Sharing data across QML files (properties) - qt

I am writing an App and I already managed to resolve some issues, with the latest one being the Screen.Width/Height for adjusting the window size dynamically on different monitors (I use laptop, phone, PC, it's simply convenient).
To write the code efficiently and nicely, I want to obtain that specific information and put it into a single set of 2 "variables", that would then hold this information.
I tried assigning the ApplicationWindow object an id: mainWindow, in order to call upon it from a different QML file, to obtain the property value as:
mainWindow.height, mainWindow.width
I then was told to use another approach, custom QML properties, that are declared like:
property (type) (name): (value)
I then followed the advice and declared those properties in Main.qml (with AppWindow) and it does work. The properties of AppWindow (ApplicationWindow) contain the width and height of the Screen multiplied by a specific coefficient.
Then those variables are accessed by the object itself, drawing the App Window as I want it to be.
The problem is that this approach was meant to solve the issue of sharing code across .QML files, and it doesn't
[go down]
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWindow
//Wide screen support
//Screen.desktopAvailableWidth / 4
//Screen.desktopAvailableHeight / 6
//The below is monitor cross-compatible (phone, PC, laptop)
property int globalWidth: Screen.width / 2
property int globalHeight: Screen.height / 3
width: globalWidth
height: globalHeight
visible: true
title: qsTr("Redacted")
The piece of code below resides in main.qml. It is called upon from that file. Just ignoring the IDs (IDs supposedly [as stated by users/docs] can't be accessed outside of local scope...), the properties (especially custom properties) should be accessible inside Page1, Page2, Page3 etc.
SwipeView {
id: swipeView
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex
Page1Form {
Page2Form {
Page3Form {
The below is the Page2Form.qml file that is called upon (as class definition) in main.qml.
The properties declared in parent objects in main.qml (imo) should be inherited by child objects (imo).
Page {
id: localPage2
width: globalWidth
height: globalHeight
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
x: (localPage2.width / 2) - (width / 2)
y: (localPage2.height / 4) - (height / 2)
width: localPage2.width / 3
height: localPage2.height / 6
color: "#ffffff"
border.color: "#a45c5c"
border.width: 2
TextInput {
id: textInput
x: 0
y: 0
width: localPage2.width / 3
height: localPage2.height / 6
text: qsTr("Redacted")
font.pixelSize: 12
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.weight: Font.Normal
focus: true
Ok, so what is the problem?
I can try calling those properties as:
They won't be accessed. The form editor will provide me preview of Page object that has 0 size.
The page does render eventually (when compiled and ran), but there is an issue in passing (accessing) the value of that property.
As you can notice, both IDs and custom properties seem to work just fine locally.
I haven't fixed that issue, I also tried using aliases (references) and the "foreign" QML file will still fail to be assigned proper size (Page width and height).
I then put another custom property of string type with some text in it, I then managed to access that property in Page2.qml and the property is originally in main.qml.
It's bugged, or I have no idea what it is.
I tried 3 approaches:
ID (it's not global as it turns out)
Custom property (kind of works, just not with Screen size...)
Aliases on object's default properties
(property alias globalWidth: mainWindow.width
property alias globalHeight: mainWindow.height)


How to achieve better caching control for ListView?

