Can I start development of wehcat mini program and test servers without ICP licensed domain name? - wechat

I am currently working on wechat mini-program, I have created an account, chosen a server to store data I ll be fetching, but have not got an ICP licensed domain name, because it takes about a month to get. I want to know if I can already start development and send/receive a server request from my app in a test environment? Or do I have to get an ICP license and domain name first?

It's not necessary if you just want a test environment.But your can't submit your application online.
Editing the "project.config.json" in root of program.Ensuring the parameter named "urlCheck" as false.You request will work.


Kusto.Explorer - Authentication Trouble

I'm having trouble adding a connection in the Kusto.Explorer desktop app I can login via Web UI but in the desktop app it gives me this error:
This normally represents a permanent error, and retrying is unlikely to help.
Please provide the following information when contacting the Kusto team # :
In other applications such as the Kuskus VSCode extension or even the Web UI, the problem seems to be that it uses the "common" tenant/authority id as a default. Is there a way to specify the tenant id when adding the connection? It says you can import an .xml file but I'm not sure where or how this can be generated.
Please try approach described at:
The default security model for new connections is AAD-Federated
security. Authentication is done through the Azure Active Directory
using the default AAD user experience.
If you need finer control over the authentication parameters, you can
expand the "Advanced: Connection Strings" edit box and provide a valid
Kusto connection string value.
For example, users with a presence in multiple AAD tenants sometimes
need to use a particular "projection" of their identities to a
specific AAD tenant. Do this by providing a connection string, such as
the one below (replace words IN CAPITALS with specific values):
Data Source=;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;AAD Federated Security=True;Authority Id=AAD_TENANT_OF_CLUSTER;User=USER_DOMAIN

Allow the user to modify some parameters from .env Symfony

I have some config variables on the .env file. I want to create a page on my web application to allow the administrators to modify the value of some .env variables (for example the mail configured to send mails). For this purpose, I have:
MAILER_SENDER_NAME="Application Name"
I am able to read the current values on my controller but I don't know how to save back the values filled by the user on my form.
Please, any help would be really apreciated.
Environment variables are there to help you specify variables for the particular environment your application runs on, for example you could have your app sitting locally on your computer which you develop on, and you could have it in the cloud running the production version of your app, version which will actually send emails correctly using real data.
What you need to do is have somewhere to store the settings you let your users customise, for example in a database. When it comes to sending the emails, you will then have to do the following:
$message = (new Swift_Message())
->setFrom(['' => 'John Doe'])

Oracle SOA taskflow deployed but not available in worklist

I have been working with Oracle SOA Suit 12c human task component. However, I have created a simple bpel processs that takes one input for human intervention and response required by the user assigned. The project deployed successfully to weblogic domain soa_server1. Now the web service is being tested by oracle em->soa_server->composite application. When the user login to worklist, the task is being populated but when he clicks on task, it shows a login form rathar than the huam task form(the jsf/jspx) page.
Additional Details
Weblogic Server 12c, SOA Quick Start 12c( installed and weblogic domain configured using database. JDeveloper version 12c.
Below is the screenshot of worklist
Can anyone please look in to this, what's the issue??
Issue was related to user assignment in Human Task dedinition.
Double click on human task in your composite.
Go to assignments(user assignment)
My mistake- I had set the owner as weblogic and trying to access the task in worklist with user 'level1'
Either leave blank to owner text filed or specify all users whom task is being assigned or users who manually clam task.
I haven't tried but probably of you have hierarchy set for users then it might require only top level person to be specified in owner section.
I had a different issue the url in the humantask configuration was pointing to some random name and not the server host name changing that worked

PayFlowPro: 57 Terminal is not programmed for this service

In paypalfunctions.asp, I set Env = "pilot" to test some code changes.
Got this error on an authorize "57 Terminal is not programmed for this service".
My live account has been up and running for years. I'm recoding to work with "paypalfunctions.asp" instead of the old .NET .dll.
Do I need to request or enable the Sandbox with Paypal somewhere?
Most of the demos I've seen to get the sandbox talk about registration as a new customer; but I'm an existing customer.
This Paypal Page says:
**API Endpoint**: When testing, you must submit all API requests, including CREATESECURETOKEN calls, to the endpoint
That's the URL that gets used when the variable ENV is set to "PILOT".
I ran into this issue and according to this site
This error means that your merchant services account does not accept the credit card type that was entered by your customer.
So I believe it could be a matter of trying to submit (for example) an American Express or Discover card while your account is not set up to accept those card types.

How to start using my new installation of JabbR on AppHarbor?

Question to all the JabbR/SignalR/AppHarbor/Janrain/ASP.NET integration experts out there:
I successfully forked JabbR from GitHub and cloned into my repo!!!
I also successfully deployed to a new AppHarbor application in the Beta environment in order to enjoy WebSocket support!!!
I also successfully set up JanRain's engage service for authentication for my application.
I also happily saw my application start up on the public domain ( and successfully created my first account and got authenticated.
NOW, I just CAN't post, create, broadcast, etc., or —for that matter— do anything useful in my chat!!!
How do I start using this thing?!?!
Basically this is how my app looks in the browser, but I just can't get it to do anything!!!
As #halter73 mentioned, it was only that commands have to preceded with '/'.
