Blob field not displaying on Business Central page - dynamics-business-central

I've created a table and a page in a BC extension. One of the fields in the table is of type: BLOB. It is not displaying on the page. I've tried to replicate what happens with the 'Work Description' BLOB field in the Sales Header table / Sales Invoice page. Where am I going wrong? See my code below. Thanks in advance for help.
table 50050 LogSheets
// Various fields...
field(9; DescriptionOfTasksPerformed; BLOB)
Caption = 'DescriptionOfTasksPerformed';
ReadingDataSkippedMsg: Label 'Loading field %1 will be skipped because there was an error when reading the data.\To fix the current data, contact your administrator.\Alternatively, you can overwrite the current data by entering data in the field.', Comment = '%1=field caption';
// Cribbed from Sales Header (table & page) - WorkDescription
procedure GetTasksDescription() TasksDescription: Text
TypeHelper: Codeunit "Type Helper";
InStream: InStream;
DescriptionOfTasksPerformed.CreateInStream(InStream, TEXTENCODING::UTF8);
if not TypeHelper.TryReadAsTextWithSeparator(InStream, TypeHelper.LFSeparator(), TasksDescription) then
Message(ReadingDataSkippedMsg, FieldCaption(DescriptionOfTasksPerformed));
procedure SetTasksDescription(NewTasksDescription: Text)
OutStream: OutStream;
DescriptionOfTasksPerformed.CreateOutStream(OutStream, TEXTENCODING::UTF8);
page 50051 LogSheetCard
Caption = 'Log Sheet';
PageType = Document;
RefreshOnActivate = true;
SourceTable = LogSheets;
// Various fields...
Caption = 'Description of tasks performed';
field("DescriptionOfTasksPerformed"; Rec.DescriptionOfTasksPerformed)
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
Importance = Additional;
MultiLine = true;
ShowCaption = false;
ToolTip = 'Description of tasks performed';
Editable = true;
trigger OnValidate()
var TasksDescription: Text;
trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
TasksDescription := Rec.GetTasksDescription;
At the bottom of the code above, there's the line: trigger OnAfterGetRecord. This in turn calls GetTasksDescription, which in turn calls CalcFields(DescriptionOfTasksPerformed);
This, I believe, is how it’s done in the Sales Header table / Sales Invoice page, and yet still no box is displayed on the page under 'Description of tasks performed' (see below)?
I've confirmed that these lines of code are being called by putting Message lines in the relevant procedures. It's a puzzle.

In your page you set the blob field DescriptionOfTasksPerformed from the table as source of the page field:
field("DescriptionOfTasksPerformed"; Rec.DescriptionOfTasksPerformed)
But you should use the global variable TasksDescription from the page as the source:
field("DescriptionOfTasksPerformed"; TasksDescription)


