ON/OFF Switch with Push button (LTSpice & electronic test) - button

I am trying to do an ON/OFF switch to power up my MCU when user use a push button :
When the user clicks once, the MCU should light up. When the user clicks a second time, the MCU should turn off.
To do this I thought of the simplest solution, in analogue, which seems to be a flip flop D.
I did some simulations on LTspice, it seems to work, but I'm not really sure.
Simulation result
I have three questions:
Why do I get 1V and not 3V at the output of the simulation?
Does this setup seem OK in reality?
What to do with the SET & RESET pins: should I leave them unconnected or connect them to GND?

The digital components of ltspice has two only 0 and 1 (low and high). Download a library for LS and for CD series to behave more like the real components. And make symbols for them.


is there a way to do plugnplay for arduino?

First Thanks in advance.
Is there a way for an Arduino board to detect what other boards are attached (such as infrared, or servo motor etc) or simple things such as led or push buttons? Basically is there a way to do Plug N Play?
I would like to design a system using an Arduino were the user can mix and match infrared sensors, motors, led. The script would recognize what is attached to the board and respond accordingly. Currently one is forced to hard code in the script identifying what pin is attached to what. Hence if the user pulls out a servo motor and adds an infrared, then the script must be rewritten. This is what I want to avoid.
You started with
user mix and match sensors, motors, led. The script would recognize
what is attached
and later added
Arduino for model railroads, to dynamically add servos, lights and
These are not the same, narrowing the scope makes all the difference. See my comment for first option. As for building a specific model that will recognize elements, sure, this can be done in couple of ways depending on the topology you intend to implement and in that case the main concern should be:
How will elements/nodes be connected to each other and / or the main board?
If you intend to run seperate wires for each element you could identify them by dedicating one wire for ID and use a different resistor on each, That's complicated and limited and I wouldn't do that.
On the other end you could create a parallel bus that runs from node to node and can be extended as needed, it will have a small number of wires that will implement I2C for instance, and for identification but also as local drivers you would add an ATtiny on each node.

How to differentiate active and passive buzzers in Arduino?

I have an Arduino starter set, which came with both an active and a passive buzzer. Unfortunately, I can't seem to know which is which. All I know is that one is a little longer than the other one, on which I can see the green circuit board underneath.
An active buzzer generates the sound itself. You basically just turn it on or off.
A passive buzzer needs a signal source that provides the sound signal.
To find out which is which you can measure the resistance between both leads. If it is a few Ohms its the passive one, higher values indicate an active one.
Also the active one will have it's own circuitry (the pcb you can see) and will therefor be probably bigger.
But I guess your arduino package comes with a parts list that should give you all information you need?
"Programatically" speaking:
Active Buzzer: using a simple digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH) will turn the beep on, once it has a internal oscillator.
Passive Buzzer: you need to use Tone() function in order to make it beep. Once it has no internal oscillator you need to use Tone() function to create the frequency it will oscillate. Check the Tone() reference page to learn how to use it, but is quite simple, you just need to enter as parameter pin and frequency like Tone(3, 440), will generate a 440Hz on passive buzzer hooked up to pin 3.
To stop a active buzzer you need to use digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW), while with a passive buzzer you need to use noTone(passiveBuzzerPin).
How to distinguish passive buzzer and active buzzer?
There are several ways to distinguish passive buzzer and active buzzer.
The most simple method is to watch their different appearances.If you can see a drive board,it is passive buzzer.If the buzzer is completely covered by black adhesive,it is active buzzer.
They come in all shapes and sizes, so don't assume "long" means one thing or another. The passive buzzer has only a small piezo on the module's PCB. An active buzzer will have a couple other small components on the pcb, like an amp and resistor(s).
In the Freenove Arduino kit that i bought, the passive buzzer is the one with the green on the bottom and the active is the one without, and is slightly taller with varied hights of the pins
Physical distinction between the two.
Slight disclaimer first. . . the buzzers I have are from one of those 27 piece sensor kits. For me it was an extra buy from "30 Days Lost In Space". After my pieces all got mixed together, I've decided to lay them all out & know what each one does. Yours may be different
Here's what I observed. If you have the connections down and the buzzer away from you so you're looking at the back of the board There are solder points. The upper left solder point is filled on the active buzzer. note don't count the larger mounting hole on the very edge. In the photo, I've highlighted the filled solder hole on the active buzzer.
highlighted solder point on active buzzer -- left vs passive buzzer -- right
I had this same question, which led me here. The other answers were helpful in and of themselves, but I noticed the difference after testing, and hopefully someday this may help someone else who may be new, as I am now.
I've been at arduino just shy of 2 weeks.

