Sage refuses to open any Jupyter notebook even though Anaconda is installed - math

I have installed Sage using the latest installer and I can open a Sage terminal (by clicking on it from the start menu...not by entering 'sage' in Windows command line).
I have then installed Anaconda. I can enter 'python' in Windows command line and it works. But the puzzling part is jupyter notebooks. By my understanding, it comes with Anaconda so, I should be able to open my Sage console and type some version of 'n jupyter' or 'njupyter' or '-n jupyter' etc to get a sage Jupyter notebook running.
This is NOT happening at all. Instead I get
Edit: I would like to get Sage to open a Jupyter notebook on my computer but the commands I tried (in the screenshot provided) just keep failing. I got a version of these commands from the Sage tutorial itself and still, it doesn't work.
Any suggestions on how to get this working are much appreciated.

The Sage-Windows installer installs three shortcuts for you:
"SageMath x.y" -- to use SageMath in the (Cygwin) command line
"SageMath x.y Notebook" -- to use SageMath in Jupyter
"SageMath x.y shell" -- to access a Cygwin terminal where Sage has not been started
Have you tried using the "SageMath 9.3 Notebook" shortcut?
See a guide at


WebIO is not being detected by Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to open a Jupyter Notebook file in classic Jupyter Notebook interface. I am attempting to create an interective app that uses Julia programming language in interactive codes. For that I am trying to use the Interact library, because I know it features things such as buttons, sliders, etc. It requires the WebIo extension to be installed. However, from what I have experienced so far, Jupyter notebook does not detect the WebIO extension.
I tried following the instructions at and at In the last link I found that another extension needed to be install and I found more information in this link ( I tried executing this command in my Windows prompt and it had apperently been succesful. When executing the command suggested at the second link, I got an error in the Julia REPL saying that WebIO extension for Jupyter Lab must be installed through Python or Conda, which I had already done.
I am also a bit confused as to how I can check to see if the extension is enabled.
I believe the problem has to do either with the installation of IJulia or the pip installation of WebIO. I rarely use pip, so I don't know if I did it correctly.
Thank you.

Jupyter-notebook fails to start | PyForMLS

I am currently setting up a Python data-science client for SQL Server Machine Learning Services following this guide:
Unfortunately, running Jupyter notebooks for this distribution does not seem to work for me: Typing .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook in the distribution folder, or directly running jupyter-notebook.exe from the Scripts sub-folder does not start Jupyter. In the terminal, the command exits with no ouput.
Afterwards, https://localhost:8889/tree is not reachable as should be the case according to the tutorial above.
Any suggestions? (I already checked for solutions). Thank you!
Update: At least .\Scripts\jupyter-console is running, though it is not the same experience.
some cases .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook will not work fine because of the installation issues. As anaconda is having both commercial and enterprise editions, issues will raise.
Instead use the following procedure for cool opening of Jupyter-Notebook in anaconda distribution
Click on Start menu
Type Jupyter
Click on jupter icon which is visible in search results
Jupyter CMD will start running and make it minimized instead closing it. It will open the UI of jupyter notebook in browser.
Jupyter notebook for SQL
Check the documentation link which is available in link which is the configuration of jupyter notebook for SQL.
Document Credit: Rajendra Gupta

Unable to open Anaconda command prompt or any notebooks

Anaconda is not responding for any environment whenever I try to open a command prompt or any other application such as jupyter-notebook. I have installed Anaconda's latest available version for Windows 10. This is the 3rd time I have reinstalled the software thinking that the outcome might change but to no avail. I am able to open the command prompt from the Environments option but still, this option does not work for the jupyter-notebook. However, I am able to open the jupyter-notebook from the command prompt but the kernel dies every other minute. Please guide and help me if you can.

Issue running jupyter notebook via wls

Installed WSL on Windows 10.
Installed Anaconda according to the Anaconda documentation with the following commands:
source ~/.bashrc
You can see the '(base)' in the beginning of each command input line, indicating the conda is activated.
Then I run jupyter notebook by typing:
jupyter notebook
Then I see the following changes as shown in the screen record.
Briefly, the WSL terminal window showed some information very quickly, but is changed to the windows powershell window before you could even tell the information that showed up. I know those information should contain a file and url for opening the jupyter notebook in the web browser. But they flashed out so quickly. Does anyone know why this happens?
Here is a dynamic graph of the Screen record of this issue:
1. Wait for a bit more time on the windows cmd and the jupyter notebook running information will show up, where includes the url to open jupyter notebook in the web browser.
Open up another wsl terminal, activate the same environment and type jupyter notebook list, which will show the current running jupyter notebook server. The url is also can be found there.

what is the ipython notebook "Terminals" menu option

I am running ipython notebook on my OSX machine and/or my ubuntu 14.04 machine. I am using ipython 3.0.0, and ipython (jupyter) notebooks.
When I start an ipython notebook, under New there is a terminal option, but it's unavailable for me.
I haven't been able to find any documentation on this feature, how to activate it or what it does.
The ipython notebook --help command doesn't mention it and I haven't found anything in the documentation either.
I haven't discovered the special keywords to search google for to get any information either.
What does this feature do? How do I activate it? Is there any documentation on this available?
IPython/Jupyter appears to support browser-based interactive terminal sessions. This is enabled on my machine by installing the terminado package with pip or conda. This fixes the "Terminals Unavailable" message on the drop-down, and lets me start up a (bash) terminal session in a new tab.
See this commit:
IPython on GitHub
Here's the code in Lib/site-packages/IPython/html/ responsible for this item (located the file by searching the source for "Terminals" case-sensitively):
def init_terminals(self):
from .terminal import initialize
self.web_app.settings['terminals_available'] = True
except ImportError as e:
log = self.log.debug if sys.platform == 'win32' else self.log.warn
log("Terminals not available (error was %s)", e)
As you can see, there should be a message in the console log specifying what went wrong (you may need to increase log verbosity with ipython notebook --log-level=<level> to see it). In my case, it said:
Terminals not available (error was No module named fcntl)
The html.terminal module that is being imported appears to provide a web-based IPython interactive console.
Support for Windows terminals with terminado dependency was added in Jupyter 5.3.0:
Actually it's jupyter notebook 5.3.0, not jupyter. the two versions is not the same thing.
- jupyter --version
- jupyter notebook --version
I ever suffered from this.