X++ assign Enum Value to a table column

I am trying to pull the Enum chosen from a dialog and assign the label to a table's column.
For example: Dialog opens and allows you to choose from:
These are 0,1,2 respectively.
The user chooses OutOfSpec (the label for this is Out Of Spec), I want to put this enum's Name, or the label, into a table. The column I'm inserting into is set to be a str.
Here's the code I've tried, without success:
SysDictEnum dictEnum = new SysDictEnum(enumNum(SDILF_ScrapReasons));
reason = dialog.addField(enumStr(SDILF_ScrapReasons),"Scrap Reason");;
if (!dialog.closedOk())
// For now, this will strip off the order ID from the summary fields.
// No longer removing the Order ID
batchAttr = PdsBatchAttributes::find(itemId, invDim.inventBatchId, "OrderId");
orders = SDILF_BreakdownOrders::find(batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue, true);
if (orders)
orders.BoxProduced -= 1;
// Adding a batch attribute that will include the reason for scrapping
select forUpdate batchAttr;
batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribId = "ScrapReason";
//batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue = any2str(dictEnum.index2Value(reason.value()));
batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue = enum2str(reason.value());
batchAttr.InventBatchId = invDim.inventBatchId;
batchAttr.ItemId = itemId;
Obviously this is not the whole code, but it should be enough to give the issue that I'm trying to solve.
I'm sure there is a way to get the int value and use that to assign the label, I've just not been able to figure it out yet.
To add some more information about what I am trying to accomplish. We make our finished goods, sometimes they are out of spec or damaged when this happens we then have to scrap that finished good. When we do this we want to keep track of why it is being scrapped, but we don't want just a bunch of random reasons. I used an enum to limit the reasons. When the operator clicks the button to scrap something they will get a dialog screen pop-up that allows them to select a reason for scrapping. The code will then, eventually, put that assigned reason on that finished items batch attributes so that we can track it later in a report and have a list of all the finished goods that were scrapped and why they were scrapped.
I'm not entirely sure of your question, but I think you're just missing one of the index2[...] calls or you're not getting the return value from your dialog correctly. Just create the below as a new job, run it, make a selection of Open Order and click ok.
I don't know the difference between index2Label and index2Name.
static void Job67(Args _args)
Dialog dialog = new dialog();
SysDictEnum dictEnum = new SysDictEnum(enumNum(SalesStatus));
DialogField reason;
SalesStatus salesStatusUserSelection;
str label, name, symbol;
int value;
reason = dialog.addField(enumStr(SalesStatus), "SalesStatus");;
if (dialog.closedOk())
salesStatusUserSelection = reason.value();
// Label
label = dictEnum.index2Label(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Name
name = dictEnum.index2Name(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Symbol
symbol = dictEnum.index2Symbol(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Value
value = dictEnum.index2Value(salesStatusUserSelection);
info(strFmt("Label: %1; Name: %2; Symbol: %3; Value: %4", label, name, symbol, value));

Very simple if else check in Google App Maker

This is likely embarrassingly easy but I'm new and I've been beating my head against the wall on this for a while now. What I am attempting to do is basically a modified version of the "Hello App Maker!" If else test.
The necessary info I have the following widgets attached to the appropriate data sources:
Dropdown widget called source_name (string - list)
Label widget I've called name (string)
Text Box widget called qty_duration (number)
Label widget I've called hours (number)
I have a dropdown widget called source_name with 5 options. On selection I have the value appear in a label widget I've called name. If the option selected from the drop down widget is ever LABOUR I am trying to then have the value of a Text Box widget called qty_duration appear in a label widget I've called hours
On the source_name dropdown event - onValueChange I have the following code:
// Define variables for the input and output widgets
var nameWidget =;
var outputWidget = app.pages.Apex_job_details.descendants.hours;
var techhours = app.pages.Apex_job_details.descendants.qty_duration;
var nothing = 0;
// If a name is LABOUR, add the qty to the output widget Else output 0.
if (nameWidget == 'LABOUR') {
outputWidget.text = techhours;
} else {
outputWidget = nothing;
It's not giving me any errors, but it's also not outputting to the hours label. If I edit the code as follows just to muck with it:
// Define variables for the input and output widgets
var nameWidget =;
var outputWidget = app.pages.Apex_job_details.descendants.hours;
var techhours = app.pages.Apex_job_details.descendants.qty_duration;
var nothing = 0;
// If a name is LABOUR, add the qty to the output widget Else output 0.
if (nameWidget == 'LABOUR') {
outputWidget.text = techhours;
} else {
outputWidget.text = nothing;
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Assuming all labels and input widgets are inside a table row you will want to adjust your code as follows:
var tablerow = widget.parent;
var nameWidget =;
var outputWidget = tablerow.descendants.hours;
var techhours = tablerow.descendants.qty_duration.value;
if(nameWidget === 'LABOUR') {
outputWidget.text = techhours;
} else {
outputWidget.text = null;
By using widget.parent in the onValueChange event of the dropdown you will automatically reference the table row and then by using descendants you are referencing only the descendants of that table row. This will bridge the error by using an absolute reference when using table rows. If it still doesn't work let me know.

