP] Bad parameters: BadParametersError: Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["desiredCapabilities"],"optional":["requiredCapabilities","capabilities","sessionId","id"]} and you sent ["desiredCapabilities","requiredCapabilities","capabilities","alwaysMatch","firstMatch"]
In the eclipse it shows error
org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new remote session. desired capabilities = Capabilities [{app=C:\Users\Admin\workspace\Sling_App\src\app-dev-debug.apk}], required capabilities = Capabilities [{}]
I have been using 5.0.0 and also 4.1.2 client jar
Tried with Selenium 3 , 3.3
Appium Server I tried on are 1.6.2 , 1.6.3 and latest 1.6.4
Nothing Solves the problem ,
I read most of the articles related to this , but of no use
Please tell if any 1 has found solution to thisenter image description here
In ideal case we need to pass 6 capabilities(for APK testing) as below,
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "5.1");
capabilities.setCapability("app", app.getAbsolutePath());
capabilities.setCapability("appPackage", Constant.appPackage);
Also initiate appium webdriver instead of Android as below,
AppiumDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);
I am using appium 1.6.4 and java client 4.12 with selenium stand alone 2.53.1.
AppPackage/AppActivity are required for simulator also.
Hope this helps you.

multiple version of spark on CDH5.10 is failing to launch spark-submit

I have installed spark with 2.0 on CDH5.10 By following the link https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/spark2/latest/topics/spark2_installing.html
after all configuration when I hit spark2-submit --version it gives me correct version which is 2.0
however when I submit a spark job . First it says
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream
This is clearly indicating that hadoop libs are not in classpath. My question is it something wrong with my installation of spark 2. ? also once we add jars with sparkExtralibCLasspath for driver and core then it says SPARK_HADOOP_CONF Is not set.
How can I verify my installation is correct ?
I am also trying to understand where are my spark2 conf dirs
I saw few previous question on stackoverflow like https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Cloudera-Manager-Installation/CHD-5-7-spark-shell-java-lang-ClassNotFoundException-org-apache/td-p/42209 and NoClassDefFoundError com.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream when execute spark-shell but this doesnt help
I am using spark2-shell and spark2-submit command
some more investigation with https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Cloudera-Manager-Installation/CDH-5-5-pyspark-java-lang-NoClassDefFoundError-org-apache-hadoop/td-p/34424 shows might be If I can correctly set SPARK_EXTRA_LIB_PATH for spark2 then I can fix this issue. can somebody guide me please. Thanks

An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file

I have Java EE Eclipse Indigo installed and am trying to use Help->Install New Software to install the SpringSource Tool Suite from the update site http://dist.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/update/e3.7
I have java 1.7.0_45 installed in use by Eclipse.
When I click "Finish", the Installing Software progress indicator displays and it goes about 49% of the way to completion before getting
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.grails.ide.eclipse.core,
Error reading signed content:C:\Users\BARRET~1.REE\AppData\Local\Temp\signatureFile3011079682847967573.jar
An error occurred while processing the signatures for the file: C:\Users\BARRET~1.REE\AppData\Local\Temp\signatureFile3011079682847967573.jar
The last 3 lines are duplicated for around 20 different artifacts/jar files.
In my C:\Users directory, I have both a BARRETT~1~REE\AppData\Local\Temp directory and a barrett.reed\AppData\Local\Temp directory. It looks like the files are being downloaded to barrett.reed\AppData\Local\Temp. Perhaps that is the issue? Any way to resolve this?
Thanks in advance,
B.J. Reed

trigger.io - Can't create ipa-file anymore

I usually use trigger.io to generate my ipa-Files for iOS. Now when I want to generate the file, I get the following error message:
Failed when running /usr/bin/codesign: codesign_allocate: object: /Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/device-ios.app/Forge malformed object (unknown load command 39)
/Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/device-ios.app: object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
It worked yesterday, but now it doesn't. Any help is very welcome.
This is probably to do with v1.4.16 of our platform, where we switched over to building on Xcode 4.5: I'd recommend upgrading Xcode and make sure the Command-line Tools (Preferences ↦ Downloads) are installed.

Error: only one source is allowed in the filespec - Related SO answer does not work

I'm getting the following error, which works fine in Flash Builder 4.5 but does not work with Flex SDK
C:\FlexSDK\bin>mxmlc -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=false
-use-network=fa lse "C:\workspace\gui\Mill_UI.mxml" -output "C:\workspace\gui\out\op.swf"
Loading configuration file
Loading configuration file> C:\workspace\gui\Mill_UI-config.xml Adobe Flex Compiler (mxmlc)
Version 4.6.0 build 23201 Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Adobe Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Error: only one source is allowed in the filespec
Use 'mxmlc -help' for information about using the command line.
I tried the remedy suggested for a similar issue here, I added quotes,modified the folder structure so there are no spaces, but I still get the error
I also created a project specific config file using -dump-config and modified the paths as well but to no avail
Thanks !
