Why can I share one URL on LinkedIn but not another? - linkedin

I have 2 identical pages on my website. On can be shared on LinkedIn with photo etc., while the other cannot. The Open Graph checks are identical apart from the URL.
The page that can be shared with photo and text is:
The other one, that doesn't show photo is:
I don't see any differences in The Open Graph checks
Please help

YES! I found out where the problem was after a loooong structured analysis. As we own a webhosting company too (rivierahosting.com) we have full access to everything.
Compared php settings with a site that can share and synchonised them. problem persisted
Tried with a default theme and plugins disables in the health check. problem persisted
Checked permission on all files and compared them with a site that can share on linkedin. no difference
Started to look at individual plugins. Bingo
On my wordpress installation, the plugin "StopBadBots" makes all the fuss. Once I disabled it everything worked fine.
Now I can watch the football worldcup final with peace tonight and hopefully see my country (France) win


A completely different site load under my domain while my main site is working fine

I'm a real newbie in this world.
I just recovered from a serious attack, and I'm trying do things right at this time.
recently I made a quick Google search for my site and I found this page:
The problem is, my main site is a simple blog, so I do not sell anything, and obviously this link loads a completely different site from mine.
And this not the only suspicious site, which has link with my own domain while my main sites and pages loads on as usual.
Cloudflare shows many different links on firewall the request come from Russian federation, the strange thing is the other links what they trying to reach working to (Meanwhile I block all request from Russia, Singapore).
I don't understand this. I don't have this sites, on my ftp server, I don't have this site on my database.
Also I asked my hosting provider about this incident, they said my domain is registered and completely fine.
I'm using WordPress.
What's the next step?
How to remove this site from my domain?
I really would like to close all the backdoors.
Based on my inspections, I found the malware, which php code is this:
Its around 3000 lines, so I rather not paste in here, but you can view on the link.
Based on the code, do I need search more files on my ftp?

Link sharing shows javascript codes with my wordpress website's name

My site's name is akiveb and i am a designer. Whenever i try to share my sites link on social networking or whattsapp. A wierd javascript code shows alongside
I tried searching for a solution and till now all I can manage is that it can be a malicious attack
Thank you to whoever choses to help

Website loads different content

This is the website
This looks perfect in Asian Region. But when my client sees the site from USA, the website loads some random chinese products and chinese characters.
I checked for malware and found none. How to resolve this.
Please see the screen shot attached:
The first thing to do is to make sure that the user doesn't have the page cached. Make sure that they try refreshing the page a few times.
Second, I would try installing the Wordfence plugin which will compare your plugin and themes against the actual deployments.

Traffic sources for a folder profile

I am puzzled how GA handels traffic sources for profiles that are based on a folder filter.
Example: I have a profile for a folder - www.domain.com/folder. Imagine the following scenario. A visitor comes to the homepage www.domain.com from organic search. Later the visitor navigates to www.domain.com/folder. How is this visitor shown in the traffic sources report? Is he going to be listed under organic search as this is how he landed on the website. Or as refferal or direct since he originated outside of the profile?
First thank you for your question (it helped me to discover and solve a problem with my own folder based setup) and second, the original source is kept (which makes sense, since everything else would break campaign reports in the folder profiles). I'm afraid though that I cannot back this up with an external reference (but I'm monitoring a large-ish site with a folder based setup and this is what I see in the results).

How to know the number of users for a particular wordpress plugin

By checking the WordPress stats we get the idea that how many times a WordPress plugin is downloaded. But this is not the number of how many users for that plugin, right. Same user will download the plugin when a new version releases.
So do we have any tools or stats to get the total number of unique users for a WordPress plugin??
I did a research on the matter. And the answer is no.
Quotes from Otto comments in this 2010
about the stats charts in every plugin's page.
[...] the download count includes direct downloads as well
There is no “raw count” anywhere on that version number chart. The raw count is not data that will be made available.
For your own plugin, you can use tracking as #PeterVanDerDoes points out.
Curiously, the plugin I used as example in the research, WordPress SEO by Yoast, is the same that does this kind of tracking. And here's a nice discussion about it.
I'll reproduce the relevant part of the plugin development official guidelines:
7. No "phoning home" without user's informed consent. This seemingly simple rule actually covers several different aspects:
No unauthorized collection of user data. For example, sending the admin's email address back to your own servers without permission of the user is not allowed; but asking the user for an email address and collecting if they choose to submit it is fine. All actions taken in this respect MUST be of the user's doing, not automatically done by the plugin.
All images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made clear in the plugin's admin screens or description. The point is that the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.
In general, things like banner or text link advertising should not be anywhere in a plugin, including on its settings screen. Advertising on settings screens is generally ineffective anyway, as ideally users rarely visit these screens, and the advertising is low quality because the advertising systems cannot see the page content to determine good ads. So they're best just left off entirely. Putting links back to your own site or to your social-network of choice is fine. If the plugin does include advertising from a third party service, then it must default to completely disabled, in order to prevent tracking information from being collected from the user without their consent. This is the method commonly known as "opt-in".
Note that if you do include what we consider to be "advertising spam", or attempt to game somebody else's advertising system, then we will not only remove your plugin, but also report your code to the advertising system's abuse mechanism as well. We do not react kindly to spam. Don't try it.
The only way I can think of that you could track something like this is by having the plugin phone-home with some stats to your own server.
Just make sure users can select to opt-out of tracking.
