BT Web Protect blocking firebase storage urls - firebase

At some point yesterday (25/08/21) we started getting errors accessing any documents held in firebase storage.
I can see them in the firebase console, but if I try to view them I get an error.
The exact error depends on which browser but it was along the lines of:
This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.
After a bit of digging, it seems specific to the BT ISP in the UK, and caused by their BT Web Protect product. If I disable Web Protect from my BT account I can access the urls again, but obviously that is not a solution I can offer to our customers. (Similarly, if I connect via a mobile hotspot on my phone, all is well)
I contacted BT who suggested I email and ask them to unblock it, so if anyone else is having this issue please do the same - the more noise on this the quicker the resolution hopefully.
To the Firebase team - is there anything you can do from your side to expedite this? Firebase Storage is a huge part of our product and it simply doesn't work for anyone on BT at the moment.

I got a reply from BT this morning saying that firebase has been unblocked, and all seems to be working again. phew!

Several ISP's have anti-spam detection, this is used to hunt down new spikes of traffic that can seem suspicious. If you are getting faults from users from a specific ISP or geolocation, this can indicate outages or blocked requests.
The best solution is to always call their technical support and discuss what could have triggered it and remove any potential blocks from happening again.


Does Google publish IP addresses used for Play Store app testing?

I have an app in Google's Play Store that had an update rejected recently and the app subsequently pulled. We've corrected the issues, at least I think we have, but Google can't test the app because they keep receiving access errors. I believe these are due to the fact that the application testing is being done from an IP/subnet that we have blocked, perhaps mistakenly, for previous suspected fraudulent activity. I've tried filing appeals and asking for the IP info but have had no success.
Does Google maintain a list of IP addresses they use for testing so I can whitelist them on my servers? If not, is there a better way to contact Google and ask for this information?
Thanks for whatever help you can provide! Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask this, I am not actually the developer but having to troubleshoot this on behalf of the developer so I'm not as knowledgeable on the community or resources.

Why so many time out from Google related URLs from time to time?

My website uses Google Ads Conversion and Google Analystics. From time to time, I will see Chrome reports errors in accessing Google related URLs, such as
A screenshot is put below:
THe error is generated from Google Tag Manager with the following URL:
I am curious why this will occur so frequently since Google has the best server and network connection in the world?
I have seen some report indicating Google Server is the best, for example:
Google CDN is the 2nd fast, see
Another report is not in English so I do not put it here.
I've been working with various Google services for a while now. Have never seen a timed out or a different kind of errorous hit except in cases:
Sudden client connection loss. Especially with mobile traffic.
Second Most popular issue - adblockers. They tend to block tracking too. Often by interfering with the network requests, resulting in network errors that then surface in datadog/dynatrace and whatnot.
When it's impossible for the client to play its encryption part, which is likely either due to there being a middle man sniffing the traffic, or, which is actually more common, the client having a completely wrong date. This should be quite a rare occasion
When there's a firewall-like filtering in place blocking requests to Google servers. Even more rare in my experience.

Firebase still blocked in China?

I don't know if my app will work in China and I don't know how to test it. I had read somewhere that there's a firebase Chinese domain .cn in operation. Is there a possibility to transfer the current project to the Chinese domain and make it work, if it doesn't already?
If I create a new project and select the Chinese servers for my firebase services then will it have any other adverse consequences for the rest of the world? This solution would literally force all the developers to have the firebase servers located in China, just so they don't miss out out on their Chinese user base, which I assume could be an issue to some.
I might not have the best ideas but any suggestion and a workaround would be appreciated.
There isn't a simple way to do that. Indeed, trying to set the servers there might a be way, but it's not a guarantee, since China Firewalls are constantly changing. You can try some onlines tools as this one here to verify if your domain is blocked, by adding the URL of your application.
Besides that, the best option is the one clarified in this other post here. You would create an API in Heroku and make the data and calls from Firebase go over this API, so it would make the connection. Another option you may try is using a proxy server - as very well explained in the article Firebase: Accessing Firestore and Firebase through a proxy server - so it gets complied and it's possible to be used in China.
The usage of VPN is not a very good option, as not of them work in China and the ones that work can easily vary, also, this could impact the usability, since it might affect performance and usage for the users there.
To summarize, there isn't a specific and fully correct answer to using Firestore in China, due to the fact that updates and changes on their rules are regular, but these are some alternatives that you can give it a try. It's more about trying the one that would be less damaging for your use case.
Let me know if the information helped you!
Might be helpful for someone...
There is a Firebase alternative for China - Huawei Mobile Services. It contains services like Auth Service, Cloud Functions, Cloud DB, Crash, Push Kit, Ad Kit, and many more...

Server disables page after several GET requests from SIM908

I set up a free domain on
I am using this as a web server to receive data from SIM908+arduino setup and store it in the database. Then display it on a web page.
I am sending the data from the SIM908 using HTTP GET requests. Basically I am sending two pieces of information, one is the location (lat and long) and other is a string. Both are sent using GET requests. The problem is very unusual so bear with me. EVERYTHING WORKS FINE, for a while. After several GET requests are sent, for some reason, 000webhost just deactivates my domain. I simply cannot access it. Every time I try to browse to the page it times out. It remains like this for around 7-8 hours after which the domain works fine again. I tried another hosting, but GET requests from the SIM908 do not work there at all. Everything is 100% OK. The code, arduino setup everything is fine. My question is why is 000webhost stopping my domain? Really need a good answer or at least some direction, i am completely lost.
**NOTE: Please don't suggest POST method unless you explicitly know how to perform a POST operation using SIM908 AT commands, as far as I know it's not possible.
You are using the free webhost which has limitations. They will block you if your site is getting too much requests. Just read the limitations of free accounts with the server.
Look for a better free service or buy one. There is no issue with sim900 or arduino.
The following hosting service providers might be better than the one you are currently using in terms of limitations
Host Buddy You would get two months free
Free Hostia
Free Hosting .eu

Testing iOS/Android app google analytics

I've been searching for many hours, but I havent been able to come up with a solution to the following problem:
I want to be able to test the implementation of Google Analytics in an app, in real real time. Using google real-time analytics is insufficient, because you sometimes have to wait several minutes for your new tag to show up.
A solution should be packet sniffing through Wireshark. I've attempted to do this, But even when I do find some analytics related calls, I cant seem to extract any useful information from them.(I have to admit, I dont know enough about networks to understand wireshark's features....)
Another solution should be using a proxy like Fiddler or Charles. I tried both, set up SSL, rooted an android phone to make sure all the traffic was using the proxy, but even then I'm not able to find any google analytics calls from my app.It seems like I'm looking in the wrong place or something, but for websites I do see these GA calls come by.
What am I doing wrong? It's so easy to find this stuff on web, and so far it has seemed impossible to get if from an app. Any help is appreciated.
By default Google Analytics uploads the hits data over SSL connection. It might be difficult for Wireshark to see inside the encrypted connection. The HTTP stack will likely check the certificates and refuse to talk to the wrong server as well. You can change the upload to non-SSL (plain HTTP) by calling tracker.setUserSecure(false):
That should allow you to see the uploads with Wireshark or any other packet analyzer. Make sure you don't ship your application with this setting.
The hits will also have some delay before they are uploaded over the network. If you are running on Google Play device (or emulator with Google Play Services) your hits will be dispatched by Google Play within few minutes. When running on non-Google Play devices (or emulator without Google Play Services) you can set the dispatch interval with googleAnalytics.setLocalDispatchPeriod(int seconds) call or explicitly trigger a dispatch with googleAnalytics.dispatchLocalHits()