I tried to play with cacheBuffer, but it's only help me to increase count of cached delegates, when I want to disable caching at all.
Now with zero caching buffer my example (only one item stretched on all ListView) behaves like this:
At the start ListView creates two delegates: currently visible and
next one.
When I scrolling list forward it creates and keep up to 4 delegates without beginning destroying them.
When I start scrolling list backward it begin immediately destroying delegates without looking on cacheBuffer.
If you replace "height: root.height" to "height: listView.height", it will create delegates for all model items at the start.
Is this behaviour normal? Can I change it some way?
You can tried it yourself:
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
import Qt.labs.calendar 1.0
Window {
id: root
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
ListView {
id: listView
anchors.fill: parent
snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
cacheBuffer: 0
model: 10
delegate: Rectangle {
width: parent.width
height: root.height
// height: listView.height
border.color: "black"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: modelData
Component.onCompleted: {
console.log("Delegate completed")
Component.onDestruction: {
console.log("Delegate destruction")
delegate: MyVeryComplexDelegate {
delegate: Loader {
width: expectedDelegateWidth
height: expectedDelegateHeight // Otherwise you might create all...
sourceComponent: MyVeryComplexDelegate {
active: someCriteriaYouFeelGoodAbout()
Now you will only have simple Loaders in your cache and you can decide which ones of those in the cache are active.
Probably better: Have parts of the MyVeryComplexDelegate loaded as the ListView wants, and just hide the most complex parts behind a Loader that turns active only if you really need the full complexity.
On your strange findings as far as I can explain them:
Regarding the difference between root.height and listView.height, the explanation is an issue that is subject to many questions:
While root.height references the property height of the window, which you have explicitly set, listView.height is determined by anchors.fill: parent, which results in setting the height to root.contentItem.height - and that is initially 0. Therefore the delegates, initially all have a height of 0, all of them would fit in the view and therefor have to be created, even if you load as lazy as possible. Later they will resize together with the root.contentItem and some will be destroyed again.
You can see that, when monitoring the height changes of your delegates and your ListView
The next thing is, that even if the delegate really fills the ListView from the beginning, a second delegate is instantiated. The reason for that is, the condition used by the ListView, when to create new delegates. For that the sum of heights - the displacement of the first has to be larger than the ListView. That is not fulfilled when it is equal to the height.
Increase the height of your delegate by a fraction of a pixel, and you are good.
height: root.height + 0.0001

