Tapping on google slides on android no longer works - google-slides

I use embedded google slides for my website. Earlier, on android, tapping on the slides used to progress the slides. However, I'm noticing that in version 92.xxxxx, it is no longer happening. The user needs to click on the > button on the bottom navigation bar to progress the slides. However, the problem with that is the > button is too small and the user needs to be very careful while clicking it. For our use case, tapping on the slides was the best way to progress with the slides.
The only solution I can think of is to progress the slides at a specific interval. However, it is hard to figure out an interval that suits all the users. Is there any other possible solution? Like can we create two external navigation buttons and send the signal to the embedded slide?


Xamarin - control that allows you to select from icons by swiping like iOS photo edit tools

I'm trying to find a control for Xamarin that allows you to pick a tool from a list of icons, but in a swipe format like in the iOS photo edit tools (image below).
I tried using CarouselView, but that only displays one item per swipe, and each item before and after - however I'd like around 5+ icons on screen, with the middle one selected.
If there isn't a control, I'll have to build one myself, but would prefer to use something that's already available if possible.
Thanks for any direction!
For me, the best practise for your case is to use the swipe gesture
and write an expandable animation like this sample

Can't Unmute YouTube Videos with Revolution Slider on Mobile

I'm using Revolution Slider in WordPress and I'm running into an issue where on mobile devices, I cannot unmute YouTube videos. I have videos in the slider to be muted on load in and to autoplay. I have interaction and controls both allowed. However, when I try to click the unmute button on the screen, it simply pauses/plays the video. I'm not sure if the pause/play button that appears somehow overlaps and the YT controls are underneath or something. It actually doesn't look like the controls generated from YouTube but instead the RS native controls. I tried turning controls and interaction both off but unsurprisingly, this causes absolutely zero action to happen when you click/press on the video, not even pause/play it.
You can view the issue in action at http://www.hagentertainment.com. The slide in issue is slide #2 out of 3.
Being an issue related to mobile and iframes makes it relatively difficult to diagnose with 100% efficacy. I used Browerstack to open a connection on a Galaxy S20 and noticed the issue as you described.
Using the Dev Tools, I was able to get it to allow the mute button to be clicked by changing the &enablejsapi=1 to &enablejsapi=0. You can see in this screenshot below that after doing that, it allowed it to be clicked. You also have a JavaScript parse error showing in the console - that could potentially be preventing a JS API controller (built into Revolution Slider?) from functioning correctly.
So it looks like your options (for the moment) are to fix that JS error and see if it works, or disable the JS API in the url of the videos

Visual response for loading pages in pwa

Is there a way to let PWA users know that a clicked link is being loaded. Usually in the browser we see the blue progress line indicating this but in the pwa the user is left to assume the page is loading except there is a pseudo effect on the buttons programmed by the developer. I understand the idea behind pwa includes giving users immersive visuals and if pages load faster, the users will not bother about the blue line but sometimes it's needed.
Going through the same thing but i think i found a way.
We can use bootstrap spinners to animate this. We can use javascript to detect a link click and show the spinner. We can also add this on submit button click.

IPhone X Swiping up to switch app activates buttons at the bottom of the screen

We are currently checking if our app is compatible with the upcoming iPhone X and its new form factor and gestures.
We noticed a problem regarding the switch to home screen gesture where swiping up actually triggers the action on the buttons located at the bottom of the screen.
In our case, this is problematic, because our app is a remote controller for very high end amplifiers and the buttons located at the bottom of the screen are volume buttons..
See image:
Anyone here had to deal with this kind of issue lately?
I was thinking of some kind of event that could be triggered by the swipe up gesture and disabling the buttons maybe?
Thanks for your help.
So we finally decided to go for the safe area principle and stick our bottom bar to the bottom of the safe area as suggested by Apple.
It's a bit annoying as it adds a big empty space at the bottom of the screen but I guess every app having actions there will have the same problem (tab bar for example)
Here's the article I used:
If you found another solution, I would be happy to read about it.

animation on link click

Alright I have no idea how to phrase, and I'm new to StackExchange so I hope this is in the right place.
Anyway, I'm working on a mobile HTML5 app right now, one that uses Phonegap/Cordova (and Bootstrap), and I wanted to have an animation whenever a user clicks on a link.
So when a user clicks the link, there will be a page transition to the left, and the linked page pops up.
How could I do this in CSS/JS?
Welcome to Stack Overflow,
To design an HTML5 mobile app, i will strongly recommand using a front framework, like jquery mobile, ionic or onsenui.
Here is how you can simply do the swipe transition with jquery mobile : http://www.w3schools.com/jquerymobile/tryit.asp?filename=tryjqmob_trans_slide
Hope this help
