Link sharing shows javascript codes with my wordpress website's name - wordpress

My site's name is akiveb and i am a designer. Whenever i try to share my sites link on social networking or whattsapp. A wierd javascript code shows alongside
I tried searching for a solution and till now all I can manage is that it can be a malicious attack
Thank you to whoever choses to help


A completely different site load under my domain while my main site is working fine

I'm a real newbie in this world.
I just recovered from a serious attack, and I'm trying do things right at this time.
recently I made a quick Google search for my site and I found this page:
The problem is, my main site is a simple blog, so I do not sell anything, and obviously this link loads a completely different site from mine.
And this not the only suspicious site, which has link with my own domain while my main sites and pages loads on as usual.
Cloudflare shows many different links on firewall the request come from Russian federation, the strange thing is the other links what they trying to reach working to (Meanwhile I block all request from Russia, Singapore).
I don't understand this. I don't have this sites, on my ftp server, I don't have this site on my database.
Also I asked my hosting provider about this incident, they said my domain is registered and completely fine.
I'm using WordPress.
What's the next step?
How to remove this site from my domain?
I really would like to close all the backdoors.
Based on my inspections, I found the malware, which php code is this:
Its around 3000 lines, so I rather not paste in here, but you can view on the link.
Based on the code, do I need search more files on my ftp?

Lighthouse Audit says, "Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe" and shows some URL which doesn't exist in my theme. How to fix them?

I was auditing my website using Lighthouse audit by Google. In the portion of "Best Practices", it shows 3 errors, out of them there is one error I want to know more and its solution. This image ""
is attached. It shows some share URLs (means any share button below the post which we see usually on every website) but my WordPress theme doesn't have any share option in any post. But when I point on each of them they show to go twitter, facebook, pinterest, etc. How can I access these URLs (Add rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to any external links to improve performance and prevent security vulnerabilities) to rectify my website? Obviously, those websites are not my property. But the URL shows this. How to find this URL on my website and how to rectify this issue by using the recommendation given in this audit.
PS: I am using the theme, "writing". I am not using any plugin which is related to social share.

Why can I share one URL on LinkedIn but not another?

I have 2 identical pages on my website. On can be shared on LinkedIn with photo etc., while the other cannot. The Open Graph checks are identical apart from the URL.
The page that can be shared with photo and text is:
The other one, that doesn't show photo is:
I don't see any differences in The Open Graph checks
Please help
YES! I found out where the problem was after a loooong structured analysis. As we own a webhosting company too ( we have full access to everything.
Compared php settings with a site that can share and synchonised them. problem persisted
Tried with a default theme and plugins disables in the health check. problem persisted
Checked permission on all files and compared them with a site that can share on linkedin. no difference
Started to look at individual plugins. Bingo
On my wordpress installation, the plugin "StopBadBots" makes all the fuss. Once I disabled it everything worked fine.
Now I can watch the football worldcup final with peace tonight and hopefully see my country (France) win

Website not posting to Facebook: security & app id issues

I'm a new WordPress designer. My site runs Tesseract Theme and is built with Beaver Builder.
PROBLEM: When I post my website ( on Facebook it removed my site after a couple minutes. Now when I try to post my site it gives me this message--> It looks like a link you're sharing might be unsafe. If you can, please remove this link: Note: The unsafe link might be on the page you’re linking to.
What I've done to try and resolve:
When I ran my site through the Facebook debugger I got this message:
The 'fb:app_id' property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.
I created an app id following this instructional video:
I pasted my app id into my Yoast SEO plugin under the Facebook category.
Check my Google Webmaster Tools Sitemap...all is verified and sitemap set.
SSL certificate is set - checked with my hosting company SiteGround. When I asked them about this problem they didn't really feel that the security issues where from their side.
I've reported this problem to the black hole that is Facebook support.
Thank you for any insight.
In case anyone sees this thread, I found the solution.
When I moved my WordPress sites to managed WordPress hosting I also migrated my websites to https with the SSL certificates. While the pages were migrated and displaying the https just fine, the images still held their old url (http).
I did two things:
I installed SSL Content Fixer plugin. This worked for some images but not others.
I installed Better Search Replace plugin. I had found the specific insecure images using Firefox. From my page in Firefox, I went to:
Tools -> Page Info -> Media This showed me every image/js/css call on this page. Finding these images allowed me to use the plugin to make the changes.
It worked. I'm quite sure knowing how to code my site would be much better in this situation. But I'm a newbie and this is what I could come up with.
What I learned: It's a flag when you have a secure site that embeds non secure objects/images.

how do I test a facebook feed plugin on a website under development on localhost

I am building a website for a friend. I am using WordPress and doing the work on a localhost. My friend wants a Facebook feed. I have a plugin I like. I signed up as a test user on Facebook but because it's a test user and not a real user on a live site I can't get the plugin to work. I now understand that I am doing the wrong thing trying to use a test user Facebook page to give content to the plugin but I don't know what the right way is. Please tell me the correct way to use "dummy" Facebook content to test a Wordpress plugin on a non-live site. I will delete my test user as soon as I know the correct way. I'm working very hard to learn how to develop websites and how to correctly use Wordpress. I am also researching this on the Wordpress forum and on Google but I also need expert advice. Thank you.
