Can we deploy domain projects into Server groups or server clusters? - mule4

I have a domain project and I am trying to deploy application in both server group and cluster. Is this possible for domain projects? Please let me know.
I am able to deploy on-premises applications to server group and server cluster.

If you want to deploy through Anypoint Runtime Manager then the answer is no, because it doesn't support deploying Mule domain projects.


Two differ web api project on same port need to deploy

Can we deploy two web api project in same port because due to some instruction, is it possible? because there is a past work deploy in that port we not have their updated version so we create new project and deploy that on same?
If you host the application on the IIS , you could consider hosting it as nest application.
One application could contains multiple nested application, you could use way to publish two application inside one IIS web sites.
More details, you could refer to below image:

How to migrate server group mule applications to cluster in mule 4?

We have domain applications deployed on Runtime Manager with 2 dev servers in a server group in Develop Environment and have one QA server in Test Environment.
Now, we are planning to migrate these QA server and DEV-Server group to Cluster in their respective environments.
I would like to know the procedure for migration of servers to cluster and its pros and cons.
You can't migrate applications, either between servers, clusters or any combination. You'll need to recreate the applications in the deployment target.

How to Host a .net application in AWS S3

I need to host a .net application on AWS S3 using static website hosting, is there any possibility to do so? Please help, Thanks in advance.
You can front your UI artifacts in S3, but the .Net part will have to be executed server side by a Web Server like IIS. S3 just serves files: doesn't execute them, so you'll need more than S3 to pull this off.
There are various AWS services you can look at to help you get started on hosting .Net solutions including EC2, ECS (.Net core) and Lambda (.Net runtime).

Hosting providers for Matlab based Dot net application

I have developed a Dot Net based web application that uses matlab code compiled into dlls and deployed it on local server with 'Matlab' instsalled. It works on local server well. However, I want to deploy it on a hosting domain for ease of access. But I dont know about any hosting providers that support working of matlab dlls with web application. Is there any suggestion about such hosting providers and how should I deploy it on a hosting domain.
PS: on my remote server i had to install Matlab to run that application when deployed on IIS server ie with just mcr instlled the application was not working.
I'm doing it for the first time so I dont know much about it.
On this paper explains how to put matlab on Amazon EC2
Amazon had AMI instances
The pre-built AMI offerings on Amazon have been depreciated and will no longer be available. You are able to work with Amazon or another cloud service provider to get you own machine instance and use your license there.
To best run MATLAB on a cloud instance, you will need your license configured as a Login Named User (LNU). If you have an Individual or Group license activated as a Standalone Named User , you can configure it as an LNU at [][3]
Also on windows azure
You can get any host provider with IAAS and apply matlba LNU license

How to deploy webapp in azure virtual machine

I am quite new to azure and need a quick pointer to how to host an website in Azure VM. Thanks for your help in advance.
A little background...
We were using a windows server 2012 R2 and were hosting the site in IIS 6. This was an intranet site. Now we are migrating to public cloud so that it is accessible over internet. For this we have acquired an Azure VM (Windows OS). We have installed Visual studio 2013 and SQL server 2012 here. I have installed azure core SDK too.
Here are my questions:
What do I use instead of IIS to host? (Because I am not able to find any related app in azure VM)
Do I need to buy any more licenses for the same?
Should I host it in IIS only and because it is in public cloud, will it be accessible over internet?
Appreciate your help!
Since you have chosen the Infrastructure as a service ( IaaS) route you have to simply replicate the setup that you have on premises.
if IIS component is not there you just have to enable it in windows features.
If you do not want to use IIS you can explore self hosted applications.
Since you have chosen the Windows server VM image and created the VM you do not need to pay for anything additional for windows license.
By default only 2 endpoints( ports) will be open in a Windows VM. 1 for remote desktop and other for powershell remoting.
refer this post for enabling endpoints for you hosted applications.
You have two options basically
Use Azure Paas - Here you would host your existing application as a Cloud service using a web role and a Azure SQL Database. This might mean some changes to the existing application but would need less management from you. You can find the migration steps here
Use Azure Iaas - This is pretty much what you are trying to do. Host your application to a VM and manage all the required software (IIS,Sql server etc) on your own. Although this option might be easier in terms of migrating your application it involves managing the infrastructure on your own. Here is a link on how to install IIS on a Azure VM.
You don't need any additional licenses since you are paying for the VM which includes all required licenses. In case you decide to use SQL Server as Iaas you can also use your existing SQL Server license when running SQL Server on an Azure VM.
