cannot find Meteor index.html - meteor

I have a simple query, a bit embarrassing as well. Dtube is an app that runs using meteor. I am looking to make some changes on the Dtube Home Page..changing icons and such. I have installed it on a linode. However, I am simply not able to locate the index file to make these changes to.
I tried
Locating all the files on linux named index.html in the dtube directory
Locating all the files containing the string div class name ...I was looking for in the dtube home page.
Still no luck.
Documentation is scarce and a bit confusing..
Can anyone simply point me to the path I should be looking at to modify the dtube homepage?
Someone who knows Dtube might be able to answer this.

All HTML's and CSS files are in
It's necessary rebuild the system to see the results.


BigBlueButton Customization

I am planning to customize Big Blue Button HTML 5 client layout.
but, i know that it is very difficult.
To customize some file, I tried to find imports directory of HTML 5 client.
but, I didn't find it for a few days.
I found other all directories.
only, I didn't find imports directory.
i am very terrible with it.
so, I hoped your help about this.
really, where exists this directory?
Welcome to Stack Overflow. I haven't look at it, but it's not mandatory to use /imports in a Meteor project, it is merely a convention. Looking at the docs, I see there is a meteor project that you can download and run, that should be pretty straight forward.
Looking at this folder:
There is indeed a imports folder there. Maybe you are looking in the wrong place?

urls for images in meteor

I've recently switched from PHP to JS Meteor+ReactJS. I've started my first project and almost instantly got a bump in the road.
I cannot seem to get image in my scss file to work. Same with trying to get to it via url in my browser. In the browser I get flow-router error about missing path. Scss doesn't give me any errors just doesn't work.
I've tried every possible link variation I've found online.
absolute_path, relative_path, {}absolute_path, {}relative_path, even just putting the image in the same directory as the scss and linking to it in the same directory. Nothing seems to work.
I'd greatly appreciate any help.
Put images and other shared content for the client in your project's public directory. public gets mapped to / so you can refer to them with <img src='/images/mypicture.png'>
If you want an images directory then put them in public/images and refer to them as <img src='/images/mypicture.png'>

external CSS sheet not loading to hosting

I'm having trouble making my CSS external stylesheet work in my actual hosting. It all works fine when I open the files from my Finder (I'm using a mac), but the stylesheet does not seem to load to my server properly. All other html files load fine and are visible when you visit my website in any browser,this is my website and the File Manager on my cPanel indicates that the CSS folder and external stylesheet file have been successfully uploaded for enough time that the style features should display. I tried clearing my browsing history and reopening my browser.
My link tag is and I have tried it using aswell as with just "css/socialpolarities.css". I've checked to make sure the spelling is right on the path and corresponds to the actual file.
Is the answer to just put all the style files in the public_html folder and then just change the path on all my html files? Or am I missing something?
I'm also using LiquidWeb if that means anything
The file css/socialpolarities.css seems to exist, but is void of content.
try looking at your local file to make sure it is indeed the one with the css code, then upload it to the same folder and override the original one.
You may have had an upload error.
I got it! The problem was actually that I needed to put the css file in the home directory, for some strange reason. My path from my html files definitely specified that the css files were in a css directory so I'm not sure if it's something I did wrong or whether the cPanel just sucks. Regardless, it works so I won't mess with it. Now time to copy all of my webfont files into my home directory...this is going to be messy lol.
Check your permission. They should be 755. You can search about permissions on internet. I changed the permissions and it worked fine.

Red filename in Ubuntu CLI (Vagrant)

I am building a FuelPHP application running on an Ubuntu VM powered by Vagrant.
I am trying to include a CSS file on the global wrapper for all my pages, but Firebug tells me it isn't there. (the file path is correct in my <_link rel...>).
The CSS file is actually a compiled from a bunch of LESS files using an app called LiveReload for Mac.
The Apache server on my VM is set to serve from a mounted folder on my Mac, anyone who has used Vagrant should know what I mean by that.
Anyway, LiveReload dumps the CSS file in the correct place, and is populated on my Mac:
However, SSHing into the VM and examining the CSS file leads me to believe that something weird is happening. Firstly, the filename is in red (but it exists!):
Secondly, opening it with a text editor (nano in this case) shows it to be blank, despite it being full on the Mac:
So my question is... wtf is going on here? Why is it showing empty on the VM? Why is it red? Why can't Apache find and serve it?
EDIT, still struggling with this.
I added my own 'test.css' file and it loads that fine. Just not the app.css generated by LiveReload. There's something wrong on the VM. Can anyone help? It's one of those annoying things thats holding up my development.
Here's the stack trace (although i'm sure it has nothing useful in it):
If I guess right than you have a wrong mod rewrite rule which redirects your request to a php script which tries to include a file which does not exists.
So check your .htaccess file
Argh, renamed the file to appcss.css instead of app.css and it works. Changed it back, it doesn't. System musn't like that name for some reason. Annoying the amount of time i wasted, but fixed now!

ImageUrl trying to display an image outside of project root

I am working with two different web sites in In the first project i upload some images to a specific folder under the project root and save just the filename in the database, now i am trying to display this images at some page of the second project I know the filename from the database and the image folder as absolute pat but I have not been able to display the image, even thought when looking in firebug the image src is correct src="D:/MyFolder/image.jpg" the image does not display, probably because it is not pointing in the right directory.
I have also tried using Server.MapPath and then my D location but still no success.
I am sure someone has faced the same situation before and was really hoping to get some hint to manage this.
Thank you in advance
I found my solution, strange but i didn't catch it before. Uploaded pictures under a project can always be accessed using the url of the project now in the second project you can use reference the images using this url and concatenating the file name which i store on database. I think this is the best solution and without changing the code access security which i think can bring other problems with it. Anyway thank you guys.
If you want to display the image that is not in your project (I mean it is present in some other project or some other drive) just create the virtual directory in IIS
Go to "Run", type inetmgr
Right click on your project and add virtual directory
Give alias name and path so that it acts like folder in your project
I don't think you can serve files outside of your application path by default. It's called Code Access Security. You can read up on it here:
You can fix this by changing your trust level to High in your web.config:
I wouldn't recommend doing this for any site that is externally accessible. In fact, depending on how/where you're hosting your application, this option may be restricted.
You can only "link" to files that exist relative to the same project or are hosted on another site via an absolute URL.
If you want to service files outside the application/website (on disk or in a database) you will need to build a mechanism that gets the file and binary writes it to the browser, setting the MIME type etc. This is best done using an HttpHandler.