How is the field SourceBaseAmountCur from TmpTaxWorkTrans table computed?

I need to find how is the SourceBaseAmountCur being computed, in my case I am getting an error in Amount Origin on the SST window where it doesn't show 0 when it needs to be.
I am coming from General Ledger > Journals > General Journal > (select a record, going to Lines) > then SST window. Then, the Amount Origin field.
The Amount Origin is a display field:
display TaxBaseCur displaySourceBaseAmountCur(TmpTaxWorkTrans _tmpTaxWorkTrans)
return taxTmpWorkTransForm.getSourceBaseAmountCur(_tmpTaxWorkTrans);
As seen on the code above, it already passes a TmpTaxWorkTrans record. Going to that method on the class TaxTmpWorkTransForm this is the method:
public TaxAmountCur getSourceBaseAmountCur(TmpTaxWorkTrans _tmpTaxWorkTrans = null, TmpTaxRegulation _tmpTaxRegulation = null)
if (_tmpTaxRegulation)
return _tmpTaxRegulation.SourceBaseAmountCur;
return _tmpTaxWorkTrans.SourceBaseAmountCur * _tmpTaxWorkTrans.taxChangeDisplaySign(accountTypeMap);
I found this article:
and I started from there Class\Tax\insertIntersection and unfortunately I couldn't find what I was looking for, been debugging for days.
An important distinction is tax calculation for a posted vs non-posted journal. It appears you are looking at non-posted journals.
I don't have great data to test this with, but I just hacked this POC job together in 20 minutes, but it should have enough "bits" that you can run with it and get the information you need.
static void Job3(Args _args)
TaxCalculation taxCalculation;
LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;
TmpTaxWorkTrans tmpTaxWorkTrans;
TaxAmountCur taxAmountCur;
ledgerJournalTrans = LedgerJournalTrans::findRecId(5637293082, false); // Use your own journal line
// The reason we call the below stuff is `element.getShowTax()` and is called from `\Forms\LedgerJournalTransDaily\Designs\Design\[ActionPane:ActionPane]\[ActionPaneTab:ActionPaneTab]\[ButtonGroup:ButtonGroup]\MenuItemButton:TaxTransSource\Methods\clicked`
// This is from `\Classes\LedgerJournalEngine\getShowTax`
taxCalculation = LedgerJournalTrans::getTaxInstance(ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum, ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher, ledgerJournalTrans.Invoice, true, null, false, ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate);
taxCalculation.sourceSingleLine(true, false);
// This is from `\Classes\TaxTmpWorkTransForm\initTax`
// This is the temporary table that is populated
while select tmpTaxWorkTrans
// This is from `\Classes\TaxTmpWorkTransForm\getSourceBaseAmountCur`
taxAmountCur = (tmpTaxWorkTrans.SourceTaxAmountCur * tmpTaxWorkTrans.taxChangeDisplaySign(null)); // I pass null because the map doesn't appear used...investigate?
// This just outputs some data
info(strFmt("%1: %2", tmpTaxWorkTrans.TaxCode, taxAmountCur));

