Firebase React Native fetch data - firebase

I am trying to do an app on react-native with a feed. On my main screen, I go fetch the data :
fetchData() {
firebase.database().ref(`/posts/${group}`).on('value', async snapshot => {...}
when I want for example to like a comment of the post, I first push the data into firebase with different queries, for example :
export const likeComment = (...) => {
updatedAt: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
But I realized that my first function fetchData was called 3 times.
then I grouped my queries like :
let updates = {}
updates[`/posts/${group}/${post}/lastComments`] = {...};
updates[`/posts/${group}/${post}`] = { ... };
Then, fetchData was called still 2 times.
I was wondering if that was the best way to do it, and why does my function fetchData was still called twice.
Thanks for your help

It's hard to tell from the limited code, but my guess is that fetchData is not actually being called more than once, but instead the snapshot is firing when you make updates to your Firebase database.
The part of your code where you say .on('value', async snapshot => you're setting up a listener to send you updates any time that value changes.
So my guess is that your three invocations are:
The first time you actually call fetchData and set up the
Your .on( snapshot listener firing when you call
Your .on( snapshot listener firing again when you
call set
This push-based database workflow is one of the main benefits of Firebase. If you only want to get the data once and not get live updates, you can call .once( instead of .on(


run function on bases of internet connectivity in react native

I am working on react native application I use firebase as my backend. I fetch data from firebase real time database and render it on the page. But now I want my application to be supported offline.
I used following two functions for rendering.
For listings from database
const loadListings = () => {
let data = [];
listingRef.orderByChild("created_at").on("value", (snapshot) => {
data = [];
snapshot.forEach((listing) => {
});"listings", data.slice(0, 10)); // only stores latest ten listings
and then use it inside useEffect like.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
and for listings from cache I used this.
const loadListingsCached = async () => {
let data = await cache.get("listings");
Now I cant put a check inside firs function as effect hook will run only one time and initialy network status is null. its not defined.
how do I achieve this?
by the way link to package I used for detecting connectivity
I used this hook as second argument to useEffect() but didn't work for me
const netInfo = useNetInfo();
What you want to achieve is make the code different depending on what is the network status. In the answer linked by #Rohit there is my answer about how to check the network connectivity with Net Info Package.
What you have to do is make the effect dependant on the status change. You should pass it as a argument to the effect.
const netInfo = useNetInfo();
useEffect(() => {
}, [netInfo]);
This way the code will always run when a network change is detected. I hope this is what you wanted to achive. Please be more specific about you goal and what is the problem. Current questions does not specify if the hook is not working, or the rendering function does not trigger etc.

Is it possible to destroy firestore listeners soon if client is not connected? [duplicate]

Is there any way to pause firestore listener without removing it?
I have multiple firebase listeners, some are dependent on other, that changes or start other listeners on data change. Lets say my first listener starts a second listener its onSnapshot. First listener started on useEffect. For certain condition I may not want to change the second listener, so I need to discard data change update from first listener.
If condition met (button click), I discard data changes on first listener for a few moments. Currently I'm doing this using a boolean with useRef. My react app is working fine, with dependant listeners like this. I could remove the listener but I do not want to remove and recreate the listener.
I was wondering if there is a pausing mechanism or method available for any listener. I think it will save a tiny read cost if there was such a method because I'm not using that data sent onSnapshot.
Code example:
useEffect(() => {
let firstListener, secondListener;
function ListenerFunc(p) {
secondListener = await firestore
.onSnapshot((doc) => {
//console.log("Current data: ",;
//Need to discard unwanted change here.
//Changing it on button click for a 2 seconds then it changes back to : pauser.current = false.
if (pauser.current) {
console.log("paused for a moment.");
//pauser.current = false;
else {
firstListener = firestore
.onSnapshot((doc) => {
//console.log("Current data: ",;
var p =; //get variable p
// cleanup.
Unfortunately this is not possible. If you need to stop listening for changes, even temporarily, you have to detach your listener and attach a new one when you want to start listening again, there is no pause mechanism for listeners.
You could open a Feature Request in Google's Issue Tracker if you'd like so that the product team can consider this, but given that this has already been proposed in this GitHub Feature Request for the IOS SDK and it was rejected I don't see this changing anytime soon.

