FSCalendar does not show all days within allotted view but needs to scroll - uicollectionviewcell

I just added FSCalendar in Storyboard. I did not change anything via delegate methods. I just wanted to show all the days from Sunday to Saturday. Please help. Thanks

I got it working. My calendar was actually sitting on a view. Then I was hiding/showing that view (and with it the calendar) on the tap of a button. I just added this:
fsCalendar.contentView.frame.size.width = calendarFoundation.frame.size.width - 10

Adjust the inner frame of CalenderView with respect to outer frame of the view. This type of calendar (Pods) has default (constant) space between columns and rows. Therefore to get the calendar fit into UIView need to adjust the constraints either programmatically or from storyboard. As per the following adjustment, considering this as sample, make it as per your convenience
calendar.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: calendarView.frame.width-50, height: calendarView.frame.height)
layoutSubviews() OR layoutIfNeeded() // As per convenience
calendar = FSCalendar(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.calendarView.frame.width-50, height: self.calendarView.frame.height))
layoutSubviews() OR layoutIfNeeded() // As per convenience


How to add a negative date to the timeline

How can I add a negative date to the timeline?
My current code is:
let items = new vis.DataSet([
{id: 1, content: 'today', start: '2018-11-02'}
new vis.Timeline(document.getElementById('timeline'), items, {})
To add an event to the timeline, I just add it to items:
items.add({id: 2 content: 'tomorrow', start: '2018-11-03'})
If I zoom the timeline out I see that it shows dates before year 1. How can I add an event to a negative date, without needing to drag the event?
I dont know if it works on your lay out, but i use timestamps (if you import timestamps from php you should add 3 0's to the end as php use seconds and js use miliseconds )
but that works for me.
alternative what happens if you add this
items.add({id: 3 content: 'past', start: '2018-10-03'})
would that not show the item before current time ?
I got it!
new Date(-2018, 11, 26)
This will produce a negative date.

Adding horizontal scroll to fullcalendar scheduler

I am using Fullcalendar Scheduler, and the problem is when i have many resources, it becomes not good, like this:
The live demo with litle resources: http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-scheduler-1.3.3/demos/vertical-resource-view.html
I have an idea, it's adding an horizontal scroll, but i don't know the way, can you guys help me out ?
Thank you very much and have a great day.
.fc-view-container {
overflow-x: scroll;
width: 500%;
/* **For 2 day view** */
width: 500%;
Use the combination of this configure options :
dayMinWidth: 150,
stickyFooterScrollbar : true,
dayMinWidth : guarantees your horizontal titles are visible.
stickyFooterScrollbar : guarantees horizontal scrollbar is visible.
Paresh's answer works for views with many columns, but has the limitation that views with few columns will have very wide columns.
Fullcalendar's render algorithm calculates equal column widths based on the view width, and there doesn't appear to be a simple way of setting the column widths using CSS.
Instead we need to enable scrolling on the x-axis:
.fc-view-container {
overflow-x: scroll;
then use jQuery to calculate the overall width of the view. Here I am using a minimum column width of 100px:
var columnCount = $('.fc-agendaDay-view th.fc-resource-cell').length;
var viewWidth = $('.fc-view-container').width();
var minViewWidth = 18 + columnCount * 100;
if (minViewWidth > viewWidth) {
$('.fc-view.fc-agendaDay-view.fc-agenda-view').css('width', minViewWidth + 'px');
We only change the width of the view and enable scrolling if it exceeds the current width of the view. This has the effect of setting a minimum column size of 100px.
The jQuery needs to run after the calendar.render(); call.

How do I size a Firefox Add-on SDK popup/panel? Firefox Add-on SDK popup/panel too small

I followed the tutorial on creating a popup for an add-on in Firefox, and it worked great.
The issue I'm having now is that the popup it creates doesn't change size to fit the content I add to it. Instead, it adds scroll bars.
So, how do I change the size of a Firefox Add-on SDK popup to show all content?
You do have to deal with that yourself.
If you already know the desired size when creating the panel, you can pass the height and width as properties of the object to the Panel() constructor.
After a panel is created, its size can be changed by setting the height and width properties on it.
height and width values are numbers in pixels.
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/panel for a full documentation of how to use panels.
Though the tutorial and docs never say it, the height and width of a panel always defaults to the same small size.
To change it you can use the height and width parameters for the panel class.
If you want it to change automatically you can use this code:
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
height: 200, //choose your default
width: 200,
contentURL: data.url("popup.html"),
contentScriptFile: data.url("auto_resize_popup.js")
panel.port.on("resize", function (size) {
panel.resize(size.width, size.height);
var content = document.body;
var size = {};
size.width = content.offsetWidth + 2; //2 extra pixels get rid of scroll bars
size.height = content.offsetHeight + 2;
self.port.emit("resize", size);