AppMaker - Navigate to Last Page on Table

I have a calculated SQL that returns 100 results.
Added a table (from this calculated SQL) and limited the size of the page by 25 results.
This will generate 4 pages.
Pager form AppMaker works well (navigates between pages) but i need a button that navigates directly from page 1 to the page 4.
is this possible?
Anyone got a solution for this?
If you need to know how many entries your table has (in your case it's seems fixed to 100, but maybe it could grow), you can still do what you want:
E.g. say your table on YOURPAGE depends on a datasource called Customers.
Create a new Data item called CustomerCount, with just one field, called Count (integer).
Its data source would be a sql query script:
Select count(CustomerName) as Count from Customers
on the page you are having the table on, add a custom property (say called
Count of type integer)
In the page attach event, set the property asynchronously with this custom action:
app.datasources.CustomerCount.load(function() { = app.datasources.CustomerCount.count;
app.datasources.Customers.query.pageIndex = #properties.Count / 25;
I tried similar things successfully in the past.
Found a solution for this:
function CandidateCountRows() {
var query = app.models.candidate.newQuery();
var records =;
console.log("Number of records: " + records.length);
return records.length;
in the button code:
var psize = widget.datasource.query.pageSize;
var pidx = widget.datasource.query.pageIndex;
var posicao = psize * pidx;
var nreg = posicao; {
nreg = Xresult;
console.log('position: ' + posicao);
console.log('nreg: ' + nreg);
console.log('psize: ' + psize);
console.log('pidx: ' + pidx);
var i;
for (i = pidx; i < (nreg/psize); i++) {
This will allow to navigate to last page.
If you know for a fact that your query always returns 100 records and that your page size will always be 25 records then the simplest approach is to make sure your button is tied to the same datasource and attach the following onClick event:
widget.datasource.query.pageIndex = 4;

Can any one tell what's going wrong with my Routine

My requirement is if the user click on update data with out changing any field on the form i would like to show as No changes made and if any changes i would like to update the data
I have written a Routine for updating data as follows
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`%` PROCEDURE `uspEmployeeFaxDetailsUpdate`(_EmpID int(11),
_FaxNumberTypeID varchar(45),
_FaxNumber decimal(10,0),
_EndDate datetime)
declare p_ecount int;
set p_ecount= (select count(1) from tblemployeefaxdetails where
FaxNumberTypeID=_FaxNumberTypeID and
FaxNumber=_FaxNumber and
if p_ecount=0 then
update tblemployeefaxdetails
EndDate=_EndDate WHERE EmpID=_EmpID and EndDate="9999-12-31";
insert into tblemployeefaxdetails(EmpID,FaxNumberTypeID,FaxNumber,StartDate,EndDate) values
end if;
I am getting some time my required message but some time it is showing the update message
This is my code on update
oEmployeePersonalData.EmpID = EmpID;
oEmployeePersonalData.FaxNumberTypeID = ddlFaxTypeID.SelectedItem.Text;
oEmployeePersonalData.FaxNumber = Convert.ToInt64(txtFaxNumber.Text);
oEmployeePersonalData.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
if (oEmployeePersonalData.FaxDetailUpdate())
oMsg.Message = "Updated Sucessfully";
Label m_locallblMessage;
oMsg.AlertMessageBox(out m_locallblMessage);
oMsg.Message = "Not Sucessfully";
Label m_locallblMessage;
oMsg.AlertMessageBox(out m_locallblMessage);
Updated code
public bool FaxDetailUpdate()
m_bFlag = false;
m_oCmd = new MySqlCommand(StoredProcNames.tblEmployeeFaxdetails_uspEmployeeFaxdetailsUpdate, m_oConn);
m_oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
m_oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("_EmpID", EmpID);
m_oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("_FaxNumberTypeID", FaxNumberTypeID);
m_oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("_FaxNumber", FaxNumber);
m_oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("_EndDate", EndDate);
if (m_oConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
if ((m_oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()) > 0)
this.m_bFlag = true;
catch (MySqlException oSqlEx)
m_sbErrMsg.Length = 0;
m_sbErrMsg = Utilities.SqlErrorMessage(oSqlEx);
//DB write the Error Log
m_oErrlog.Add(m_sbErrMsg.ToString(), DateTime.Now);
catch (Exception oEx)
m_sbErrMsg = Utilities.ErrorMessage(oEx);
//DB write the Error Log
m_oErrlog.Add(m_sbErrMsg.ToString(), DateTime.Now);
return this.m_bFlag;
I am not getting any error but i would like to be done as per i said
Can any one tell what changes i have to made in this
I do not really understand the routine, what the magic date 9999-12-31 represents, and why a new record is inserted every time, instead of updating the old one.
What you can do, is have the routine return a indicator if the row was changed or not, returning the value of p_ecount through a OUT parameter.
For more information on how to use OUT parameters using the .net MySql client see