Using onWrite Trigger for Realtime database in Firebase function

I designed a flutter application using dart and firebase backend. I want to get triggered when a user creates, delete, or updates anything in the database. I understood onCreate,onRemoved, and onUpdate methods.
I wrote a javascript code in the firebase cloud function. I need to send a notification when a trigger happens. I don't want to use 3 different triggers. I want to use onWrite trigger only.
This is my database.
There are four departments called comp, civil, elect, and mech. I want to get triggered when database changes happen in a single onWrite trigger!
My First question is, I want to differentiate whether it is created or delete or update from onWrite trigger. I know it will trigger for all 3 events. But how can I differentiate it?
This is my code for onCreate...
exports.noticeAddedComp = functions.database.ref('main/notices/comp/{id}').onCreate( async evt => {
var token = ['dxnfr3dq6_Y:APA91bHavtoP62l296qzVoBhzQJbMFA']
const payload = {
title : 'Message from Cloud',
body : 'This is your body',
sound : 'default'
message : 'Thi is new Push',
await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token,payload);
Above code is working. But it is for onCreate.
My second question is, Do I need to write four onWrite trigger codes for four departments?
You can use the change.before and change.after properties to determine whether the node was created, deleted, or updated in a onWrite handler:
exports.noticeAddedComp = functions.database.ref('main/notices/comp/{id}')
.onWrite( async (change, context) => {
if (!change.before.exists()) console.log("New node: "+change.after.key);
if (!change.after.exists()) console.log("Deleted node: "+change.before.key);
if (change.before.exists() && change.after.exists()) console.log("Updated node: "+change.after.key)
You can attach a Cloud Function to all departments at once, by including another parameter into its path:
exports.noticeAddedComp = functions.database.ref('main/notices/{dept}/{id}')
.onWrite( async (change, context) => {
console.log("Triggered for department: "+context.params.dept);
You can check if;
is either null or doesn't exist, meaning it is deleted.
Scenario when you create something (document or field) :
Creation of the field would mean that the field in "before" doesn't exist at all, and in "after" it exists, but can be null.
Scenario when you update something
Field in the "before" is not the same as the one in "after".

Good way to delete all data according to criteria/child's value in Firebase database admin?

I want to clean up this userPublic by deleting all of its child node which has isTesting == true. I am using Firebase's cloud function. My approach would be :
const userPublic = admin.database().ref("/userPublic")
const testsInUserPublic = userPublic.orderByChild("isTesting").equalTo(true)
testsInUserPublic.once("value", dataSnapshot => {
// ???
Since I can only call .remove() on reference and not snapshot but to filter the child I want it returns snapshot, how can I get the reference from snapshot? (I would like to know the key XXX-XXX-XXX of each filtered child, so I can concatenate with userPublic and .remove() them one by one)
Also, even if I can get all the references that I want to remove I think deleting them one by one by calling .remove() then wait for promise, then call the next one does not sounds like an optimal way. Are there any way to remove all of them in one go?
If it involves calling .update() on the top userPublic node, I would have to fetch everything, remove the one with isTesting and then put the remaining back for update. This sounds like it is not efficient compared to the filtering way. As eventually the one with .isTesting is only about 5% of all data. Or is this actually the approach everyone is using?
You're almost there. All that's left is to create a single multi-location update from the results of your query:
const userPublic = admin.database().ref("/userPublic")
const testsInUserPublic = userPublic.orderByChild("isTesting").equalTo(true)
testsInUserPublic.once("value", snapshot => {
var updates = {};
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
updates["/userPublic/"+child.key] = null;
Doing this with promises would not be too different:
testsInUserPublic.once("value", snapshot => {
var promises = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
Promise.all(promises); // this returns a promise that resolves once all deletes are done, or that rejects once one of them fails
Performance of this will be very similar, since Firebase pipelines the requests over a single connection. See

Meteor Blaze Subscription.ready() seems to trigger autorun.

I have now for umpteen months used this pattern for template level subscriptions in my Meteor/Blaze applications.
However, after upgrading to Meteor, I seem to have an odd bug on one of my templates.
I have this publication:
Meteor.publish('reports.byId', function(reportId){
console.log("subscribe reports.byId", reportId);
const reports = Reports.find({_id: reportId});
return reports;
I've removed any validation of user rights and have added the writes to check that I actually get data etc.
Now I'm calling this using this onCreated method:
const instance = this;
const reportId = FlowRouter.getParam("reportId");
const reportSub = instance.subscribe('reports.byId', reportId);
if (reportSub.ready()){
The odd thing is this: If I remove the check if the subscription is ready, everything works as expected. As soon as I check for the subscription readiness, the subscription is never ready and I can see via the log messages on the server that the subscriptions are requested to the tune of a few dozen times per second.
Yes, reportSub.ready() is reactive so it does trigger the autorun. Actually it's the only thing triggering your autorun. When subscription is ready it triggers autorun and then it's not ready anymore, because you've just called it again. It's a loop.
I think you should not call instance.subscribe and check for its readiness all inside the same autorun.
Since reportId is a route parameter and it's not going to change, you don't need autorun for the subscription. You would only need it if any parameter were a reactive variable that could change.
This should work just fine. Let me know how it goes.
Template.manageReport.onCreated(function() {
const instance = this;
const reportId = FlowRouter.getParam("reportId");
// Create subscription
const reportSub = instance.subscribe('reports.byId', reportId);
// Check when subscription is ready
instance.autorun(function() {
if (reportSub.ready()) {
