ARForms Plugin(Wordpress) does not display Multi-Selection element - wordpress

I know that this is a very specific question but maybe someone here has an answer. I am using the ARForms plugin to create forms on my wordpress website. It works excellent and I was always very happy with it but since a few days the multi-select element stopped working.
In the editor where I created a form I can see the element but it does not appear on my website although the form itself including other elements works fine.
Maybe someone had the same problem and could help me.
Thank you for your time


Where + how to edit Wordpress CSS to create a dropdown scrollable submenu in Wordpress?

I am a writer and I have menu for my chapters list on my website of 30+ chapters and currently it annoyingly looks like this:
current website
As you can see it cuts off, and Wordpress annoyingly doesn't have a feature that turns it automatically scrollable. There are 30+ chapters and you have to keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling down to see them all.
I have found some good looking solutions on StackOverflow but don't know where and how to apply them on Wordpress.
If anyone could talk me through literally step-by-step 1. where to find the CSS of my Wordpress site 2. the code I'll need 3. where to paste it 4. if there's anything I need to add to the navigation block's inidividual "Additional CSS Classes" part like so: Additional box in the corner and anything else I need to do. I would be super grateful!
One of my fears is just dumping a bit of code somewhere in the middle of editable CSS and screwing up my entire site! My CSS knowledge is super beginner so laymans terms is very much appreciated thanks :)
I tried using Plugins (those seem even more confusing than CSS) and have considered using Elementor too but I have Googled and YouTubed, trying to find a solution and nowhere has something as specific as what I'm looking to achieve frustratingly.
I tried following this youtube video: but didn't know what my "Target Element Selector" was, even when I went into Inspect on Chrome, all I found was this

I cannot select text on my website and the text input fields do not work

I've been having this issue for a couple of months now. It's been a thorn on my side.
If you go to, you will notice that you won't be able to select or highlight any text and the text fields on the forms do not work.
I've already done the plugin compatibility test and changed themes, but I'm still having the same problem.
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you
I visited your site and inspected the event listeners and saw a file wprmenu.js using the mouseup eventlistener.
Blocking this file in the browser fixes the issue, the path of the file reveals the plugin name wp-responsive-menu
I suggest replacing the plugin or contacting the support page here and asking if some can see what the exact problem is.

UIWebView with buttons

before my question i would like to mention that i have been searching for this answer and you guys have led me to understand programming better in general considering the fact i just started learning and kind of struggling since i can't understand written tutorials. :(
Anywho. I am trying to have three buttons on my app each loading different URL's. I understand how to do this with a Tab Controller and honestly i understood how to use them by following one of the tutorials posted here. I came accross a very very strange problem in that and it was that in Tab Controllers, the SecondViewController would be unadjusted to the screen if i added the missing constraints. I couldn't figure out why so i thought to myself that it could be possible to load one URL in one UIWebView but still keep their state of where ever this person is on the page.
Could someone show me an example of how it is done? - Loading URL's via buttons to ONE UIWebView?
extra info: the web app is suppose to be a Show Portal for episodes, and the second button or one of the buttons will have a list of episodes by years, on which the user selects years and then months and then the list of episodes for that month are displayed.
I apologize if i broke a rule.
Thank you!!!

Sidebar pushed below content in individual post (Wordpress)

I'm designing a blog in Wordpress using the Thesis Framework and there is an issue that I just can't seem to find a fix to:
Basically everything is fine on the main page, but when I go into any individual post, the side bar is getting pushed off and showing up right down the button of the page (below the comments).
It's pretty obvious that there is some kind of sizing/width issue and I've played around with a lot of the widths in firebug but just can't seem to find where it's going wrong. I can't find a difference between the main page and post pages either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! A specific solution would be ideal because I've already spent a lot of time tinkering with it to try and address the issue.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I had this problem as well with the thesis framework. I found two reasons where it produced a similar mistake on my blog:
The first reason is that the sidebar + content area is bigger than you container. That would make the sidebar go below the the content. Make sure also that the content of the sidebar is also smaller than the sidebar. I had a Facebook box in the sidebar that was bigger, thus pushed the whole sidebar below the content.
An other reason was a plugin that I had installed. If you have any plugins installed try and see if one of those is interfering with the sidebar layout.
If that doesn't work you can also post a snippet of the code so that I can look at it.
I often have this problem when editing a page in html (text) mode and forget a closing tag, most notably a . If using tables, a missing , or similar will cause this.
So, in brief, make sure all your opening tags have a corresponding close tag.
Make sure the html is syntax-error free. I had the same problem and the culprit was a wrong closing tag (<b/>)

WordPress theme blog not displaying well in FireFox-how to fix?

I have recently made a new WordPress theme (named {cssgroundup}) which I am using on my blog at
It is only a basic WP theme for my personal use as I am quite new to the WordPress platform (?). It is a work in progress (as is the blog content!) however it displays alright in IE browser but not so well in FireFox.
Can someone help me edit it so it displays properly in most browsers or advise me how I can fix this please? I have asked for help at forums but haven't yet had any help!
I can post stylesheet code & theme.php code here if required.
I look forward to helpful replies, many thanks
First thing to do is fix your code errors: Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator. Fix the bad code on line 628, and then revaldiate and see what else is wrong.
rpd, it would be useful for those of us who want to help you if you spelled out specific problems that you are trying to find answers to. An example might look like "In IE my top level navigation is working the way I want. In Firefox, the sitemap link is on the next line. How do I fix this?"
There are a lot of cool, generous people here who are happy to share their knowledge with you, but very few people have time to just sit down and review your site from top to bottom.
