Wordpress custom installer - wordpress

I am modifying the wordpress installer so that it has another default theme and other plugins to speed up installations in my company, but I cannot get it to activate the plugins that I add to wp-content by default, I would also like to change the default format of the permalinks worse I can't find the way


How to delete updraft wordpress plugin with files of that plugin?

when it installed in a domain but not working for some unknown reason then simply delete the plugin and re-installed it but now it also the same situation it's not working even it not change its settings also.

Can i update wordpress version of my PHP5 customised wordpress site into latest wordpress version?

Can i update wordpress version of my PHP5 customised wordpress site into latest wordpress version? Now it is in 4.6 and i want to move it to 4.9.1. Any issues will be rised?
You can do it and mostly that will not cause any of issue. But before do WordPress update make sure you have to take backup for your databases once.
First of all take backup for database and make your full theme folder backup and store it as a zip , so if any issue will be raised then you directly unzip that as a theme and that will work fine.
If you have do your WordPress customization all in function.php file then your new WordPress will work perfect with your changes.
If your site have Woocomerce or other more useful plugin for front site then you should take backup for that also.
After WordPress update you may be find plugin update so do it one by one.

Wordpress - Migrate Theme In New Wordpress

I wondering how to migrate custom theme from another wordpress to another without copying the whole wordpress...
I already tried copy the folder theme to new wordpress, but it has a lot of problem, because in the new wordpress, there is no Page as in origin wordpress.
Create some pages and see if it works.
Some themes uses plugins also, you must copy them too.
By the way, there's a dedicated stackexchange site for wordpress : https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/
You can never expect the 100% same experience on another install since there may not be the same plugins, pages, images, server settings and so on and so on. You can not even be sure your theme work on the new wordpress if the WP version is diffrent from the one you made the theme on.

Can i change wordpress plugins path in wp_options

I have a multisite installation and i want create a plugins and uploads directory for every site , is it possible to change site plugin and uploads path from wp_options ?
The problem is, that a multisiteis supposed to only use one directory for uploads and one for plugins. Thats the purpose of it.
However, you can install the plugin plugin organizer. With that you can use plugins individually for each page.
If you need own plugins and upload directories I suggest that you make one wordpress site for each site instead of a multisite

Wordpress Multisite theme upload

I am new in wordpress. I am trying to build multisite using single wordpress installation. In that how I can change theme of every site? Please give me some idea.
Once you setup your multisite, you will see a new menu option where all your sites are listed. You can change such settings from there. Here is a screenshot
To change themes you can check Themes section here
