Results in Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test - r

I've downloaded this dataset, and when I plot it it is clearly non-stationary
df <- read.csv('')
But when I apply the Augmented Dickie-Fuller Test I get a p value of 0.01, implying that there is evidence to reject the null that the series is non-stationary. I am puzzled as to why this is happening. Is this because the confidence level is basically too high or is something else going on?
#> Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
#> data: df[, 2]
#> Dickey-Fuller = -9.9714, Lag order = 5, p-value = 0.01
#> alternative hypothesis: stationary
Thanks Nick Wray

Keep in mind that the ADF test includes a constant trend. Once you detrend your series, it does look stationary. Try the below
df$index <- seq(1,168,1)
lm(milk_prod_per_cow_kg ~index,data=df)
coef <- summary(lm(milk_prod_per_cow_kg ~index,data=df))$coefficients[2,1]
df$detrended <- df$milk_prod_per_cow_kg-df$index*coef
As you can see, the series always returns to something near the initial value after a few observations. The ADF checks for whether large jumps in a series are persistent i.e. have an effect on all the subsequent values in the series, after detrending the series. In this case the jumps are clearly temporary.
I don't have enough reputation to post images but here is an imgur link to a series that is non-stationary even after you de-trend it:
Based on freely available data from FRED.


Auto.arima() function does not result in white noise. How else should I go about modeling data

Here is the plot of the initial data (after performing a log transformation).
It is evident there is both a linear trend as well as a seasonal trend. I can address both of these by taking the first and twelfth (seasonal) difference: diff(diff(data), 12). After doing so, here is the plot of the resulting data
This data does not look great. While the mean in constant, we see a funneling effect as time progresses. Here are the ACF/PACF:.
Any suggestions for possible fits to try. I used the auto.arima() function which suggested an ARIMA(2,0,2)xARIMA(1,0,2)(12) model. However, once I took the residuals from the fit, it was clear there was still some sort of structure in them. Here is the plot of the residuals from the fit as well as the ACF/PACF of the residuals.
There does not appear to be a seasonal pattern regarding which lags have spikes in the ACF/PACF of residuals. However, this is still something not captured by the previous steps. What do you suggest I do? How could I go about building a better model that has better model diagnostics (which at this point is just a better looking ACF and PACF)?
Here is my simplified code thus far:
beer <- read.csv('beer.csv', header = TRUE)
beer <- ts(beer$Production, start = c(1956, 1), frequency = 12)
# transform data
boxcox <- # 0 in confidence interval
beer.log <- log(beer)
firstDifference <- diff(diff(beer.log), 12) # get rid of linear and
# seasonal trend
plot(armasubsets(firstDifference, nar=12, nma=12))
# fitting the model
auto.arima(firstDifference, ic = 'bic') # from forecasting package
modelFit <- arima(firstDifference, order=c(1,0,0),seasonal
=list(order=c(2, 0, 0), period = 12))
# assessing model
resid <- modelFit$residuals
acf(resid, lag.max = 15)
pacf(resid, lag.max = 15)
Here is the data, if interested (I think you can use an html to csv converter if you would like):
There are a few things going on here.
Instead of logs, we used the tsay variance test which shows that the variance increased after period 118. Weighted least squares deals with it.
March becomes higher beginning at period 111. An alternative to an ar12 or seasonal differencing is to identify seasonal dummies. We found that 7 of the 12 months were unusual with a couple level shifts, an AR2 with 2 outliers.
Here is the fit and forecasts.
Here are the residuals.
ACF of residuals
Note: I am a developer of the software Autobox. All models are wrong. Some are useful.
Here is Tsay's paper

Generated non-stationary Data and auto.arima in R

I generated my own fictional Sales Data in order to execute a time series analysis.
It is supposed to represent a growing company and therefore i worked with a trend. However, I read through some tutorials and often read the information, that non-stationary time series should not be predicted by the auto.arima function.
But I receive results that make sense and If I would difference the data (which i did as well) the output doesn't make much sense.
So here comes my question: Can I use the auto.arima function with my data, that obviously has a trend?
Best regards and thanks in advance,
eps <- rnorm(100, 30, 20)
trend <- seq(1, 100, 1)
trend <- 3 * trend
Sales <- trend + eps
Using the forecast function allows us to plot the expected sales for the next year: plot(forecast(auto.arima(ts[1,]),h=12))
Using the forecast function with our automated ARIMA can help us plan for the next quartal
another way would be to use the autoplot function
The next step is to analyze our time-series. I execute the adf test, which has the null-hypothesis that the data is non-stationary.
So with the 5% default threshold our p-value would have to be greater than 0.05 in order to be certified as non-stationary.
The output suggests that the data is non-stationary:
The autocorrelation is decreasing almost steadily, this points to non-stationary data also. Doing a kpss.test should verify that our data is non-stationary, since its null-hypothesis is the opposite of the adf test.
Do we expect a value smaller than 0.05
We receive a p-value of 0.01, further proving that the data has a trend
To answer your question - yes, you can use the auto.arima() function in the forecast package on non-stationary data.
If you look at the help file for auto.arima() (by typing ?auto.arima) you will see that it explains that you can choose to specify the "d" parameter - this is the order of differencing - first order means you difference the data once, second order means you difference the data twice etc. You can also choose not to specify this parameter and in this case, the auto.arima() function will determine the appropriate order of differencing using the "kpss" test. There are other unit root tests such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller which you can choose to use in the auto.arima function by setting test="adf". It really depends on your preference.
You can refer to page 11 and subsequent pages for more information on the auto.arima function here:

