VS2022 extensions command initial checked state - visual-studio-extensions

I have a VS extensions command based on the default template. It has CommandFlag's TextChanges and TogglePatternAvailable. Depending on a config setting its initial state should be checked, however, this does not appear to be possible.
This is what I want to see on the first load:
I've tried setting Checked to true in the constructor of the command after creating the menu item:
menuItem1 = new OleMenuCommand(ExecuteCommand1, _, BeforeQueryStatus, new CommandID(CommandSet, Command1Id));
menuItem1.Checked = true; // This does not work
I've also tried using the BeforeQueryStatus to change the initial checked state, but it does not seem to be called when opening the Tools menu. Could this be a bug???:
private void BeforeQueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e)
ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate
await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(package.DisposalToken);
menuItem1.Checked = true;
Clicking the menu item once does trigger BeforeQueryStatus and the state is checked after that, proving that the code does work.
How can I set the initial checked state of the menu item to true depending on a config setting, so in code?

In the end I managed to get it to work by adding the ProvideAutoLoad attribute to my Package. It is unclear if this is the correct way to do this. The pacakge class now looks like this:
[PackageRegistration(UseManagedResourcesOnly = true, AllowsBackgroundLoading = true)]
[ProvideMenuResource("Menus.ctmenu", 1)]
[ProvideAutoLoad(VSConstants.UICONTEXT.NoSolution_string, PackageAutoLoadFlags.BackgroundLoad)]
[ProvideAutoLoad(VSConstants.UICONTEXT.SolutionExists_string, PackageAutoLoadFlags.BackgroundLoad)]
public sealed class MyPackage : AsyncPackage { ... }


Microsoft D365 FnO - Set the default value of "Send notifications in email" checkbox in User options > Workflows to true

I have a requirement to change the default value of a checkbox in SysUserSetup form to true. The data source of this field is SysUserInfo > EventWorkflowTasksInEmail. I have tried to do this by writing the following code in post event handler of initValue method of the table:
[PostHandlerFor(tableStr(SysUserInfo), tableMethodStr(SysUserInfo, initValue))]
public static void SysUserInfo_Post_initValue(XppPrePostArgs args)
SysUserInfo sysUserInfo = args.getThis() as SysUserInfo;
sysUserInfo.EventWorkflowTasksInEmail = NoYes::Yes;
But the value of checkbox is still false. Can anyone suggest if I am missing something ?
Edit : I debugged my code and found that the customization is not being executed , any reason why ?
The method gets executed when I import users from AAD and the change is working fine but it does not work when I create a new user from D365 itself , is there a way to achieve the latter ?

Javascript permission denied error when using Atalasoft DotImage

Have a real puzzler here. I'm using Atalasoft DotImage to allow the user to add some annotations to an image. When I add two annotations of the same type that contain text that have the same name, I get a javascript permission denied error in the Atalasoft's compressed js. The error is accessing the style member of a rule:
In the debugger (Visual Studio 2010 .Net 4.0) I can access
but not
What in javascript would cause permission denied when accessing a membere of an object?
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I see several people using Atalasoft on SO and I even saw a response from someone with Atalasoft. And yes, I'm talking to them, but it never hurts to throw it out to the crowd. This only happens in IE8, not FireFox.
Thanks, Brian
Updates: Yes, using latest version:
By same name (see comment below) I mean, I created default annotations and they are named so they can be added with javascript later.
// create a default annotation
TextData text = new TextData();
text.Name = "DefaultTextAnnotation";
text.Text = "Default Text Annotation:\n double-click to edit";
//text.Font = new AnnotationFont("Arial", 12f);
text.Font = new AnnotationFont(_strAnnotationFontName, _fltAnnotationFontSize);
text.Font.Bold = true;
text.FontBrush = new AnnotationBrush(Color.Black);
text.Fill = new AnnotationBrush(Color.Ivory);
text.Outline = new AnnotationPen(new AnnotationBrush(Color.White), 2);
In javascript:
CreateAnnotation('TextData', 'DefaultTextAnnotation');
function CreateAnnotation(type, name) {
var ann = WebAnnotationViewer1.CreateAnnotation(type, name);
There was a bug in an earlier version that allowed annotations to be saved with the same unique id's. This generally doesn't cause problems for any annotations except for TextAnnotations, since they use the unique id to create a CSS class for the text editor. CSS doesn't like having two or more classes defined by the same name, this is what causes the "Permission denied" error.
You can remove the unique id's from the annotations without it causing problems. I have provided a few code snippets below that demonstrate how this can be done. Calling ResetUniques() after you load the annotation data (on the server side) should make everything run smoothly.
-Dave C. from Atalasoft
protected void ResetUniques()
foreach (LayerAnnotation layerAnn in WebAnnotationViewer1.Annotations.Layers)
ResetLayer(layerAnn.Data as LayerData);
protected void ResetLayer(LayerData layer)
foreach (AnnotationData data in layer.Items)
LayerData group = data as LayerData;
if (group != null)
ResetLayer(data as LayerData);
protected void ResetUniqueID(AnnotationData data)
data.SetExtraProperty("_atalaUniqueIndex", null);

FileReference.download() not working

I'm building a Flex app which requires me to download files.
I have the following code:
public function execute(event:CairngormEvent) : void
var evt:StemDownloadEvent = event as StemDownloadEvent;
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(evt.data.file_path);
var localRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
localRef.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, _open);
localRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, _progress);
localRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _complete);
localRef.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, _cancel);
localRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, _select);
localRef.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, _securityError);
localRef.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _ioError);
try {
} catch (e:Error) {
As you can see, I hooked up every possible event listener as well.
When this executes, I get the browse window, and am able to select a location, and click save. After that, nothing happens.
I have each event handler hooked up to my logger, and not a single one is being called! Is there something missing here?
The problem seems to be with my command being destroyed before this could finish.
For a proof of concept, I set my localRef variable to be static instead of an instance variable, and everything went through successfully! I guess Cairngorm commands kill themselves asap!

