How can I update the campaign group only end date?
Seems this is possible via LinkedIn Campaign Manager, but using API it returns:
/CampaignGroup/runSchedule/start is required but missing
in case I set start as it was, or as now, it returns an error:
/CampaignGroup/runSchedule/start cannot be updated unless in draft state.
I have a set of monitized APIs on Apigee Edge , While calling the revenue report API
(billing report also), I am able to configure returning custom transaction attribute via specifying the transactionCustomAttributes propoert (normal) ... however I can't control to remove the Provider Status parameter from the response (It always returns), thus If I want to aggregate all charges regardless to status values, I need manual (or developer) work, the question is : Is there any way to remove the Provider Status parameter from the report (and thus aggregate the relevant charge rate values) ?
I checked the documentation for this and found nothing
I seem to be missing session related information to the events that gets exported from Firebase to Big Query. More specifically, a unique identifier of each session (ga_session_id) and an ordinal number of the session count specific to the user that generates the events (ga_session_number).
All though they are not part of the export schema, they can be found in the documentation elsewhere and a recent blog post showing queries where they use these missing fields.
Do I have to enable something in order for them to start showing up in the event_params of my firebase analytics events or are these things not yet implemented? If not, is there any information on when this will happen?
edit: I'm using the Firebase Unity SDK.
Thanks in advance!
With this query I get the expected results:
SELECT event_params.value.int_value AS session_id
FROM `your table`, UNNEST (event_params) AS event_params
WHERE event_params.key = "ga_session_id"
Note that in the blogpost query-example they use event_params.value.string_value which does not give any results
You also need to have the right SDK version (update from December)
I have a transaction with very big revenue. I'd like to delete this transaction, using this link:
But I can't understand, what data import type I should choose and And what variables should be passed.
We are going to use Google Analytics hit builder for this purpose.
Follow the steps:
Step 1: You need to have edit permission for the GA property you are trying to do this.
Step 2: Gather transaction data of that particular transaction including shipping and tax.
Step 3: Navigate to hit builder -
Step 4: Authorize it with your email.
Step 5: Create negative transaction in hit builder.
As you are already having a transaction, you need to apply negative values of the transaction with the same transaction ID.
v=1 // Version.
&tid=xxxxxx // Add your tracking ID here
&t=transaction // Transaction as hit type
&ti=xxxxx // Transaction ID
&tr=-xxx // Negative transaction revenue
&ts=-xx //Negative transaction Shipping
&tt=-xx //Negative transaction tax
&cu=XXX //Currency code
You can use any string as client ID.
Fill up the values by adding parameters and your hit will look something like this.
Once this is filled up, click on 'Validate Hit'
If the hit is validated, click on 'Send to Google Analytics'
Note: It will take some time for data to show up.
I have used this on a test account where I had added the transaction using hit builder, never really faced any situation where I need to do it on live. Let me know if this works.
I tried to automate test to validate GA events.
My approach is :-
List item use google analytics real time reporting api.
Before the test ends i will hit this api and collect the last 30 mins data
This data will be a huge chunk of formattedJson string
and in this string i will search my GA events which was supposed to push.
This approach seems to be in-efficient.
My issue is to find the analytics data which corresponds to test user.
Each user has unique user id, hence, i am trying for making the request such that api returns me the filtered data based on some custom dimension "custom:user_id='user_unique_id'" .
Is it possible to get all data having condition e.g 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'.
Please advise, how to get all ga events data for a specific event label / custom dimension ? Also, does it support dimensionFilterClauses like reporting api v4 ?
We can do it by filtering.
e.g rt:eventCategory==ProductPage
earlier i was using quote, rt:eventCategory=='ProductPage' which wasn't supported.
Can i retrieve entries changed/created after a specified date? This is regardless of the event date - only by "modified date". I.e. if i modify an old even i want to be able to retrieve it using a query (without knowing its id)
I haven't tried it myself but according to the documentation you should be able to access all events updated within a certain range using the standard Data API query parameters updated-min and updated-max.
I'm not sure if you are using a code library to access the Google Calendar API so I cannot comment further.