Arduino button interrupt triggered on high power switch on

I have a nearly finished prototype using an arduino uno. Basically its purpose is to switch a 2000w main AC heating load using a heavy relay on and off. The input of the relay is comming from the mains but is connected to the power company using a special meter that is only switched on between 23-07 hrs at night. The power for the arduino is continous by the way, so this stays on.
The whole thing is nicely build into a box with on the front an small lcd display and a button, connected using 20cm wires to the arduino board (I am using a protoshield).
The button is pulled up with a 10k resistor which is pulled to ground when pressed. I have put a 0.47 uF cap on the input pin = pin 2 to also debounce the circuit a bit. In software I am using an interupt on the falling edge to detect button presses. The whole thing works nicely... Except...:
When the load ac input is switched on by the power company this is sometimes recognized as a button press! I am thinking that the suddon power spike induces a voltage in the 20 cm button wires which is recognized as a falling edge. How can I avoid this?
I am equiped with multimeter, oscilloscope, soldering... so I can try out any suggestions in detail.
I am having a similar problem building a fuel injection flow bench. The button press starts a simulated engine run sequence that powers a relay. That relay then powers up to 6 injectors. What happens is as soon as I press the button the injectors closing induces a current and trips the whole system to start over again. The solution I've found that worked was using a battery to supply voltage to the injectors as opposed to the power supply itself. This isolates the arduino supply from the injector supply via my relay. The problem is of course now I need to keep the battery charged. I'm looking for a more elegant solution.
I tried to solve this issue in hardware, but unfortunately failed.
These are the options I tried, but that did NOT work
used a shielded cable for the button
implemented an XY denoise capacitor network on the AC of the load (input)
like this one : http://www.conrad.be/ce/nl/product/450571/K042201052-Ontstoringscondensator-XY-Radiaal-bedraad-01-F-250-VAC-1-stuks?ref=searchDetail
In the end I implemented the following software solution:
The first time the button is pressed, it must be pressed 1 second before the button actually becomes active. This will never happen due to the AC turning on because this is a very brief spike. I programmed this into the arduino using interrupt to detect button press and then micro delay (inside the ISR) to check that after 1 seconds the button is still pressed.
After the initial 1 second button press, the button stays lively for 1 minute

Disable IR LED's on Leap Motion

I'm working on a project where we want to disable the three infrared LED's built into our Leap Motion controller so we can instead track an external infrared LED. We plan on determining the XYZ coordinates of this LED by applying triangulation to images pulled from our the controller's two sensors. I fear the functionality may be built into the board. Might it be possible to turn these three infared LED's off, while still being able to use the two sensors?
There's no way to turn the illuminator LEDs off through the API, config files or command line parameters. I'm not sure you need to, though. Have you tried seeing how visible your LED is under normal operating conditions? A small circle of retroreflective tape can also be used to create an easily visible dot in the sensor images.
If not, your only recourse might be to disable the LEDs physically. You would want to do that in a reversible manner, though, so that you could still recalibrate the sensors. Sparkfun did a teardown of a Leap Motion device, which shows how you might approach this task.

Arduino replace old relays

I have some old relays that controlls an hydraulic motor.
I want to control it with my Arduino. Is this possible?
The relays used are:
DIL 00 52 from klockner moeller.
this is the situation:
I have experience with the arduino but not that much about electrical schemas?
Is there someone that can help me?
Is this equipment functional now?
The part you have pictured looks like it is for an engine lathe, not a pump.
The amount of rust in the box and corrosion on the overloads and relay would make me think that it has run either outdoors, or in a corrosive environment for quite a while with the door open. Why would you run it with the door open?
Because you have to continually reset the overload and or adjust the timer, or tap on the contacts to get them to engage. Either way, this thing is a mess.
The relays you have shown will interface easily with your arduino, but I WOULD NOT replace what's in the cabinet with these.
The set up in this cabinet is for three phase power. The one on top is the main contactor, and the two side by side units are for reversing the motor. Something you don't want to do with a pump.
My advice to you is to find an electrician before going any further with the power end of this project.
it is possible but probably that relay won't fit the load.
You have to be sure to use relay that can sustain at least the same load and spike current (and voltage), or you many bad thing may happen, like melting togheder the relay contact or burn your house down.
i can't see the code on the relay in the second picture, neiter you had given the load information, so i can't help you more.