Postback problem for my custom control load wizard

I have some problem that happens when controls are loaded in init and it still doesn't help me to get proper postback event fired on time.
I am trying to create a rich wizard control that will enable switching, links with description, completely customized steps, integration of substeps - by using dynamic control load that is avoids standard asp.net wizard way of loading.
Idea is to have on left part navigation, on right part content, or substeps that are run from right part and that go over whole area.
Download source project
Ok, I re-read the question, and here is what you have to do. You have to re-load these controls on each postback, give them always the same "Id". This can be done in Page_Init or in Page_Load event. And of course, you have to re-attach event handlers on each post back.
Many thanks.. well i found the answer - id was the problem, in load control method. I was doing this wizard.. well most of things work now.
If someone is interested to see how does this works.. there are some updates:
public void LoadSplitViewControl(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SplitView;
LoadControl(SplitControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSplit");
public void LoadSingleViewControl(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SingleView;
LoadControl(SingleControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSingle");
public void LoadSingleViewControlAsClear(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SingleView;
LoadControlAsClear(SingleControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSingle");
private void LoadControl(PlaceHolder holder, string path, string ID)
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(path);
ctrl.ID = ID;
LastControlPath = path;
//as i am using steps loaded controls using splitview and substeps controls using single view sometimes viewstate will not be valid so error will be thrown but u can resolve this by using LoadSingleViewControlAsClear that will load below method.
private void LoadControlAsClear(PlaceHolder holder, string path, string ID)
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(path);
ctrl.ID = ID;
LastControlPath = path;
ctrl.EnableViewState = false;
/another cool idea i am using for such an wizard is that i am not using viewstate but rather session object for saving values collected over steps. My session object key is generated by authenticated username and pageguid - so u can have many loaded pages and each of them will handle different session object./
public Guid PageGuid
if (PageGuidField.Value == "")
var _pageGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
PageGuidField.Value = _pageGuid.ToString();
return _pageGuid;
return new Guid(PageGuidField.Value);

Use DisplayNameAttribute in ASP.NET

I want to bind a List to a GridView on a web page, but override the way the property names display via annotation. I thought System.ComponentModel would work, but this doesn't seem to work. Is this only meant for Windows Forms?:
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace MyWebApp
public class MyCustomClass
[DisplayName("My Column")]
public string MyFirstProperty
get { return "value"; }
public MyCustomClass() {}
Then on the page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
IList<MyCustomClass> myCustomClasses = new List<MyCustomClass>
new MyCustomClass(),
new MyCustomClass()
TestGrid.DataSource = myCustomClasses;
This renders with "MyFirstProperty" as the column header rather than "My Column." Isn't this supposed to work?
When using .net 4 or later you can use gridview1.enabledynamicdata(typeof(mytype)). I haven't looked at all the types you can use there but I know the [displayname("somename")] works well but the [browsable(false)] doesn't omit the column from the grid. It looks like a knit one slip one from MS. at least you can easily rename column names and to omit a column I just declare a variable instead of using a property. It has the same effect...
Just by the way, using the designer to create columns is the easy way out but to just show a different column name takes way to much time especially with classes with many fields.
What SirDemon said...
The answer appears to be no, you can't. At least not out of the box.
The System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView uses reflected property's name:
protected virtual AutoGeneratedField CreateAutoGeneratedColumn(AutoGeneratedFieldProperties fieldProperties)
AutoGeneratedField field = new AutoGeneratedField(fieldProperties.DataField);
string name = fieldProperties.Name; //the name comes from a PropertyDescriptor
((IStateManager) field).TrackViewState();
field.HeaderText = name; //<- here's reflected property name
field.SortExpression = name;
field.ReadOnly = fieldProperties.IsReadOnly;
field.DataType = fieldProperties.Type;
return field;
While System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView uses DisplayName if available:
public DataGridViewColumn[] GetCollectionOfBoundDataGridViewColumns()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
//props is a collection of PropertyDescriptors
for (int i = 0; i < this.props.Count; i++)
if (...)
DataGridViewColumn dataGridViewColumnFromType = GetDataGridViewColumnFromType(this.props[i].PropertyType);
dataGridViewColumnFromType.Name = this.props[i].Name;
dataGridViewColumnFromType.HeaderText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.props[i].DisplayName) ? this.props[i].DisplayName : this.props[i].Name;
DataGridViewColumn[] array = new DataGridViewColumn[list.Count];
return array;
Unfortunately, while you can override the CreateAutoGeneratedColumn, neither the missing DisplayName nor underlying property descriptor gets passed, and you can't override CreateAutoGeneratedColumns (although you could CreateColumns).
This means you'd have to iterate over reflected properties yourself and in some other place.
If all you care about is the header text in GridView, just use the HeaderText property of each field you bind. If you're autogenerating the columns, you just set the HeaderText after you've bound the GridView.
If you want a GridView that takes into account some attribute you placed on the properties of your bound class, I believe you'll need to create your own GridView.
I may be wrong, but I've not seen any ASP.NET Grid from control vendors (at least Telerik , Janus Systems and Infragistics) do that. If you do it, maybe sell the idea to them.
Are you using .net4, what you need to do is to set enabledynamicdata on the grid view to true.
You can do it now on asp.net mvc2. It works just like that
