Failed to evaluate expression Wordpress deployment - wordpress

I have a Wordpress instance deployed on GCP and haven’t looked at it in some time. When I launch into deployments I can see all the information I used to see but not the URLs for my Wordpress instance. I have no idea where to start? Needless to say that I am not that technical…. I searched for the error message but the leads I found were way to technical. I thought it may have to do that my credit card information expired for some time and that it may have been taken offline. The Wordpress site isn’t reachable analoger either. Any leads are welcome. Thanks


The website with coloring pages does not open. I get an issue (This site can’t be reached) - WordPress

I have a problem and can't find a solution. I bought a VPS server and gave it the name of my future site with coloring pages, It's been a few days now, but is down. I contacted the hosting support service, they told me that there were no problems with the server and everything should work. I get the message "This site can't be reached". What should I do? Any recommendation. Thanks a lot.
Had a quick look it seems your getting "DNS_PROBE_STARTED" as well as "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN"
These are issues in relation to your DNS not your web hosting I would ensure all the DNS records are set up correctly and are all pointing to the correct places. Your domain provider or hosting provider should be able to offer assistance with this if you run into any issues

Google Cloud Hosted WordPress Site Only Loading Successfully Some of the Time

I have a WordPress website that I'm hosting in a Compute Engine instance on Google Cloud, located at, and it is only loading successfully some of the time. Other times I will receive an error within WordPress that says "There has been a critical error on your website. Learn more about debugging in WordPress." or I will get an HTTP 500 error and the site won't load at all. I assume I've screwed something up in the Google Cloud setup. Any help would be appreciated. Sorry this is so vague, I'm very new to the Google Cloud Platform and I'm not even sure where to start looking. I've googled the problem in every way I can and still haven't found anything of use.

Website as well as Snapshots show "technical difficulties"

Without me being on the website, it suddenly shows the message: "The site is experiencing technical difficulties." I noticed this at the beginning of the month. Yet the Analytics account indicates it must have started at 31.05.
I am using Google Cloud Compute Engine, Wordpress "click to deploy platform" from "virtual machines".
Even reinstalling Snapshots from before this started does not bring me a working website again. It always shows the same error.
Please help me. Does anyone have any ideas? Or do I have to set up everything again from the beginning?
Thank you!
This answer applies if you have Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights installed.
The problem is caused by one of the latest releases. Their release did not include the file lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php.
The solution is to connect to your instance via SSH. Then go to the WordPress Plugin directory /wp-content/plugins and rename the directory google-analytics-for-wordpress. This disables the plugin. You should be able to login to WordPress. Go to plugins and update Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights.
I forgot to mention to check the Apache logs. Check the logfile apache2/logs/error_log. Use tail and look at the last couple of errors. This will help you figure out what is going wrong.

Service Unavailable Server currently undergoing maintenance. Webmaster: please contact support. Error 503

I've been using Hostgator hosting for a while but suddenly Hostgator started to close some website with " Service Unavailable" and It's because CPU resources is high, so Hostgator provide me some steps to optmize my wordpress ( Updating my wordpress , reviewing my pluggins, also I Limit WebCrawlers and Bots with robot.txt, google and bing and I have a Super Cache and wp-optimize ). Well After that I told Hostgator to review them to take out the restriction they put them back up after 2 or 3 days Its very frustration I don't know what It could be .? any help will be appreciate it.
Also I just notice in my google console there are some errors and I trying to delete but I can't find it.
Thank you in Advance
google console results
how much visitors do you have per month? And did you look in your account on hostGator, there is a point that show the ressource usage. Look at it.
A good solution could it be, to install a caching plugin, like w3 Total Cache Plugin or WP Super Cache Plugin. That should help a lot by saving resources.
The point in your image is a list of elements that couldn´t be delivered. The server had to much to do with other stuff, so he wasn´t able to complete the requests, as result you see the 503 Error code.

can't update concrete5 add ons with this error: Unable to locate this add-on on"

I can't update all the add ons that I have installed, everytime I click that "update plugins" button, I got this error message: "Unable to locate this add-on on" on every plugins that i want to update
At first, I developed the website on my localhost. I connect it to the marketplace from there, so the URL of the project is something like this: locahost/myConcrete5Web,... in the middle of the development, I moved it to a development server. I'm not so sure if the problem appear on this server or not, cause I don't test the update functionality in here. By the way, when googling for the solution of my problem, I found the similarity of the case on this thread ( with the one I have right now. So, just FYI, I do update the concrete5 version on this development server. From 5.5 to 5.6
My client start found the problem on the staging server. He tried to update the plugins and got that error message that I mentioned earlier. He told me and I started to google out for the solution. I found several clue from these pages:
So, I tried to disconnect my website on the staging server by removing the value of MARKETPLACE_SITE_TOKEN & MARKETPLACE_SITE_URL_TOKEN on the database. Nothing changed. Next, I tried to delete the project listed on my concrete5 marketplace account. Turns out the problem getting worse. My concrete5 installatation still says that it is connected to the marketplace. They still show the project URL of the one that I have deleted before.
Now, I have no project listed on my account, when I tried to reconnect to the marketplace, it's show that i have successfully connect my web to concrete5 marketplace with the same project URL that I have deleted before. yet there's still no project listed on my account. Now, regarding the paid add ons, I'm kinda confused right now, where does my paid add on license go with this condition?? Do I still have it?
Anybody know how to resolve this problem?
Please feel free to ask for more clarification, my english is bad and I don't think my message could be understood well enough
Not really sure if this is the correct place to post question like this. I've posted this on concrete5's forum with no response at all. I think this is the kind of issue that should be complained to the concrete5 team. The fault seems to be on how their marketplace work. But unfortunately, AFAIK, they don't give such technical support/bug report for this. So, I hope stackoverflow could help me out.
