After on-premise setup of mesibo . Do I need to change this url from client side mesibo-lib.js - mesibo

After on-premise setup of mesibo , Do I need to change anything from mesibo-lib.js end ?
I could see some url in mesibo-lib.js - a.Gc=""
Please help to understand here from client side what changes needs to be done.
Im using angularjs client side code.

Cloud or On-premise, you should use your server to store your files. is only provided for evaluation and files can be regularly cleaned up.
Refer to


Persona U are U 4500 Web API

I am new to biometrics. I bought a new Persona U are U 4500 Device and SDK from a vendor. The SDK has some samples (as expected). All of the samples run smoothly except the WebSample. it do not detects my device in addition it gives an error in the console.
Can anyone please help me how to fix this issue and guide me as why am i facing this problem? is it something related to my wss://localhost?
By further diving into the program i found the specified url in websdk.client.bundle.min.js when i opened the link it says
"code": -2147024894,
"message": "The system cannot find the file specified."
Am i missing some file?
I don't have it in front of me now, because I switched back to the U.are.U 2.2.3 SDK, which does not have this feature.
But it sounds like you possibly have not installed the Digital Persona Lite client component. This runs a separate WebSocket service on port 9001 (IIRC) through which the JavaScript client then communicates.
It is described here:
After installation, you will need to restart.
The call to should then respond with details of the WebSocket service, to which the JavaScript client will connect.
NOTE: The WebSkd library requires DigitalPersona Agent running on a
client machine. This agent provides a secure communication channel
between a browser and a fingerprint or card device driver. The
DigitalPersona Agent is a part of a HID DigitalPersona Workstation. It
can be also installed with a DigitalPersona Lite Client. If you expect
your users do not use HID DigitalPersona Workstation, you may need to
provide your users with a link to the Lite Client download, which you
should show on a reader communication error:
A link is provided there to download the Lite client from here:
you just add a script call of the following code "crossorigin = '' ". "crossorigin=''". It will look like this:
<script src="scripts/websdk.client.bundle.min.js" crossorigin="*"></script>
<script src="scripts/fingerprint.sdk.min.js" crossorigin="*"></script>

Puppeteer name resolution error on Firebase Cloud Functions

I have created a brand new free tier project, cloned Puppeteer Firebase Functions demo repository and only changed the default project name in .firebaserc file.
When I run the simple test or version functions I get the correct result. When I open the .com/screenshot page without any parameter I get correct ("Please provide a URL...") response.
But when I try any url, i.e. .com/screenshot?url= I get Error: net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED at thrown in response.
I tried looking for any name resolution errors related to Puppeteer but I could not find anything. Could this be a problem of using free tier?
The free Spark payment plan restricts all outgoing connections except those API endpoints that are fully controlled by Google. As a result, I expect that puppeteer would not be able to make any outgoing connections to external web sites.

Connecting application to a single notebook in Evernote, supportLinkedSandbox parameter

I am trying to limit access to one nootebook using supportLinkedSandbox=true parameter as it is described here:
It seems this paramerter has no effect on sandbox environment.]&preferRegistration=true&supportLinkedSandbox=true
What could be wrong?
In order to use supportLinkedSandbox=true, the notebook sandboxing feature needs to be enabled for a particular API key. You can request enabling this feature by writing to devsupport at evernote dot com.

NotificationHub Push Notification returns : The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong

I have Wp8.1 Silverlight app that receives push notification (WNS) from Mobileservice (the old azure service).
I therefore wanted to update to the new service because of the new features. I have now created/upgraded a new server to use App Service - Mobile App. And tested push notification with the sample app from azure (everything works).
Going back to my app WP8.1 -> Adding the new package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client through NuGet (2.0.1), there is the issue that the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Ext does not contain the 'GetPush' extension. It seems like it is missing it? looking to the WP8 version, it only registers to MPNS, and I need WNS. So I do not know if any other assembly could be used.
Can I add another assembly reference?
The following code lets me register the device on the server, and I can see the device register correctly. where the channelUri and the installationInformation are retrieved by the client and send to the server.
Installation ins = new Installation();
ins.Platform = NotificationPlatform.Wns;
ins.PushChannel = uTagAndChan.ChannelUri;
ins.Tags = uTagAndChan.Tags;
ins.InstallationId = uTagAndChan.installationInformation;
await hubClient.CreateOrUpdateInstallationAsync(ins);
Sending a test toast-notification to the registered tags, results in the following error :
The Token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong
Searching on this issue I found Windows Store App Push Notifications via Azure Service Bus. Which the proposed solution says to register to the notification hub directly from the app, I would rather not have the app to have directly access to the hub. But is this the only way? (mind you the answer was not accepted, but I will try it all though it is not a desired solution)
Registering for notifications via client (WP8.1 Silverligt), makes a registration to MPNS, which I do not want.
The snippet on the server registers a WNS, the two registrations can be seen here:
The URI retrieval is done using
var channel = await Windows.Networking.PushNotifications.PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
which in the description states it returns a WNS. This seems to infer that the registration I am doing on the server (code snippet in the top) is correct and the registration on the client is faulty.
But the registration on the image seems wrong. Shouldn't the PNS Identifier be different for the two registrations? also expiration date seems wrong ?
How to mend this since the GetPush() (which was available in the sample registered the client correctly for notifications) does not exist in the NuGet package?
I read one place that deleting and recreating the NotificationHub could help. I will try this today. Even IF it works, it would be more desirable to have the solution, and to know if the registrations are done correctly?
Temporary solution:
Deltede, recreated, inserted Package SID and Secret. And it works again (strange)!
Still interested in the underlying issue!
Deleted and recreated the service, setting all the same settings made it work again.
I had same issue with my UWP. But in my case I had issue with self signed certificate.
When I set the AppxPackageSigningEnabled property to True (in .csproj) then notifications stopped working and I got "The token obtained from the Token Provider is wrong" (Test send from Azure Portal).
The certificate must have same issuer as Publisher in Identity element in .appxmanifest file.

I don't know how to connect between the site and my database

I'm using SQL server and web developer(C#).
I know I should do something with my connection string, but I don't exactly what and where I should do that.
Can you write me code example
or explain me what to do?
I should connect my database with the site(the site is on the internet).
how would i know the right path for this database?
I should put his address, IP or what?
first you have to know that you cannot just add the database to the server like this !!!
you have to script the whole database, and then you have to upload it into your database server like or what ever . your hosting server should support you with these setails ,they gonna give you a user name and password and other details so you can access to the sql manger ( like my ltitladmin) online ....there you have to upload or just copy and execute your code directly so you can make all your tables and stored procedures or what ever ....
after all this all what you have to is just take the online database new connection string and then add it o your web.confg or in you pages ,this is the way how to make it work right.
It depends on your ASP.NET application.
Basically, connection strings could be stored anywere.
One of suggested connection strings' store is Web.config file. Look for "connectionStrings" configuration element and you should find there the one to change for your production server.
Look at this page:
You'll find SQL Server connection string examples.
there is a lot os ways to do that, try to take a look to this simple example:
I guess you need to read about it a little:
