Need to transfer site currently on Siteground - wordpress

my client wants to keep using their hosting that they currently have their site on, where I was given cpanel and ftp logins. I made the Wordpress site on a temporary domain on Siteground. How do I go about transferring the site to their hosting?

there are many plugins to transfer your website and database to different hosting. The good one also rename all URL's in your database to ones of your new hosting.
I suppose the easiest one is Akeeba backup for Wordpress Akeeba Backup for WordPress
download the plugin, install it in your Wordpress and activate it
In your Wordpress menu you will have Akeeba backup entry click it and create new backup (for bigger websites I recommend split the backup file into smaller parts in plugin settings)
upload all parts of your newly created backup (you will find it in wp-content/plugins/akeebabackupwp/app/backups/) into the new server root through FTP
download Akeeba Kickstart Kickstart (Standalone) (this files will uncompress your backup on the server) so copy both files in downloaded zip into server root
visit in your browser your new hosting domain and add /kickstart.php ( follow onscreen instruction to complete recovery
in case you are stuck here documentation for Akeeba Backup Akeeba Backup for WordPress
and for akeeba-kickstart


Duplicate WordPress site onto a staging site on a subdomain

I'm trying to set up a staging site for an existing WordPress site.
I've backed up the existing public_html folder through filezilla and it's about 25GB.
I've set up the subdomain on cpanel and also a new staging database.
I'm following these instructions -
But the Duplicator plugin doesn't work on my wordpress site - I've even paid for the pro version but it fails at the Scanning part and never even gets to the Build part. I've been through the Help for Duplicator and they can't work it out either.
So ... my question is ... can I do this through cpanel and avoid the whole Wordpress dashboard completely. Can I just copy the files from the cpanel File Manager and put them into the Staging subdomain?
Or is there another way to do what I'm trying to do?
Thanks so much
The free version of the Duplicator plugin doesn't allow you to create a package more than 500MB, you will have to do it on two parts by migrating only the database by the plugin and zip the files on cPanel and move the manually or using FTP.
You can zip the files and upload them to the new domain and export the database and open notepad++ for example and start replacing the old URL with the new one then import the edited database to the new domain

WordPress setup page is not showing

I am trying to setup Wordpress manually.
First, I created the database and user and connected them both with all privileges.
Next, I downloaded the Wordpress setup file and added the database name, username and password to the wp-config.php file and uploaded the Wordpress file to the file manager under public_html.
But when I visit my website, it's still not showing the setup wizard. I also tried manually entering the URL -, but it redirects to me the same page (page image is below)
this the page i am getting instead of wordpress setup wizard
According to the screenshot, you haven't set up your Wix account to use your domain name. If you have, was this done recently? DNS propagation can take 24 - 48 hours.
If the domain name and server are connected, then you need to make sure all WP files are uploaded. You should have downloaded a zip file to your computer. Unzip the file, then FTP the entire folder inside your public_html folder.
Once that is done, then you can proceed with the installation.
The problem is, Wix has their own software and blog features. You will need to set up WP on a subdomain. You can learn how to set up a subdomain through Wix here and how to install the WP to a subdomain here.
The biggest problem, though, is Wix. You would be a lot better off getting stand alone hosting such as SiteGround, A2hosting, etc. If you are looking for cheap hosting, HostGator and Green Geeks are decent enough.

Backing up a self-hosted Wordpress installation

I have a wordpress instance that runs on a VPS I own, so I have full (root) shell access.
Let's say I want to backup and restore my wordpress content so I can move it to another server.
What do I need to back up?
My guess is -
Backing up the full wordpress directory (since it contains plugins, configs, etc..)
Backing up the full mysql wordpress database
If you have access to the wp-admin site I recommend migrate with this plugin wp-clone, this is the one that I use. If you don't have then you do what you said:
Migrate the wp-content and the mysql database.
Install wordpress in the new server and change the wp-content and the new database with the old one.

Creating an FTP User that can only edit one folder

To backup a WordPress site, I am using a plugin that uses an FTP user to backup the site. For security reasons, I don't want to let this account do much more than just downloading new and deleting old backups from a specific folder. Is this possible?
I would restrict the FTP user to the backup directory where ever that is.

How to move a localhost wordpress site to already registered wordpress domain

I have built a wordpress site locally. Now I want to host the site globally .
I already have bought a wordpress blog domain (i.e. It changed the site name from to )
Now how I can transfer my local plugins and themes to ??
Move all files with wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes into your host.
Delete wp-config.php file.
Go to site URL EX: and go through typical installation procedure.
Go to your database in your host and delete those 11 tables which have made.
Now you should export the local database and you should open it in any text editor and search and replace your local URL with new one.
Ex: localhost with, then import it to your database of real server.
Now It should work.
To do this you have to go through these steps
1) Make a zip of your wordpress folder and upload to your domain.
2) Export your local database..Open it in any editor which has find and search for your local server name and replace it with your domain..For eg find this and replace with in entire database
3) upload your database to live make changes in config file your db name ,username,pass
and you are live now
check these tutorials for reference
1) provides the open source code for WordPress that you can run on your own website, with whatever plugins you choose. provides (free) WordPress hosting, but you are limited as to what plugins and configurations you can make to your site.
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