Qt - QML Screen Mirroring in a dual monitor setup

I've developed an application, with the UI done using QML. What I was asked to do now is to make it so that when a second monitor is used, the second monitor shows everything that the program is doing. At first I thought of just telling the client to configure Windows to clone its screens. However when the applications uses some of its functionalities I need for the cloned screen to display certain indicators in the cloned screens but not on the original screen.
So my question is, How can I accomplish this. How can mirror what is happening in one screen, while maintaing enough control to draw in one and not in the other.
My only idea is to use a timer to take as screen shot at regular intervals and show that image in the second screen.
Is this doable?
Taking periodic screenshots, although perfectly doable, is undesired because of the impact to performance. Instead you should make use the main window's onFrameSwapped() signal, to grab images only when a new frame is generated.
Ideally, you'd want to make use of Layer or ShaderEffectSource, as suggested by #dtech, to read and re-render the frame straight from the GPU. Unfortunately, due to limitations in Qt Quick's Scene Graph, it is not possible to accomplish this across separate windows without destabilizing the source window's scene graph.
Update: Nevertheless, I've found a way to emulate the desired features of ShaderEffectSource using ShaderEffect instead. Your other options are to either copy frames through the CPU using Item's grabToImage function, or to re-implement QQuickView (your QML window) in C++ to grab images from the QML Engine when a new frame is generated.
Working Solution 1: Use ShaderEffect (Update: New Solution)
The new approach I've found consists of using ShaderEffect on a child Window and forcing it to update by calling that Window's update() method, which is inherited from QWindow. By using ShaderEffect, you guarantee the source image will be accessed only through the GPU, increasing performance by orders of magnitude over solution #2.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
Window {
id: mainWindow
title: qsTr("Main Window")
visible: true
width: 400
height: 200
color: "#0F0"
Rectangle {
id: viewport
color: "#00F"
width: parent.width/2
height: parent.height/2
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Draw QML Item into an off screen layer
layer.enabled: true
// Performance tweaks
layer.smooth: false
layer.mipmap: false
onFrameSwapped: {
// Update mirror window manually with each new frame
Window {
id: projectionWindow
property int screenID: 1
transientParent: mainWindow
visible: true
x: Qt.application.screens[screenID].virtualX
y: Qt.application.screens[screenID].virtualY
width: Qt.application.screens[screenID].desktopAvailableWidth
height: Qt.application.screens[screenID].desktopAvailableHeight
flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint
color: "#000"
visibility: Window.Maximized
ShaderEffect {
id: img
// Set source to copy visuals from
property variant source: viewport
// Setting shader to the same resolution as the source may improve performance
width: viewport.width
height: viewport.height
// Performance tweak
blending: false
Triggering update() manually has the side effect of preventing the child from updating on its own. Calling the update method on the source window from the child Window once whenever needed works around this limitation.
It is worth noting that this solution only works with Qt's basic renderer, which is single threaded. Qt prevents the texture from being accessed from a diferent rendering threads, giving the following error message and returning a null pointer:
QQuickShaderEffectSource::textureProvider: can only be queried on the rendering thread of an exposed window
The performance gained from this method is far greater than the performance loss of using the single threaded renderer. You can force use of the single threaded renderer by setting an environment variable at the start of your application. This can be done from inside the app by adding the following code at the very start of your main function:
#if defined(Q_OS_WINDOWS)
#elif defined(Q_OS_MACOS) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
setenv("QSG_RENDER_LOOP", "basic", 1);
Qt's documentation states that using the basic renderer reduces portability, but I can attest this approach works fine on Windows, macOS, and Linux and that it does not work on Haiku OS.
I've switched to this solution on the most recent versions of a project I develop. You can study the full implementation at:
Working Solution 2: Use Item's grabToImage (original answer)
Another easy approach is to grab frames from QML, using an Item's grabToImage() function. Since Window is not an item in itself, you'd have to grab the image from one of its elements. In this example, I grab the image from an item called viewport each time a frame is swapped on mainWindow, using the onFrameSwapped() signal. Then the path to that image in memory is set as the source for the image in the second window, named projectionWindow. The second window will open on the screen set by the screenID variable; it is also set to be a frame-less window with its visibility is set to either Maximized or FullScreen, such that it is the only window seen on the second screen.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
Window {
id: mainWindow
title: qsTr("Main Window")
visible: true
width: 400
height: 200
color: "#0F0"
Rectangle {
id: viewport
color: "#00F"
width: parent.width/2
height: parent.height/2
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
onFrameSwapped: {
viewport.grabToImage(function(result) {
projectionWindow.frame = String(result.url);
Window {
id: projectionWindow
property int screenID: 1
property alias frame: img.source
transientParent: mainWindow
visible: true
x: Qt.application.screens[screenID].virtualX
y: Qt.application.screens[screenID].virtualY
width: Qt.application.screens[screenID].desktopAvailableWidth
height: Qt.application.screens[screenID].desktopAvailableHeight
flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint
color: "#000"
visibility: Window.Maximized
Image {
id: img
anchors.fill: parent
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
// Performance tweaks
asynchronous: true
cache: false
I used to employed this solution on a project I develop. You can study the full implementation at:
Alternate, incomplete, solution
The third, more manual, and unfinished solution consists of the following: You'd inherit from QQuickView or QQuickWindow, and then send the image to a second window on either the QQuickWindow::afterRendering() or the QQuickWindow::frameSwapped() signal. You would use a QQuickFramebufferObject or some other rendering pipeline such as DirectX, Metal or Vulkan, to render and grab the frame off screen. Using OpenGL as your renderer, means negating all the performance advantages that come from using the native rendering pipelines supported by Qt 6. You may need to implement the frame grab once per pipeline to get all performance benefits.
The following talk by Giuseppe D’Angelo shows how some of this is setup in Qt 5. It doesn't show how to copy the contents to another window/screen but it could aid in this regard.
You can use particular QML elements as texture sources and easily duplicate them via trivial fragment shaders.
You definitely do not want to take screenshots and draw that image back, it is wildly inefficient.
Keep in mind that it will be just a visual duplicate, it will not take user input. If you want it to be interactive in both windows, then you should simply use a single data object and connect it to two individual GUI elements.
OK, here is the code, but unfortunately, it evidently uncovers a bug in QML, as the implementation doesn't seem to work across different windows:
Window {
id: mainw
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("main window")
Row {
spacing: 5
Rectangle {
id: source
width: 100
height: 100
color: ma.containsPress ? "red" : "cyan"
Text {
text: "adoy"
anchors.centerIn: parent
MouseArea {
id: ma
anchors.fill: parent
ShaderEffectSource {
width: source.width
height: source.height
live: true
sourceItem: source
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("another window")
x: mainw.x + width + 10
y: mainw.y
Row {
ShaderEffectSource {
width: source.width
height: source.height
live: true
sourceItem: source
Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 100
color: "blue"

