tmux - exit `ctrl + b` and stay observing the session - tmux

In tmux if I press ctrl + b tmux expects that I am going to type something next
how do I go back if I decide that I did not want to press ctrl + b
Also if I go forward and tell it to do something how do I go back to observing only before I even pressed ctrl + b
I have no config I just can't find (or maybe see) the default action.
I would like to just stick to the default way it is set to by the developer if possible
Thank you


How to make a message box to close the running process?

When the process is running I need a message box with "Cancel" and "Proceed" buttons:
Cancel = stop script (exit from script).
Proceed = kill the process
to continue the script.
As Stephan said Autoit does not have built-in functionality like that.
So you have three options:
adapt your script to one of the predefined ones, such as MessageBox($MB_OKCANCEL, "", "Click 'Ok' to kill process") or more relevant but with extra button: $MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE
use GuiCreate() to make your own message box
download and use someone else's code that does what you want, such as: Melba23's ExtMsgBox - those are called UDFs and are generally found on AutoIt forums
MsgBox() has some predefined button combinations (first parameter "Flag"):
0 OK
1 OK and Cancel
2 Abort, Retry, and Ignore
3 Yes, No, and Cancel
4 Yes and No
5 Retry and Cancel
6 Cancel, Try Again, Continue
$x = MsgBox(1, "Proceed?", "Want to continue?")
ConsoleWrite($x & #CRLF)
If $x = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("continuing..." & #CRLF)
If $x = 2 Then ConsoleWrite("exiting..." & #CRLF)
If you don't want to use them, you will have to build your own GUI instead.

Send future clients to right monitor in awesome?

I'm trying to implement a very customized implementation of awesome.
I have two monitors. I'd like to have my first client always open on the left monitor (a Chrome window in kiosk mode), then all clients after open up on the right monitor.
Are there any custom layouts that accomodate this?
I'd be willing to program it myself, but I'm not sure how to bind a script to some kind of "new client" event.
The new client event is the manage event. It is emitted whenever, well, a new client gets managed by awesome.
To send the first client that ever appears to screen 1 and all following ones to screen 2, you could do something like this:
local first = true
client.connect_signal("manage", function(c)
if first then
c.screen = 1
c.screen = 2
first = false

PostMessage interferes with user input

I'm trying to send key stroke to an external application in java using jna.
It sends VK_DOWN key, also that application has a shortcut for ctrl+down which makes something very different. My application sends around ~15 down key with 1 sec in between, and if user happens to click CTRL during it while working on a different window, it breaks the application(treats it as ctrl+down).
I checked the keyboard messages via Spy++, compared mine with AutoIt, they are exactly same messages.
ControlSend("window_title", "", "", "{DOWN}")
This AutoIt code works perfect, even if I click ctrl when window is active or inactive, it does not interfere with down key.
My code on the other hand:
User32.INSTANCE.PostMessage(handle, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam, lparamDown);
User32.INSTANCE.PostMessage(handle, WM_KEYUP, wparam, lparamUp);
has exactly same messages, but it doesn't work.
I tried sending control up before sending down key but to no avail.
Spy++ output:
<14335> 00011456 P WM_KEYDOWN nVirtKey:VK_DOWN cRepeat:1 ScanCode:50 fExtended:1 fAltDown:0 fRepeat:0 fUp:0
<14336> 00011456 P WM_KEYUP nVirtKey:VK_DOWN cRepeat:1 ScanCode:50 fExtended:1 fAltDown:0 fRepeat:1 fUp:1
My ctrl clicks are not even on target application so why does it treat it as such? Should I use a hook?

Example use case of tmux's "refresh-client"?

From the man page (
refresh-client [-S] [-t target-client]
(alias: refresh)
Refresh the current client if bound to a key, or a single client
if one is given with -t. If -S is specified, only update the
client's status bar.
What does it mean for a client to be bound to a key? I'm trying to think of when I may actually use this.
This is by default bound to "r" in tmux, and I'm thinking of overriding it. Could someone explain an example use case for wanting to refresh the client? Thanks.
tmux only updates the screen when there is some new content to display. If you put something like date into your status line, the date will only update when the content of the pane changes, when you change between panes, or when run refresh-client. So in that case, you could use Ctrl-b r to refresh the screen.
Alternatively, you can also set set status-interval 1 to redraw every second, but that will cause CPU usage and drain your battery.
If you don't have anything dynamic in your status line, you can safely remap the key. And if you ever need to execute refresh-client, you can still run it with tmux refresh-client.

catching change in spinbox - rtcltk

I'm creating a spinbox in R using rtcltk with:
from <- tkwidget(leftFrame, type="spinbox", from=0, to=0.1,
inc=0.001, textvariable=freqFrom,
command = function(){updatePlot()})
This works as intended (updatePlot is called) when I use the arrows of the spinbox, but does not work if I just type something in manually.
How do I catch the "value changed" event?
By default it does not change in this case in case you type in an illegle value (like deleting the last digit), or if the update is time consuming then you would not want it to update between every keystroke when typing in a 3 or 4 digit number.
You can add an update button than calls updatePlot when clicked so that the user would type in the number and when they know they are finished would click the button.
If you really want the update to occur with every keystroke then you can use the tkbind function to call updatePlot (something like tkbind(*spinbox*, "<Key>", updatePlot) where spinbox is the variable pointing to the spinbox).
