I am unable to get "configure webhook " option within google chat - google-chat

As per the official documentation it lies inside chat room option. But its not available there.

Enable Webhook, the option can only be visible if you have a google workspace account. It's not available on the personnel's Gmail account.

The Configure webhook option is indeed available only for Workspace users so you will have to use a Workspace account in order to set it up.
As for the documentation, I have taken the opportunity to file this report in order to improve the documentation regarding this.
I suggest you star it as all the updates will be posted there.


No Azure subscriptions discovered to provision app resources to

I'm using the VSC Teams Toolkit. But when I sign in to my Azure account to provision my files, it says "No subscriptions discovered" as shown below:
Which subscription should I get to proceed with provisioning the files?
As the information explained, your logged-in Azure account doesn't seem to have associated Azure subscription.
You can login to your Azure portal, and under subscriptions, please check whether you have accessible subscription.
I had the same issue. You really need to go to portal.azure.com -> Subscriptions and have at least 1 subscription listed in the table below.
If no subscription is available, create new one - Pay as you go.
Then, in VS Code - sign out, sign in and subscription will be available
If vscode is complaining about not have an active subscription in the Teams Toolkit extension, for one make sure the tenant id is added to vsocde. See here enter link description here and here enter link description here

Server-side GTM billing quota exceeded

I would like to try server-side GTM. So I did the process of creating a server GTM on GCP. Automatically provision tagging server was failed.
Error Reported: Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded. So I tried Manually provision tagging server which passed me without problems.
I have several projects running in GCP . And I have set up a billing account which is cleared and used every month .
What exactly is the problem and how to set up?
This is a common problem in case you are already a user of GCP and exceeded the free tier limit. You can have only one Free testing sGTM instance on one account.
If you already used the Free tier or want to create one more testing server there is no possibility to do this for free and automatically.
For manual server provisioning you can follow official documentation
Also as an option I can recommend to try Stape as much cheaper and easier to setup alternative for GTM Server Side hosting. There you can create infinity free servers for sGTM on one account.
For example you can follow this article on how to setup free server for Server Side GTM:
This just happened to us and the problem is a very basic one. Apparently by default one billing account in GCP can be tied to 5 projects (who knew :) ). You're probably at that limit and that's what Google Tag Manager interface means by "Google Cloud platform billing quota exceeded" --> you're trying to add the 6th project to that account.
Two options comes to mind to solve that:
Create a new billing account (with the same credit card if you want) and tie your new server project to that account
Request for a quota increase from here so your billing account is able to handle more projects
Alternatively you can do 1, then do 2, and when your request is approved change the billing account of the project that contains your GTM server.
I had a similar problem, and this is what I'm suggesting:
ask for increasing quota for current billing account, if not successful:
create new billing account (but be very careful).
Why not the other way? Why not creating first new billing account if you are allowed to do this? I did it, and attached new project to the account, and redirected domain to the project, and everything was fine, but after some time Google send me message like this:
There is some suspicious activity related to your billing accounts, your all accounts are now suspended, your projects are suspended, your domains returns 404. Send us photos of documents which will allow us to verify your accounts (credit cards, ID, payments confirmations). We will check somedays. Till then you can't do anything, you can't close project, accounts, remap domains, nothing! Have a nice day!
If you every tried to contact Google in person, you know how big your problem is. Good luck!
ps. I never found out what the suspicious activity was (probably just creating new billing account).

Firebase Dynamic Links: Can't use Google-provided hostname

I can't seem to set up Firebase > Dynamic Links using the Google-provided domain '[my-app-name].page.link'.
I'm trying to use Firebase > Dynamic Links for the first time so that I can use email-address-only authentication in my React Native app. I don't want to pay for a custom domain just to set up a TXT record so that Google can verify the domain, so I'd like to use the Google-provided domain name.
The problem I have with that is when I go to https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/[my-app-id]/durablelinks, click on the 'Get Started' button, select the Google-provided '[my-app-name].page.link', and click 'Continue' I get the error:
This name is unable to be used by anyone. If you believe this is a mistake please reach out to support.
And looking for support led me here.
How can I use '[my-app-name].page.link' as my Dynamic Link so that I can pass dynamicLinkDomain to auth().sendSignInLinkToEmail and get the password-less authentication working?
Thank you!
I can't comment, but it seems that the answer you're looking for is in this question answered by Jeff Avis.
In short: type in anything.page.link and firebase will verify if it's valid or not.
It seems that the problem you're facing is that you've already used the domain you are trying to reuse, and deleted it! that's why it's blocked by firebase for the time being at least.

Firestore billing & USage API

Does anybody know if Google provides an API to programmatically retrieve the current usage of firestore?
More precisely, I'm referring to the current number of read & write operations, as shown here:
As your screenshot indicates, Firestore provide a Monitor to check the usage of your plan. Unfortunately, though, there is not an API to programmatically return the usage of your Firestore.
However, as mentioned in the official documentation Monitoring usage, you can create an alert policy to track your metrics and send an email to you, based on limits that you set, informing that the usage reached this certain point defined.
The steps for you to achieve the configuration are the following:
In the Cloud Monitoring Page, open your workspace, and go to the
Alerting page.
Go to the Create New Alerting Policy page
Click Create Policy.
Enter a name for your alerting policy.
Add an alerting condition based on one of the Cloud Firestore
metrics. Click Add Condition.
Select a Target. In the Find resource type and metric field, enter
Cloud Firestore. From the auto-populated dropdown, select one of the
Cloud Firestore metrics.
Under Policy triggers, use the dropdown fields to define your
alerting condition.
Add a notification channel to your alerting policy. Under
Notifications, Click Add Notification Channel. Select Email from the
dropdown menu.
Enter your email in the Email address field. Click Add.
Optionally, fill out the documentation field to include additional
information in your email notification.
Click Save.
I believe this should help you, even though it's not an API was you might prefer. Besides that, I would recommend you to raise a Feature Request on Google's system for them to check the possibility of this be implemented in the future.
Let me know if the information helped you!

Use of google Analytics SDK 3.09 needs to check Advertising Identifier(IDFA) in iTunes Connect?

I used Google Analytics SDK 3.09 in my app and wants to submit the app to appstore but am bit confused whether i need to check Advertising Identifier(IDFA) and its subsequent options for serving ads and more. Am not showing any ads in app just using GAITracker to track the home screen do i still need to check IDFA? Please guide me more on this i googled but did not get great help on this.
IDFA is disabled by default. If you need IDFA (for example for campaign tracking of installs), you need to link appropriate files and then enable it explicitly, like so:
// Enable IDFA collection.
tracker.allowIDFACollection = YES;
See GA documentation for more details
So, by default, there's no need to mention that your app uses IDFA.
You are using Google Analytics to track conversions for your app.IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) requires for 'libAdIdAccess.a' and 'AdSupport.framework. So check the 2nd & 3rd option in IDFA -> "Attribute this app installation to a previously served ad". AND "Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement".