Add elements to a ListView inside another ListView

I need to insert elements in a ListView inside another ListView (via JS code inside my QML file) but when I try to access the inner ListView I get the error :
TypeError: Cannot call method 'insert' of undefined
Here is an example code to show my problem :
width: parent.width-210
height: parent.height
Item {
height: 100
width: parent.width
height: 50
width: parent.width
anchors.left: parent.left
font.pixelSize: 25
font.bold: false
width: parent.width-100
height: parent.height
height: parent.height
width: parent.width/5
anchors.left: parent.left
font.pixelSize: 25
font.bold: true
ListView {
id: viewin
anchors.fill: parent
model: ListModel{
delegate: listInListDelegate
ListView {
id: viewglobal
anchors.fill: parent
model: ListModel{
delegate: listDelegate
And here is my JS code, at the end of the QML file :
function addItem(){
var i;
var numListe = -1;
var liste = "titre"
var item = "item"
for(i = 0;i<listModel.count;i++)
if(listModel.get(i).titre_txt === liste)
numListe = i;
if(numListe === -1)//if the list doesn't exist
numListe = listModel.count-1;
The error come from the last line of the JS code, when I try to insert a new element in the inner list. I verified that the value of "numListe" is 0 so it is not just a problem of wrong index.
How can I add elements to the inner list ?
There is a lot of stuff wrong with that code.
For starters - it is a mess, which is a very bad idea for someone who is obviously new at this stuff. Keep it clean - that's always a good idea regardless of your level of expertise.
listModel_in is an id and as such cannot be accessed outside of the delegate component.
That object however happens to be bound to the view's model property, so as long as the model doesn't change, you can access listModel_in via the model property. However, the view itself doesn't look like it is the delegate root object, so you have to interface it, for example by using an alias.
However, the inner model doesn't exist in the outer model, it only exists in the outer model's delegate item.
So you cannot possibly get it from listModel. You can get it from the viewglobal view, however ListView doesn't provide access by index. So you will have to set currentIndex for every index and use currentItem.
So it will look like this:
But it should go without saying, you are putting data in the GUI layer, which is conceptually wrong. But it gets worse than conceptually wrong - you might not be aware of this, but ListView only creates items that it needs to show, meaning that it creates and destroys delegates as necessary. Meaning if your item falls out of view, it will be destroyed, and when it comes back into view, a new one will be created, and all the data you had in the model of the old delegate item will be lost. The view should never store data, just show it.
The inner model should be inside the outer model. However, last time I checked, QMLs ListModel didn't support model nesting, neither using declarative nor imperative syntax. If you want to nest models, I have provided a generic object model QML type you can use.

Unable to set the parent of a dynamically created QML component

I am creating dynamic component in QML as follows:
var component = Qt.createComponent("PlayerWindow.qml")
if (component.status != component.errorString())
var playerWin = component.createObject(rootWindow);
Here rootWindow is my main application window. Now, the PlayerWindow is quite simple as:
Window {
id: playerWindow
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
Component.onCompleted: {
The thing is that the values for parent.width and rootWindow.width are really different and this is also evident when the window is displayed. However, rootWindow is set as the parent in the createObject call. So, I am not sure what is happening there but I wanted to know if this is the correct way to set the component parent when they are being dynamically created.
Try to add console.log(parent) in the code. You will see something like qml: QQuickRootItem(0x1e3e4e0). If you check the Qt doc you will find that Item.parent() returns Item but Windows is not Itemdescendant but QQuickWindow. Also from documentation:
A QQuickWindow always has a single invisible root item ...
So, in your case parent and rootWindow are different objects.
P.S. The dynamic object creation in your code can produce an error since component.createObject will be executed although Qt.createComponent returns error. Just copy the code from Qt documentation.

