Website Not Working After Google Shut It Down and Restarted - wordpress

I installed a Wordpress blog on Google Cloud through their MarketPlace over a year ago. It was free/covered by Google's $300 credit. A month ago I had about $100 credit left but didn't realize the credit was only good for one year and then they would charge. Unfortunately, I had a different credit card on file that was not valid at the time they started charging and because I didn't check my website for a few weeks, I came back and found it was down. When I corrected the billing issue I saw I had to restart the Virtual Machine. I saw that the SSD disk still had had installed "bitnami-wordpress-5-4-1-0-linux-debian-9-x86-6" and when I go to the website it shows the "Apache2 Debian Default Page" and my static IP address is still saved. I tried to access the website directly through the static IP "" and still get the same Apache2 page. A Google support person (from sales, not tech) mentioned that when they shut down they delete storage, but how come the SSD still shows bitname wordpress? Do I need to install Wordpress over again and create the website from the backup I fortunately saved or is their a way to recover it without doing that? I'm still waiting for their tech team to get back to me. Thanks!


GCP hosted Wordpress Site - ERR_TIMED_OUT

I am new to this forum and am after some assistance. My wordpress website has been hosted on GCP since 2019 and I have never had an issue.
I was on the site yesterday making notes of some adjustments I want to make to it, go to access today and I get an ERR_TIMED_OUT error.
I have tried on a couple of devices and get the same message.
Everything is on - but the CPU usage for the compute engine is really low...
Any assistance would be appreciated.

Why can I share one URL on LinkedIn but not another?

I have 2 identical pages on my website. On can be shared on LinkedIn with photo etc., while the other cannot. The Open Graph checks are identical apart from the URL.
The page that can be shared with photo and text is:
The other one, that doesn't show photo is:
I don't see any differences in The Open Graph checks
Please help
YES! I found out where the problem was after a loooong structured analysis. As we own a webhosting company too ( we have full access to everything.
Compared php settings with a site that can share and synchonised them. problem persisted
Tried with a default theme and plugins disables in the health check. problem persisted
Checked permission on all files and compared them with a site that can share on linkedin. no difference
Started to look at individual plugins. Bingo
On my wordpress installation, the plugin "StopBadBots" makes all the fuss. Once I disabled it everything worked fine.
Now I can watch the football worldcup final with peace tonight and hopefully see my country (France) win

W3 Total Cache plugin is not available

One of the best plugin the W3 Total Cache plugin couldn't be activated on my site.
When I activate that plugin it shows messages like this
“This plugin is not allowed on our system due to performance, security, or compatibility concerns. Please contact our support with any questions.”
How can I activate this plugin?
If you are using godaddy then here are some information of godaddy.
Lack of Godaddy
1) It is shared. I read (though I can't confirm) that GoDaddy sometimes runs 17,000 websites on one server. My experience was that my website's ping time was about 2 seconds for the first 90 days. After 90 days, I was lucky if I saw ping times under 5 seconds. GoDaddy's money back policy, coincidentally, runs out after 90 days. The lesson here is that neither W3 Total Cache nor any other plugin will help you if it takes 5 seconds for the server to even respond.
2) GoDaddy limits the number of visitors to your Managed WordPress site. So after you reach your limit (which is way too low for any type of ecommerce site), GoDaddy just shuts your site down until the end of the month. Granted they may not have actually shut my site down. It could be that the response time was so long that my browser timed out. Anyway, it was still unacceptable. When you call GoDaddy's Tech Support, they try to sell you one of their high-end hosting packages.
3) GoDaddy disables the normal WordPress Cron Jobs. So, if you have a plugin that needs Cron in order to function, it won't. Also, normal WordPress functions that rely on Cron Jobs (such as garbage collection), don't work until GoDaddy allows it--which might be two weeks down the road.
4) GoDaddy's Managed WordPress doesn't work well with WooCommerce (the most popular ecommerce plugin for WordPress). For instance, when a customer wanted to remove an item from her shopping cart (on my website), it wouldn't go away. As soon as she browsed back to the shop page, the shopping cart would show the item in the cart again. WooCommerce Tech Support told me I had to change hosting providers if I wanted to correct the error.
You could fix this issue with switch to other hosing service.

How can I get backup of my 1 year old site?

I had a good active site about an two year ago, I was running that site actively, I wrote more than 300 articles on that site and was getting 1k+ traffic daily. Last year, I was too busy with study and other stuff, I totally forgot about site and even didn't renewed the domain and hosting. My hosting account got locked since I wasn't paying the bills. This year I am free and started working online, I have renewed my hosting and activated my domain. I asked 1and1 customer support to give me backup of everything I had on the site, they say 'there are no longer available backups on the server for the deleted contract'. I badly need all of those contents I wrote on that site. The site was created with WordPress and I used Cloudflare CDN, I haven't any backup of the site on my computer.
I am wondering, is there any way to get backup of my site from anywhere?
I would assume your only hope is to try and find your site on the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine is an amazing resource that has been archiving the broader internet since the late 90's. Its not a perfect copy but for static sites like blogs with enough traffic to have been noticed by the web spider that archives it can work rather well. It's also a cool nostalgic trip down memory lane :)

Moving a website and ftp

101 for website and ftp: Do anyone know the best web hosting site for a beginner? Do ATT u-verse offer web hosting if you have their service?
I just want to keep this simple for a beginner. I have seen commercials on go daddy and googled to see google have something. Just need to upload files and put together a website. I used Yahoo business in the past while taking classes in 2005 on internet programming and ".net". I just checked the site today that I created. My .com is still up and running. It seems as though another company want me to move everything over as of November. And I also have a problem that need to be resolved by posting my file so others can view it to help me resolve my problem because you can't do attachments in posts. Here is what was said:
"..but may post a link (not shortened) to a site (no password/logon) that hosts a file..."
Thank you for your help in advance,
You have many options for web hosting providers. I offer web hosting through my company but to keep this unbiased these are two popular options for web hosting.
Godaddy is a very popular option for web hosting. You can get a shared server plan for about five dollars a month. They will give you FTP access to the server and even provide technical support in case you have any issues. Once you have the webhosting service account live you may change the nameservers to point to your server and then upload your website files to the www/username dir or the public_html/username dir.
AWS Free Tiers Option two is free if you do not use to much of the server resources. But if you go over it only charges you for what you use. AWS is a service through amazon that allows you to create instances of virtual private servers. It is a lot harder to configure but the tradeoff is that it is usually less expensive. Most of the time if you do not have a lot going on it is free.
FTP File Zilla is my favorite ftp. It is free and there are lots of resources online showing you how to use it. File Zilla Tutorial
If you are having problems with your current website please post a new question with a detailed description of the problem and an example of your doe as well as what you have tried to fix it. I am sure someone would be happy to help you.