normality test for all levels of variable in R

I want to test the normality for each group or level of a continuous variable before doing an ANOVA. Specifically, it's age vs different religious preferences. The dummies page ( mentions a way to do it with shapiro and tapply, but I think there's an error in the code. Anybody know if this should work?
you are mentionning a tutorial page where a shapiro.test is done across a grouping variable. THe code does have a little error:
with(beaver, tapply(temp, activ, shapiro.test)
it should be:
with(beaver2, tapply(temp, activ, shapiro.test))
If your data exceeds 5000 observations, you can take a random sample of it, but I couldn't say if it is statistically valid:
with(beaver2, tapply(temp, activ, function(x) shapiro.test(sample(x, min(NROW(x), 5000)))))
I suggest checking the Cross-Validated site to get an answer on that subject, for instance here
Concerning the remark of Nicola mentionning the erroneous interpretation of a normality p-value, i completely agree. Let's take an example, let's create a distribution that only returns these three values: 1, 2, and 3 with 1/3 probability each. It's nothing like a normal distribution.
However, a shapiro.test indicates a p-value of 1 for this data:
#### Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#### data: c(1, 2, 3)
#### W = 1, p-value = 1

Stationary test error in Time Series using R

I have half hourly data for 5 years measuring the electricity load.
I checked for stationary with acf, which shows it is non stationary. But when I used adf.test to check stationary, it showed opposite result:
# Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
# data: tsr1$LOAD.MW.
# Dickey-Fuller = -9.7371, Lag order = 11, p-value = 0.01
# alternative hypothesis: stationary
Warning message:
In adf.test(tsr1$LOAD.MW., alternative = "stationary") :
p-value smaller than printed p-value
What should I consider? Though I have feeling that it is non stationary. If it is, how to make it stationary using R? Also I tried using command
decompose(tsr). It showed an error:
ERROR : time series has no or less than 2 periods
What is the issue?
The first step should be to visually examine your time series to see if it is stationary, and thereafter use the ADF-test to "formally" test for stationarity. This is more or less the standard procedure, at least in finance literature. (You could of course use another test like the KPSS or PP)
When plotting the ACF or PACF functions you mainly examine the AR and MA representation of your series.
As your series seems to be stationary according to the ADF-test you don't have to "make it stationary". However please keep in mind that these tests might give you the "wrong" answer when dealing with small sample data, seasonality or structural breaks.
If you don't want to soley rely on the ADF-test, you also could consider the KPSS test which have the opposite null-hypothosis.