ListView signals and slots for menu elements

I'm trying to implement some sort of custom Menu with custom elements. The ultimate goal is to create some sort of popup menu with text and icons. But during creation I faced with some issues. I can show 2 primary problems:
There is a strange menu element with title Hello world at the first position (looks like it's read title of application window):
From time to time I'm getting errors like qrc:/BreezeQuickMenu.qml:45: TypeError: Property 'clicked' of object QQuickListView(0x1120830) is not a function
Here is my actual code:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: Screen.width
height: Screen.height
visible: true
id: win
color: brPalette.normalBackground
id: brMenu
x: 490
y: 199
width: 128
height: 256
palette: brPalette
menuFont.pointSize: 16
title: "Item 1"
title: "Item 2"
title: "Item 3"
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
property BreezeQuickPalette palette: BreezeQuickPalette
property alias currentIndex: menuList.currentIndex
property font menuFont
property bool menuVisible: false
implicitWidth: 128
implicitHeight: menuList.height
id: menuList
anchors.fill: parent
model: root.children
clip: true
delegate: Component {
id: menuItem
Rectangle {
id: menuElement
property bool isCurrentItem: ListView.isCurrentItem
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
color: palette.normalBackground
height: menuText.font.pixelSize*1.2
Text {
id: menuText
anchors.fill: parent
text: title
color: palette.normalText
font: menuFont
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
menuList.currentIndex = index
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
property string title: "Menu Element"
signal clicked
As you can see I'm trying to implement menu list and menu items with their own signals. I have 2 questions:
how can I properly get rid of using title property of parent element, since I need to read title property of childrens
what is the correct approach of using signals and slots in menu elements to avoid above error?
Please help me to understand. Full project can be pulled here:
git clone git:// breezequick-code
The problem with the signal is related to its declaration. Signals are always declared as a function would be: with a signature. In other words, a signal without parameters has the form
signal <signal_name>()
That's also why you got the error "is not a function". Apart from that, the usage of signals/signal handlers is correct. Anyhow, reading carefully the documentation wouldn't hurt. This page covers in detail the argument.
Coming to the other problem, you made the wrong assumption: anything that is declared inside a component is part of the children of the component itself. Here you declared a BreezeQuickMenu which has a child ListView. When you use it and add the BreezeQuickMenuItems, you add them to the same set to which the ListView belongs. In the end you have four elements in the children property. Also, by adding the ListView to itself through the model you mess up things to the point that a totally unrelated string is rendered.
There are several ways to handle Items as model members for a view, inclusing VisualItemModel and using object Instanced as models. However, by skimming your code, it is clear that you want to define a component which adds menu items in a declarative fashion. Using children is not sufficient in this case. You also need the default property:
An object definition can have a single default property. A default property is the property to which a value is assigned if an object is declared within another object's definition without declaring it as a value for a particular property.
Hence you can define the default property for your BreezeQuickMenu and exploit it to obtain the desired children for your list. A common approach would be the following (code simplified):
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
property BreezeQuickPalette palette: BreezeQuickPalette
property alias currentIndex: menuList.currentIndex
// default declaration (1)
default property alias contents: addItem.children
// Item to which the inner declared meantime will belong (2)
Item {
id: addItem
property font menuFont
property bool menuVisible: false
implicitWidth: 128
implicitHeight: menuList.height
id: menuList
anchors.fill: parent
model: contents // usage of the default property (3)
clip: true
delegate: Rectangle {
// your current delegate code
The basic idea is to exploit also property alias: basically in (1) we are saying that "all the Items declared inside BreezeQuickMenu are automatically children of addItem which is an inner declared Item (2). In this way the ListView is kept apart whereas all the BreezeQuickMenuItem are gathered together, under addItem children property. At this point, it is sufficient to use the same children property as the model (3) for the ListView and that's it.