UILabel Subclass - Custom 'drawRect' method causes text to cut off / not show

I am creating a simple 'tooltip' subclass that is a rounded rectangle and a small triangle that will be 'anchored' to another view.
I created a UILabel subclass and am overriding 'drawRect' to shrink the main label area and draw a triangle.
The 'roundRect' represents the rounded rectangle portion that should contain the full text.
This all works great, except that I am having trouble getting the full text to be shown within the 'roundRect'. It appears that the text just doesn't show up for the last line (i.e. where the triangle now occupies).
One other thing to note, I am using auto layout and have setup the constraints for the 'tooltipLabel' to fill the screen as needed. This works as expected, as reducing/adding more text shows the appropriate sized tooltip. But it seems like I need to somehow inform the 'tooltip' or 'auto layout' that the text should be fitted into the 'roundRect' portion of the 'tooltipLabel'.
Screenshot #1 uses this 'drawTextInRect' method and you can see that the full text is being shown, but overlaps into the 'triangle' area (plus it has no insets, which is not the desired look):
override public func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) {
// super.drawTextInRect(UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10)))
Screenshot #2 uses this 'drawTextInRect' method with the desired insets (also adds the triangleHeight so that space is not written into with text) and you can see that it cuts off the 2nd and 3rd lines of text, as they don't 'fit' within the 'roundRect' bounds:
override public func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) {
// super.drawTextInRect(rect)
super.drawTextInRect(UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(self.roundRect, UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10+self.triangleHeight, right: 10)))
Here is the 'drawRect' override:
override public func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
self.roundRect = CGRect(x: rect.minX, y: rect.minY, width: rect.width, height: rect.height-self.triangleHeight)
self.triangleBezier.moveToPoint(CGPoint(x: self.roundRect.midX-self.triangleWidth/2, y: self.roundRect.maxY))
self.triangleBezier.addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: rect.midX, y: rect.maxY))
self.triangleBezier.addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: self.roundRect.midX+self.triangleWidth/2, y: self.roundRect.maxY))
self.roundRectBezier = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: self.roundRect, cornerRadius: 5.0)
I would actually not be subclassing UILabel for this, and make your own tooltip class composed of the outer view and the internal label with auto layout constraints. The internal label determines the whole height of the view.
Something like this with appropriately rounded off corners/triangle:
Alternatively, use UITextView instead if you want to assign padding: Adding space/padding to a UILabel

Scroll flex spark datagroup to maximum amount programmatically

I have a spark skinnable component which contains a datagroup with images. The datagroup is scrolled by hovering the mouse over it. Everything works fine except one thing: after I change the datagroup provider, I need to scroll down automatically. The problem is the images are not loaded immediately after I set the provider so (contentHeight - height) does not yet represent the actual maximum scrolling position. Is there an easy way of telling the datagroup to scroll down as its content loads? Because the workaround seems to be not so straightforward.
This is the code for scrolling(thumbnailStrip is my datagroup):
private function thumbnailStrip_mouseMoveHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var fr:Number = (thumbnailStrip.contentHeight - thumbnailStrip.height) / thumbnailStrip.height;
var scroll:Number = fr * evt.stageY - fr * this.y;
var ms:Number = maxScroll();
if(scroll > ms) scroll = ms;
thumbnailStrip.verticalScrollPosition = scroll;
private function maxScroll():Number {
return thumbnailStrip.contentHeight - thumbnailStrip.height;
thumbnailStrip.layout.verticalScrollPosition += thumbnailStrip.layout.getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(NavigationUnit.END);
This may have to run a few times to get all the way to the bottom.It's supposed to return the difference between the current scroll position and the "end" of the scroll position. As things load, I'd just keep calling this in a "callLater".
btw, there's a bug for this: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-25740 not sure if it's fixed in 4.5, ugly workaround here: http://flexponential.com/2011/02/13/scrolling-to-the-bottom-of-a-spark-list/