R strucchange bootstrap test statistic due to nonspherical disturbances

I am trying to find a structural break in the mean of a time-series that is skewed, fat-tailed, and heteroskedastic. I apply the Andrews(1993) supF-test via the strucchange package. My understanding is that this is valid even with my nonspherical disturbances. But I would like to confirm this via bootstrapping. I would like to estimate the max t-stat from a difference in mean test at each possible breakpoint (just like the Andrews F-stat) and then bootstrap the critical value. In other words, I want to find my max t-stat in the time-ordered data. Then scramble the data and find the max t-stat in the scrambled data, 10,000 times. Then compare the max t-stat from the time-ordered data to a critical value given by the rank 9,500 max t-stat from the unordered data. Below I generate example data and apply the Andrews supF-test. Is there any way to "correct" the Andrews test for nonspherical disturbances? Is there any way to do the bootstrap I am trying to do?
Thames <- ts(matrix(c(rlnorm(120, 0, 1), rlnorm(120, 2, 2), rlnorm(120, 4, 1)), ncol = 1), frequency = 12, start = c(1985, 1))
fs.thames <- Fstats(Thames ~ 1)
I'm adding a second answer to analyze the simulated Thames data provided.
Regarding the points from my first general methodological answer: (1) In this case, a log() transformation is clearly appropriate to deal with the extreme skewness of the observations. (2) As the data are heteroscedastic, the inference should be based on HC or HAC covariances. Below I employ the Newey-West HAC estimator, although the data are just heteroscedastic but not autocorrelated. The HAC-corrected inference affects the supF test and the confidence intervals for the breakpoint estimates. The breakpoints themselves and the corresponding segment-specific intercepts are estimated by OLS, i.e., treating the heteroscedasticity as a nuisance term. (3) I did not add any bootstrap or permutation inference as the asymptotic inference appears to be convincing enough in this case.
First, we simulate the data using a particular seed. (Note that other seeds may not lead to such clear-cut breakpoint estimates when analyzing the series in levels.)
Thames <- ts(c(rlnorm(120, 0, 1), rlnorm(120, 2, 2), rlnorm(120, 4, 1)),
frequency = 12, start = c(1985, 1))
Then we compute the sequence of HAC-corrected Wald/F statistics and estimate the optimal breakpoints (for m = 1, 2, 3, ... breaks) via OLS. To illustrate how much better this works for the series in logs rather than in levels, both versions are shown.
fs_lev <- Fstats(Thames ~ 1, vcov = NeweyWest)
fs_log <- Fstats(log(Thames) ~ 1, vcov = NeweyWest)
bp_lev <- breakpoints(Thames ~ 1)
bp_log <- breakpoints(log(Thames) ~ 1)
The visualization below shows the time series with the fitted intercepts in the first row, the sequence of Wald/F statistics with the 5% critical value of the supF test in the second row, and the residual sum of squares and BIC for the selection of the number of breakpoints in the last row. The code to replicate the graphic is at the end of this answer.
Both supF tests are clearly significant but in levels (sctest(fs_lev)) the test statistic is "only" 82.79 while in logs (sctest(fs_log)) it is 282.46. Also, the two peaks pertaining to the two breakpoints can be seen much better when analyzing the data in logs.
Similarly, the breakpoint estimates are somewhat better and the confidence intervals much narrower for the log-transformed data. In levels, we get:
confint(bp_lev, breaks = 2, vcov = NeweyWest)
## Confidence intervals for breakpoints
## of optimal 3-segment partition:
## Call:
## confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp_lev, breaks = 2, vcov. = NeweyWest)
## Breakpoints at observation number:
## 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 %
## 1 NA 125 NA
## 2 202 242 263
plus an error message and warnings which all reflect that the asymptotic inference is not a useful approximation here. In contrast, the confidence intervals are quite reasonable for the analysis in logs. Due to the increased variance in the middle segment, its start and end are somewhat more uncertain than for the first and last segment:
confint(bp_log, breaks = 2, vcov = NeweyWest)
## Confidence intervals for breakpoints
## of optimal 3-segment partition:
## Call:
## confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp_log, breaks = 2, vcov. = NeweyWest)
## Breakpoints at observation number:
## 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 %
## 1 107 119 121
## 2 238 240 250
## Corresponding to breakdates:
## 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 %
## 1 1993(11) 1994(11) 1995(1)
## 2 2004(10) 2004(12) 2005(10)
Finally, the replication code for the figure above is included here. The confidence intervals for the breakpoints in levels are cannot added in the graphic due to the error mentioned above. Hence, only the log-transformed series also has the confidence intervals.
par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
plot(Thames, main = "Thames")
lines(fitted(bp_lev, breaks = 2), col = 4, lwd = 2)
plot(log(Thames), main = "log(Thames)")
lines(fitted(bp_log, breaks = 2), col = 4, lwd = 2)
lines(confint(bp_log, breaks = 2, vcov = NeweyWest))
plot(fs_lev, main = "supF test")
plot(fs_log, main = "supF test")
(1) Skewness and heavy tails. As usual in linear regression models, the asymptotic justification for the inference does not depend on normality and also holds for any other error distribution given zero expectation, homoscedasticity, and lack of correlation (the usual Gauss-Markov assumptions). However, if you have a well-fitting skewed distribution for your data of interest, then you might be able to increase efficiency by basing your inference on the corresponding model. For example, the glogis package provides some functions for structural change testing and dating based on a generalized logistic distribution that allows for heavy tails and skewness. Windberger & Zeileis (2014, Eastern European Economics, 52, 66–88, doi:10.2753/EEE0012-8775520304) used this to track changes in skewness of inflation dynamics over time. (See ?breakpoints.glogisfit for a worked example.) Furthermore, if the skewness itself is not really of interest then a log or sqrt transformation might also be good enough to make the data more "normal".
(2) Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. As usual in linear regression models, the standard errors (or more broadly the covariance matrix) is not consistent in the presence of heteroscedasticity and/or autocorrelation. One can either try to include this explicitly in the model (e.g., an AR model) or treat it as a nuisance term and employ heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) covariance matrices (e.g., Newey-West or Andrews' quadratic spectral kernal HAC). The function Fstats() in strucchange allows to plug in such estimators, e.g., from the sandwich package. See ?durab for an example using vcovHC().
(3) Bootstrap and permutation p-values. The "scrambling" of the time series you describe above sounds more like applying permutations (i.e., sampling without replacement) rather than bootstrap (i.e., sampling with replacement). The former is feasible if the errors are uncorrelated or exchangeable. If you are regressing just on a constant, then you can employ the function maxstat_test() from the coin package to carry out the supF test. The test statistic is computed in a somewhat different way, however, this can be shown to be equivalent to the supF test in the constant-only case (see Zeileis & Hothorn, 2013, Statistical Papers, 54, 931–954, doi:10.1007/s00362-013-0503-4). If you want to perform the permutation test in a more general model, then you would have to do the permutations "by hand" and simply store the test statistic from each permutation. Alternatively, the bootstrap can be applied, e.g., via the boot package (where you would still need to write your own small function that computes the test statistic from a given bootstrap sample). There are also some R packages (e.g., tseries) that implement bootstrap schemes for dependent series.
